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youtube.com/watch?v=45d8kn5hApg Reminder how glorious the pissed off fan girl reaction was to Capaldi's announcement.


Really ashamed in you Immigrant, I thought you were better than this.

There's nothing bad about my beliefs. They're just different to yours.

I guess the "blacks are homophobic" meme is true, I mean if anyone was going to be okay with gays you'd think a nerdy Doctor Who fan would be.

Unless it's a fake Immigrant.

one of the protagonists is a guy in a latex cat suit, dude. you know, the one you were gonna write about?

The trips don't match up, but the typing styles do. He's probably changed it again, the silly goose.

Can confirm.
There's nothing inherently gay about latex cat suits. Stop projecting.

>There's nothing inherently gay about latex cat suits. Stop projecting.

this has to be a fake Immigrant.

I have a friend who was a soldier in IRAQ and he suffers from PTSD he said that Christopher Eccleston portrays a former soldiers suffering from PTSD ''spot on''.

>There's nothing bad about my beliefs. They're just different to yours.
Yes there is lol. It's exactly the same as if someone said they weren't comfortable with the idea of you dating a white woman and didn't support it, and then when being called out on being racist they just go "my beliefs are valid too uwu"

Why? Am I not allowed to have controversial opinions?

Apologies if it's really you, but until you confirm it with one of your previous trips I think I'm going to assume we're being rused.
A few of these posts suggest to me that Gallifrey Immigrant isn't uncomfortable with men having gay relationships.

so all you have to do to get a woman is silently do everything she needs for years and years and hope she realizes you care instead of ditching you for someone else?

I bet immigrant doesn't even hug his friends

I've just avoided the issue and pretended to support it for a while now. A lot of you guys are really supportive of the gays and I didn't want you to dislike me.

As I said last thread, my phone doesn't save the name field on Sup Forums. When I change my trip it's usually because I've had a big break and forgotten my old one, like now. Sorry though, I can understand if you think I'm fake.

>nothing inherently gay about latex cat suits

Gallifrey_Immigrant? more like GAY immigrant!

As long as your personal opinions don't carry over into enacting physical attacks in real life, who gives a fuck what you do or don't agree with

you honestly think the homophobe that spends his time writing doctor who fanfic has friends?

>Gallifrey_Immigrant? more like GAY immigrant!

your philosophy is fucking terrible, I would be really embarrassed if I said something like this

why should it matter what you think in the confines of your own mind, if it doesn't have any impact on other people?
Even if GI is uncomfortable with gays, that doesn't impact gay people in any way. It's not like he's going out and trying to beat the gay out of them

Wait, I just realized that the trip that was a "typo" of the new j34 trip was also used consistently for a couple of days in October.

Now I'm just confused. Whatever, I'm tired of playing trip detective. Time will tell if it's really Immigrant. Also I basically agree with these

Damn, you figured me out. And I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling memers.

because it does have an impact on other people, you idiot. gay people aren't killed/beaten just because a few individuals feel like doing it, it's because those individuals are emboldened by a society that supports their anti-gay beliefs. these things wouldn't happen, at least not on the scale that they do, without people like gayllifrey_immigrant.

>Also I basically agree with these
you agree that the only way to cause harm is through physical violence and that there's no such thing as a bad thought? are you 12?

I'm doing it, guys.
I'm going to make an analysis video about Class. I just finished making looping tracks of the theme for background noise.
What specific aspects do you want me to cover?
How many /who/ memes should I fill it with

>I'm going to make an analysis video about Class.
why torture yourself?

Oh. lol

So save your malice for the people who actually do publicly assault gay people (either physically or verbally), not those who privately hold opinions and understand the concept of respectful disagreement

>There's nothing inherently gay about latex cat suits
If it's a man wearing it I'm not sure how it could be seen anything but gay desu senpaitachi. Straight men don't go about gallivanting in latex attire, aside from maybe gloves and condoms.
The way out of the friendzone is fraught with many pitfalls and other perils. As you can see she had to run thru guys before she realized what she had at home.IME the more like objects you treat them the better off you are, at least initially, there's surely exceptions. I treated mine like I would any other person(barely tolerating) and it seemed to work out for me.
El gato strikes again.

I've been meaning to try doing a series like this for a while now, and Class has enough for me to ramble about to at least make it entertaining. Or maybe masochism gets me off. Who knows.

have you done analysis videos before?
please for the love of fuck don't try to be wacky

>Damn, you figured me out.
Oh yeah, I actually didn't read the other posts with that trip but looking at it now, I guess I found the smoking gun. kek.

But Immigrant is a nice guy, I doubt he'd so much as say a rude word to a homosex even if he they made him uncomfortable. But it's a moot point now.

Yeah. You don't remember the time "Immigrant" declared his love for futas?

why? why can I only have malice towards the extremists and not towards all who hold harmful views?

I swear I'm the only one disturbed by the fact that we have a middle-aged man who regularly visits our threads and says shit like you should treat women as objects.

I remember when we all thought you killed yourself and were worried, but the more you reveal about your personality the less tragic that outcome seems.

Because then you'd hate everyone.

Not in videos, no. But I pretty much do nothing but analyse and talk about movies all day anyway.
I won't rip off Plinkett, because only Plinkett can make the Plinkett formula work, and I promise not to be wacky.
I'll be funny, not goofy. And there will be plenty more actual points being made than jokes (hopefully)

>IME the more like objects you treat [women] the better off you are, at least initially

Okay, what the fuck Cloi? I had to check if this was a fake trip too

>cloi is redpilled
>fake immigrant hates gay people

What next? Wanderer is a racist? Cats is a transphobe?

I'm not saying you can't - I have zero control over you or your opinions
I'm saying that my opinion is that holding malice towards those who peacefully think differently to you is unjustified. If they do not hold a level of contempt that compels them to actively attack the people they disagree with, you shouldn't either.

I am what I am, Anons. It's just my viewed experience. Like you've never witnessed a girl get treated like shit and seemingly love the guy all the more for it. I never said it worked for me.

just watched christmas special, what'd you guys think?

>peacefully think differently to you
That's not what's happening. You can't "peacefully" hold racist or homophobic views. They are violent by definition, and just because you're not roaming the streets assaulting people doesn't mean your beliefs aren't contributing to harm.

Your "don't fight hate with hate uwu" philosophy is juvenile. You're like the cliche villain that says "If you kill me, you'll be as bad as me" lol

inoffensive silly fun
wish ghost didn't appear on the news because they never cover the implications of a superhero existing and being public knowledge to the whole world in doctor who

Anyone have the bingo sheet? I missed it.

I assume this is some lewis carrol thing, but I've never asked what this means exactly.
Loved it. 12 and Nardole a GOAT. Goku/jimmy/steve was alright. His batman voice was over the top, but pretty funny.

>You can't "peacefully" hold racist or homophobic views
except you literally can if you never attack people over it

>They are violent by definition
That's a very strange definition you have

>just because you're not roaming the streets assaulting people doesn't mean your beliefs aren't contributing to harm.
If you don't actively encourage the people causing the harm (and don't make yourself known to them), you are literally not contributing at all

Your rhetoric is meaningless

>Your "don't fight hate with hate uwu" philosophy is juvenile.

I find it difficult to take your tone of superiority seriously when your philosophy is "fight opinions that aren't mine with hate"





I eat fries tyvm

>The different colors of the new Sonic don't mean anything
I'm probably the only person who cares about this, but I was disappointed. I thought the green was for scanning/biological stuff, and blue was technology. This was even the case in Class. But he only ever used the green in RoDM.

maybe at this point they just like the green light better

I shouldn't've gotten my hopes up for some consistency in something so largely inconsequential.

the new sonic's color palette is fucking ugly

I heard that Hartnell made sure he was consistent with which TARDIS controls did what. I wonder if anyone has done that since?

how are lasers meant to screwdrive?

I find the colors less offensive than the over machined design.

The only thing that's kind of neat is how the light pole is somewhat reminiscent of the metal part of an actual screwdriver
but 11's screwdriver is overall a much nicer design

I guess it kinda looks a bit like a cross or phillips head, but the brackets on the handle makes my autism flare up.

It is a touch on the busy side, but I like that it looks like a tool. And the toy is nice to just hold. The grip works deceptively well.

Twelve's basically got it down to just pulling a switch now. Simplicity.

Same way it can magically age people without killing them.
Why didn't they just say it was a modified tissue compressor it would have made a LITTLE more sense


He's one of the greats, he really is.

Why didn't Lucy recognise Grant? And is he really just going to let kids die in house fires now that he's retired?

Clark Kent effect. It's actually a thing in forensic science; there's just enough of a disconnect in your brain for you to not make the connection. If something as simple as posture and a pair of glasses can trick you, his mask and hair will too. It sounds moronic, but there's at least some validity to it.
Also yeah, dead kids.

>And is he really just going to let kids die in house fires now that he's retired?
You could be doing more than you are to save children's lives; everyone has to draw the "not my problem" line somewhere.

>/who/ likes this when it's plagiarized pertwee
>if smith did this they'd be shitting themselves
Really makes me think.

>plagiarized pertwee

old tall guy with a magician's cape who likes technology

So nothing about that particular scene?

It wouldn't have been in character for Eleven to have done that.
This is exactly something Twelve would do and Capaldi can make the smallest action funny as hell.
Three wouldn't have been so casual about it either, for the record.


/who/ fetishizes Capaldi, I'm saying had it been Smith or tennant that did this they'd call it out for the bullshit it is. There is no logical way the sonic screwdriver could have done that, at the most it could have detonated the powder and fired the bullet, but that would just have ended up with the Doctor shot. What is supposed to have happened here? The sonic screwdriver blows stuff up now?

>detonated the powder and fired the bullet
Look closely, it's a sci fi gun. It probably depends on some electronic mechanism the sonic messed with.

I always interpret is as it just electrifies the surface for a second, making them drop it. It's been doing that for a while now; it's nothing new.

You can take that shit to /k/, it's a real gun.

Electricity wouldn't cause it to blow up and even if it did it would have blown his hand off. Instead it falls out of his hand and then bursts into flames a second later, which doesn't make any sense.

>There is no logical way the sonic screwdriver could have done that

>there is no logical way the scifi magic wand could have made the scifi alien gun spark up

It's 100% a sci-fi gun.
is right, he fucked with the inner workings and maybe the impact of the drop made it explode.

>t's a real gun.
It looks like a toy.

>there is no difference between sci-fi and fantasy
*flies in on a dragon and raises an undead army*

>doesn't even have a trigger

>raises an undead army
The Master did that two years ago

At what point did bringing up fantasy become relevant to the argument?

Both of those things have been in Doctor Who, also the Doctor is literally Merlin.

With science!

>i know this is impossible for men but try not to be an idiot xDxD
When did Doctor Who die?

2005 when he started calling Mickey a stupid ape, I guess

What was wrong with that?

It will get better once Moffat and his insecurities are away from the show.

Tell me, for the sake of curiosity, were you as triggered by this joke?

AMY: I don't understand, okay? One minute she's going to marry you and then she's going to kill you.
DOCTOR: Ah, well, she's been brainwashed. It all makes sense to her. Plus, she's a woman.

>try not to be an idiot
>stupid ape
Same basic thing (I don't really see either as a problem desu, just a hyperadvanced alien getting rude)

I'm not triggered. It's just not funny. It's clunky and out of place and Eleven even admits to it in literally the next line.
Same goes for the men being idiots line which, by the way, is the same joke over and over and doesn't get any better each time they use it. "Oh, those nutty dudes. Aren't they cuh-razy? Wink wink."

One is delimiting all humans as retards, the other is saying men re retards and women are le beautiful snowflakes.

Just a bit of banter.

this wasn't even a feminist joke
it's common banter than men are all idiots when it comes to women and women are the "better half"


Maybe this was explained and I'm just dumb but who was really watching the baby when Lucy and Grant were having dinner and the Doctor and Nardole were doing their thing?

No one. Grant implied he would just do both, but it never really comes up at all after that. She was probably just fine and asleep the entire time.

grant left the baby alone

lmao Cloister is a "nice guy"

Really? It's just weird, because earlier in the Doctor said that no man worthy of the title ever leaves a baby alone. I guess Grant didn't take the advice to heart.

Moral of the story, it's okay to leave infants unsupervised I guess.