>the most liked scene in rogue one: darth vader swinging his lightsaber
>the least liked scene in rogue one: everything else
is it this easy to make a popular star wars film?
>the most liked scene in rogue one: darth vader swinging his lightsaber
>the least liked scene in rogue one: everything else
is it this easy to make a popular star wars film?
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Duh. The light saber is the definition of Star Wars. If you take that out, you have a shitty movie.
It's why that Han movie is going to be terrible.
A film/series about Vader from his comic adventures would be incredible.
vader scene is pleb filter. the whole movie was based.
Why is there a guy in the ceiling?
The force.
Saved you $15 by the way.
I want to know how I can do my part to make this reality.
And get James Earl Jones on board to voice Vader for the entire thing.
All the light saber, Jedi, and space magic stuff is the worst part about Star Wars
When Vader turned on the lightsaber I literally could feel the heat glowing onto my skin and I could smell the smoke of the environment.
I had shivers the entire scene.
Truly immersive.
Nice minority opinion
Lmao. The only reason that scene was awesome was that it contrasted the grounded action of the rest of the film.
Put it in any other Star Wars film and it would be meh.
Don't believe me? Then I shall remind you: we've already seen Vader slaughter people wholesale with his lightsaber.
that wasn't cool vader though, that was edgy emo vader
What if everyone aims at different parts of his body and fire their blasters at the same time.
Because the new characters were fucking shit and they were ultimately pointless anyways. The Vader scene was some nice high-quality fanservice which heavily contrasted with all the other crap the film tried to force down the audience's throats.
Post another action scene, user. But this time, something good.
>grounded action
you mean the buddhist monk beating people in armor to death with a stick, the guy with an aimbot and the 80 pound girl action hero?
That you also see in other movies.
You don't often see telekenetic faggots with laser swords in other movies, do you?
The whole sequence was fucking amazing, don't pretend you didn't get goosebumps.
>no sound
thats half the scene
It was a great scene but plebs say it's the only good scene
>not posting the full scene
Just got back from Rogue One.
Imo there were too many characters and they jumped around too much.
There were some gorgeous shots but it seemed like no cut lasted longer than 2-3 seconds.
Overall I preferred TFA but it's close. This film was too busy while episode 7 had too many shoehorned in old people.
Are you fucking joking? Holy shit, I mean I knew George Lucas was a horrible director but it really shines here in comparison to a newbie's version of a Vader slaughter like Gareth's.
Why couldn't they get other directors for the prequels like in the OG trilogy?
why would vader use his sabre on these nobodies
he could just kill them all straight away with the force. why dick around.
could it be because star wars nerds want to watch glowsticks?
>Luke, did I ever tell you that almost everyone in the galaxy has an annoying accent just like I do? They're good friends, too bad they're all dead now lmao
For fun? He do nothing except sleeping in a bacta tank all the time.
I agree with this, it also took too long for the movie to get going, first half was boring as fuck
Lucas was angry a suit stooge studio guy made the best one with Empire, he's always been bitter about that
why don't we just get a film with vader going around the galaxy killing rebels and hunting down remaining jedi
And get some real insight into his dark past that doesn't amount to angsty teenage rage
Too dark for children.
Vader solo movie of him hunting down and killing jedi when?
He probably still wouldn't really care
People forget that Vader is basically Jason Voorhees in space
We're on Sup Forums, this is not a sound board.
the whole movie was fucking horrible filled with forced latinos, muslims, niggers and women. 0/10
Disney doesn't care what we think
I couldn't care less about Darth Vader at this point. They could've just taken him out of the film completely and I'd still have loved it just as much.
>Suggesting an idea to redeem this shitty franchise is shilling
Is it your first day here or something?
hi jorge
I read somewhere it was because Lucas was supposedly blacklisted for breaking some stupid film rule shit, and that no director wanted to work with him, including Spielberg, who did want to direct one but was not allowed to/did not want to hurt his career.
Is there any truth to this?
This would be good for a Force Unleashed style videogame, except with a story that doesn't suck dick and unlimited force energy (there's better ways to add difficulty to the game than putting the cool features on a timer)
Wait... what's supposed to be cool about Vader slaughtering a bunch of fodder in goofy helmets?
>George Lucas is credited with popularizing this with his Star Wars films which display only the film's title at the start.[1] His decision to omit opening credits in his films Star Wars (1977) and The Empire Strikes Back (1980) led him to resign from the Directors Guild of America after being fined $250,000 for not crediting the director during the opening title sequence.
It had been done before that but that's what happened with George
Infact you do.
We get telekentic faggots with swords, teleknetic burgerbros with magical shields, magical telekmagic cumbersnatches with eggs.
Shits in every movie bruh.