Why doesn't Argentina just buy the Falklands from the British

why doesn't Argentina just buy the Falklands from the British

3,000 Falkanders each is bought out for £1 million pounds

that's £3 billion pounds ($4.3 billion)

also you give the UK government £5 billion ($6.3 billion)

so all and all Falkanders and UK make some money and Argentina get's it shitty Isla Malvinas

The Falklands are eternally British clay, Argentina is just going to have to be butthurt forever.

Because its a memento of our lost empire. When we fell after the wars and lost everything, countries poured out of the woodwork trying to take our scraps. Our defence of the islands was the symbol the British never give up.

british population would be over 50% if you had kept the african colonies

>implying Argentina has money

Because the Falklanders don't want to leave and don't want to be annexed by an incompetent Argentina when they have almost total autonomy under the UK.

guess you missed the part they each get a million pounds and have to fuck off back to the UK or somewhere else.

doesn't sound like a bad deal. either it's that or shagging sheeps forever

No, because we'd stop the chimps being dumb enough to have 12 kids. Africa was a nice place to live before it's 'liberation'

Iron born pay the iron price, not gold

Im kind of doubtful a strong british precence in africa would have prevented the rest of africa from going to shit

You would be dealing with a constant mass immigration to those areas

Well, divide up between us and the frogs.

Private bidders (burgerJew+gov) would drive the price sky high, God ain't making more land down there

> spend North Sea oil on nuclear submarine
> don't use them in the only war in the same government in which they were built
Thatcher was a fucking insane cunt, far worse than Julia Gillard. The war was as pointless as paying filthy Falklanders for anything

Because why would the British give a bunch of argies islands that cost billions to recapture and garrison when they get an EEZ full of fish and oil.

Plus the melanin enriched people of the River Plate remain butthurt

Gillard was the worst PM in the history of Australia. Thatcher is the best British PM in the post war era, cunt.

> spend North Sea oil on nuclear submarine
What is the problem here? You would rather the UK just cuck it up like the rest of europe and embrace that uncomfortable hug from uncle sammy jew?
>inb4 france Charles is long gone

I don't know, why didn't Russia give Ukraine some financial compensation after annexing Crimea and avoid creating a conflict between the two countries that destroyed both of them?

Because people make bad decisions

>why didn't Russia give Ukraine some financial compensation after annexing Crimea
Can you be any more of a fucking faggot? Might makes right. Totally no president

>Might makes right.
Your logic is like a nigger's.

Might does not make right, you would wet your vagina if you ever had to face a world where "might makes right" was a universally supported concept.

There is no point creating conflict, ever, not between two countires so similar it is unnatural for them to be anything but allies. But Putin is a nigger just like you. Instead of peacefully seizing Crimea, keeping secure ties with Ukraine, and making the Ukrainian government look like sellouts to their own people, he only drove their popularity with his aggression.

When will you learn true diplomacy and business.

Fuck, I was meant to reply to this cuck

>When will you learn true diplomacy and business.
>t. a country that lost Empire
Now the west is left with 1 sq mile +- of london jew banks, thanks faggots

>implying we really care anymore
>implying we have the cash
Let the british desperately hold on to the memories of thier dying empire,

t. a country that never had an empire and needed help to put out a fire

falklands had referendum about their nationality. they wanted to stay with britain and that should be the end of the discussion.
if the argentinians want the islands so bad they should try to invade again.

the brits where planning to "sell" of the islands because keeping them was costing loads of money and they depended on the argies for supplies anyway.
But the war put an end to that. It went from being a practical problem to an issue of national pride and identitiy

You moron, establishing rule is done far better by making the other person want to do what you say.

Come on, Argentinabro, they'll be one of the last remaining British people on Earth, just let them be. Living in that tiny island also makes them feel comfy as it reminds them of their once-British isles in the north Atlantic.

Yes let them be
We have bigger fish to fry in our mainland

it is striking just how much the Falklands resemble Britain

>that cheeky face
Going right into my doubting folder.

>Your logic is like a nigger's.

That isn't his logic that is the foundation of international relations. No one cares about an irrelevant country like Georgia or the Ukraine. That is why all those former Soviet countries made such an effort to join NATO asap when they got their freedom so that when Russia came out of the turmoil of a collapsing empire and started looking to reacquire their lost possessions they would be small shit countries that had many and powerful friends.

>When will you learn true diplomacy and business.

Time to learn an acronym user: DIME

Diplomatic - Works very well when you have two or more countries who share a common goal and who trusts each other.
Information - Is a bit trickier but works reasonably well under the right circumstances.
Military - Even in our modern day and age hard power is still King.
Economic - Didn't work against Iraq, didn't work against North Korea, didn't work against Cuba, doesn't seem to work against Russia... Not everyone is a materialist in this world. I mean try negotiating the middle east using your "business logic" the rest of us will just watch your head drop on live leak.

Diplomacy would never have worked in the eastern Ukraine because the countries had mutually exclusive end goals. Neither would ((((business logic))) because some people hold values other than the economic or materialistic.

And sure you can stand there all teary eyed and feel bad about the fact that this is how the world functions but no one cares.

Does the Argentinian government even want them back?
I mean, they whine about them everytime they need to deflect from national problems they themselves created.
Would they really want to give that up?

Because the people WANT the be British. They voted overwhelmingly in favour of remaining British.

Britain has owned the islands for longer than the Argentines ever did.

Fuck off.

Because then they will say Georgia/Sandwich islands/St. Helena are rightful white clay.

>t. royal shill.

>Diplomacy would never have worked in the eastern Ukraine because the countries had mutually exclusive end goals.
You are just desperately trying to defend Russia's horrendous decisions. The fact that a smoother alternative was present is making you upset. All great leaders out there conquered their way with intelligence and not brute force, and Putin ruined his image by turning the whole world against him with this one simple mistake.

Ukraine is about 40% of Russia's population, they speak the same language and are literally a part of each other. Dividing them is madness. Russia can benefit from a reunion of Belarus/Ukraine/Russia so yes, it is trying to "reaquire possessions".

But DIME can kiss my ass. Have you ever heard of an "image" ? It's the most powerful tool out there. If Russia wants to challenge the US hegemony, it needs to present itself as peaceful and just, not forceful like America. If Putin seized Crimea and established the referendum but compensated Ukraine, he would build the image of a peaceful, just, assertive emperor who can get what he wants, who enjoys great popularity, and so on, and the whole world would have admired. Instead, he looks like the typical hollywood villain which made it all too easy for America to play their hollywood card of being the good guys and boost their image at the sake of Russia's.

That is the truth. Putin fucked up. His relatively peaceful, short, intervention in Syria is just one of the ways he is trying to regain his image as an alternative superpower to America but he has a long path to trekk.

>> spend North Sea oil on nuclear submarine
>> don't use them in the only war in the same government in which they were built

What do you think sunk ARA Belgrano? A Welshman in a rowboat, singing menacingly at it?