Why do people lie?
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it was gaben
He probably got too drunk made an ass for himself and came up with this lie
He reported it to the police and had a drug test right?
Don't steal other people drinks
>things that never happened
Yeah, because that group is full of pussies.
>beta numale can't handle his alcohol and thinks he was drugged
Wow, I sure hope this proud numale reported this to the police.
I mean
If he didn't at least report this to security so they could file a police report, that would mean he was complicit to the crime of someone spiking other people's drinks with illicit drugs.
Surely, he did his civic duty if it bothered him so much, right? We can go look up the police report tomorrow, even!
Faggot just wanted to get drugged up, some of his coworkers got wind of it, he realized it, panicked, made up a shitty story so his employee wouldn't fuck him over.
no one's asking the real question here
did the rapist say 'fuck it' and take his boypucci anyway?
>blue hair
Tumblrinas are notorious for their lies about men. Not surprised.
>Could have dogpiled him and turned his supporters against him by accusing him of supporting rape culture by not trying to get the perpetrator caught
>Instead just laughed at him and called him a liar, causing he and his kind to dig their heels in
Ya dun goofed.
Why is it these people never report any of this to police?
She reported this incident too, right? I mean, someone trying to grab girls (I assume xhe is a girl, but that's because I'm a shitlord that needs to check my privilege) certainly is important enough to file a police report about the person who is attempting to kidnap people from E3.
Unless, you know, she didn't and he's still out there kidnapping women and burying their bodies in the woods. She would be very complicit if she decided not to file a police report.
>everyone watches videogames
>nobody pays attention to SJW's
every time
I may be a fuck up. But at least I'm not a gamer. You vidya playing fags have been looking like retards since 2012.
If that was the case the guy in OPs pic would have bled out in a matter of minutes after having Gaben's monstrous dick plunged into his ass.
>I- I was GOING to file a police report, but it was too stressful.
>I mean, sure, that same driver could be out there kidnapping other women and killing them, but it's too stressful! You wouldn't understand!
>Surely I then reported this truth to the rightful authorities.
>Muh women
does he even think maybe a gay dude wanted to butt fuck him i mean its 2016.
when will men stop being oppressed?
So this chick is letting a kidnapper go out and a bout without a single concern for another person's safety?
They sell booze at E3?
Yeah, he admitted to taking someone else's drink. He should tell the girl in question because that would benefit her well-being.
These rumors are empty and baseless.
>moron gets blackout drunk and does dumb shit
>Got drugged senseless.
>Was able to make it all the way up to my hotel room without any problem
Pick one.
it was also on planet earth. i guess its the whole planets fault
Poor guy
>responsibility isn't on me even though I am an eyewitness to a federal offense and a felony
The fucking backflipping occurring here.
Has someone pointed this out to him? That if said hypothetical person actually does end up raping someone, then he is indirectly responsible for not reporting it?
>What is burden of proof.
they've been looking like fags since the 80s
are you some shill left over from gamer gate?
your social engineering wont work
>wild (((powers)))
role-playing stories of trauma. it is 2016 after all.
>Be faggot lightweight
>Get shitfaced on girly drinks and blackout
>Think you were drugged
inb4 the real story is she bailed on the bill for a cab.
>going to E3
I'm a geekdorknerd and I have no desire to associate with the losers who attend gaming events.
Because the police would take ten seconds questioning the other guests and realize they're full of shit.
Then book them on filing false police reports.
Fortunately there is no crime in submitting false twitter reports.
What do you expect when the code of conduct doesn't explicitly forbid drugging party guests?
what videogames?
you mean that kojima movie?
I'm actually Anita. Donate money to me or you're a rapist.
>i swear i'm not gay, i was drugged ! DRUGGED !
>Get drunk
>Steal a girls drink
>Get wasted
>Probably do something embarrassing or can't remember what you did
>Claim the harmless video game nerds at E3 drugged you to kidnap you and indoctrinate you into their patriarchy rape club
>Provide no drug test for evidence and don't report it to the police because an ambiguous twitter post is always the best way to handle serious claims like this
Twitter was a mistake
>Blame the industry for the fault of an individual
>attempted rape at a gaming event
>actual muslim gang rapes
>"we can't blame all of them on the actions of a few"
liberals need to be gassed
Hey here's a weird question
What timeframe did this take place?
Because look at his twitter timeline
THIS happened one night before the tweets about the drugging. On the same night as the drugging
This was one hour after that:
Didn't seem drugged there.
Then, flash forward to the morning:
This was his first tweet after waking up on his bathroom floor:
That's not exactly what I would think someone would tweet if they woke up on their bathroom floor feeling like shit after throwing up all night.
Then, one hour after that:
First tweet about the drugging.
So, again, what timeframe did this happen? Was he drugged at the big barbecue with his friends? Did he hit up a night-club at midnight, but was only drugged for about the same amount of time it would take to get an 8-hour sleep?
Did he even know he was drugged? If so, why was his first response in the morning to make a stupid joke on his twitter?
I just don't get the timeline here.
>Be a nu-male
>Can't handle alcohol even though all you talk about is your shitty craft beers
>Get drunk as fuck
>Make an ass out of yourself
>Hurr durr I got drugged
>gets shitfaced from one bud light like a typical numale millenial faggot
>assumes his drink was roofied by the patriarchy
>at a fucking gaming convention
WW3 can't come soon enough
Why do so many people love that faggy "look Im animated!" shit for their picture?
Can you believe this cock block. What a dick move. No only that but you stole some chick's drink apparently.
>she didn't want her drink so I poured it into mine
What? I've literally never seen someone do this in my life. Who wouldn't just drink it from that glass rather than pouring it into your own?
>i was drugged
>i better go to twitter and not let the police know
Why do people lie? It isn't only because they struggle against each other! It's also because there is something that they're seeking.You now want a world without change. How stagnant! You can hardly call it life, the same as a world of memories. Just a world that's closed and completed...that's a place I wouldn't want to live in.
And furthermore, how can he not know which party this took place at as per this post
How many parties did he attend from the time he left the barbecue to the time he woke up on the bathroom floor in the morning?
Couldn't be more than one or two.
"Someone tried to rape me, am I a girl yet?"
A hover-hand faggot would do that
A friend of mine got drugged at a party
If we weren't there he would probably be buttfucked lol
he had to overnight in a hospital
>doesn't report this "creep"
>he goes on to rape countless women
He said he doesn't know when it happened but
He says here exactly when it happened?
Can someone call this moron out.
>nu-male can't handle 2 drinks
guys i was drugged!
he wants to get laid
what does bud light taste like?
beer water
I'm not kidding. Take your lightest, airiest lager, mix it like this: 1/2 beer, 1/4 water, 1/4 club soda
bam you got bud light
are you fucking kidding me? why would anyone drink that?
>no drug test
>no police report
>no drug tests from all the other people who purportedly claimed to be drugged
>no police report
>no police report after being kidnapped because muh stress
I guess that makes him an "industry person" then. Good to know this Will guy is not only capable of stealing drinks but also put drugs in other people's drinks to date rape them. He should turn himself in to the nearest correctional facility.
How much alcohol does the standard drink in USA contain? I can definitly see some nu-male who isn't used to alcohol getting fucked up from two drinks if he also had something before that.
Sorry, that tweet is written in Numale. Allow me to translate to English:
>I can't handle myself after drinking strawberry margaritas and I act like a fag at bars.
Dr Burgess said: "Our findings suggest guarding against drink spiking has also become a way for women to negotiate how to watch out for each other in an environment where they might well lose control from alcohol consumption."
Co-researcher Dr Sarah Moore said: "We would be very interested in finding out whether the urban myth of spiking is also the result of parents feeling unable to discuss with their adult daughters how to manage drinking and sex and representing their anxieties about this through discussion of drink spiking risks."
Nick Ross, chair of the Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science, commented: "There is no evidence of widespread use of hypnotics in sexual assault, let alone Rohypnol, despite many attempts to prove the contrary.
"During thousands of blood and alcohol tests lots of judgement-impairing compounds were discovered, but they were mostly street drugs or prescription pharmaceuticals taken by the victims themselves, and above all alcohol was the common theme."
Its a tranny too if im not mistaken
it's cheap. it's MURRICAN (i know it's not but americans who drink bud are retarded).
>Responsibility lies with a vague, undefinable group of people that doesn't include me
lefties in a nutshell
I'll be working for 2 months in the USA starting in August. Any chance to get some german beer?
What's best MURRICAN beer then?
Yellow water. Rednecks drink the shit out of it for whatever reason. I'm not sure why because it isn't even that cheap even though it's trash beer.
>inb4 hipster faggot
just get a beer from a local brewery or microbrewery. in colorado we have prost brewing which brews in german style
that or sam adams. sam adams is about the only major american beer company worth a shit, imo
Not drinking alcohol in the first place is a pretty good defense against rape. If you need it to socialize, then you're probably a terrible person that deserves to be raped.
>If you need to socialize, then you're probably a terrible person that deserves to be raped.
I work in an emergency department so see this shit so often.
People who can't handle their drink then say "I must have been spiked". When they sober up and we offer to call the police they always refuse.
Kek quality bantz for a yank
So they just make shit now to support their reality distortion field huh?
If are beverage warehouse type places that carry beer from everywhere and microbrew bullshit. Every city has at least a couple places like that.
im sure you can find good beer if you shop around.
things like bud light are just typical retard drinks for football fans, nascar fans, and rednecks.
E3 wasn't all that interesting so people have to make shit up.
>blames the entire video game industry
Fucking cuck, one's actions whether it happened or not (it probs didn't he was probably just a lightweight fag) does NOT represent the actions of an entire industry's worth of people.
Fuck these people, I hate these attention seeking leeches upon the industry who serve to discredit the people who work in it because it's an easy target.
If you're gonna blame industries, at least blame Hollywood, I'd at least MAYBE believe your story since it does happen.
Unless you have proof this is a common occurrence instead of just TELLING PEOPLE ON FUCKING TWITTER RATHER THAN REPORTING TO THE POLICE.
You're fucking lying.
one standard drink is about 5% alcohol in a 355mL beer or a 1oz shot of 40% alcohol hard liquor
>gets free drugs
>doesn't OD from them
>manages to make it home
>complains about it
Fucking millennials.
the fact this takes place at a gaming convention is hilarious enough. like some stranger was planning to rape his friend and carry her out the building when the "drugs that made me pass out" kicked in.
hilarious the thoughts that go through these faggots heads
>acceptance developer