Other urls found in this thread:
what is pols opinion on "soccer banter" sometimes falsly called hooliganism?
french """firefighters"""" confirmed worse than Trudeau's firefighters
fun in the sun. summer 2016
chech out the other dumbass in lower right using his leg to put out the fire
Why are you starting fires if you're winning?
The worlds envies fucktards with flares, well done
>Top of the line security
>eastern europeans in charge with decency and good sportsmanship
This desu
Could have already been out of groups you stupid cunts
>white niggers trying to justify their chimpouts
proof that slavs act worse than most non whites
Why did this get so much attention? I barely watch soccer and even ive seen this before.
Its been a couple years but around Brazil world cup era i remember BRIGHT red flares
they had to play qualifiers in an empty stadium because of prior incidents
I had a croatian P.E. teacher.
Guy had PTSD for real, would randomly explode in class
You guys had it bad in the wars I guess
Sorry, can you clarify? I thought they were in qualifiers now. Are they playing the rest with empty stadiums?
It's fucking nigger-level garbage. Any white person who participates in it should be hung alongside their ape brethren.
Nothing to do with being Croatian: all PE teachers are closeted paedophiles. Those moments were just him catching a glimpse of his own dark soul.
Did he randomly brag about slaughtering civvies?
>eastern european
good meem
You have to play qualifier games to get into the tournament. In one game someone imprinted a swastika onto the pitch before the game so they were disciplined for that.
all yugoniggers are eastern euros
Hooligans are the niggers of the white race
They totally compromised a match already won, my compliments well done.
Yeah, whatever, Mr. Geography.
Eastern Europe is anything to the east of Berlin.
Depends on the point of view, according to UNSD Croatia is Southern Europe:
Are you trying to defend burger geography?
Pathetic m8... Cold war is already over.
Ranking all the serbs:
>republika srpska
>lika serbs living in vojvodina
>sandzak turks
>croats, mountain negros
Hooligan Fans from a croatian football club wanted to disqualify croatia because they think the process of selecting the players for the national team is biased towards their rival football club.
Or something like that
It was announced 10 days ago that something like this would happen.
there's no need to be upset guy
it's called balkanization
ex-yugo slavs are scrubs
>inb4 #NotAll...
fuck off cunts
this šbabo mad, kek
top kek