Honestly, what do other countries think of America

Give me a fucking paragraph. Please enlighten me

Other urls found in this thread:


good redneck people, corrupted evil government.

But it can be fixed with Trump.

No, fuck off.

Decent death metal

Ignore my flag - but I was born as a Britbong. New Zealand is a really boring country that always serves well for a holiday destination, and that's about it. Quite frankly I don't want to return to Europe if Remain wins on June 23rd.

America to me is one of the last vestiges of common sense disguised under Christian nutjobs. Sure, some of you may dislike gays and some of you are really intolerant - but I don't see you guys killing fags like me anymore.

I like you, I really do. And honestly I would rather live in a conservative, gun-toting, mildly intolerant USA than the cucked Europe-esque lookalike we're heading for now.

Please get Trump into office so I can come to the states happy - and come in LEGALLY!

Hillary will win.

Your economy is own and run by jews, both sides of politics are slaves to them. Your people are uneducated, you have too many niggers and should've shipped them all back to Africa while it was politically viable. Your left isn't really "the left", real leftists fought tooth and nail for their beliefs and expected no quarter, your "leftists" are a bunch of pussies that only gives a shit about their feelings. Your right is completely uneducated and braindead, and continues to support economic decisions that make them worse off. Doesn't matter who wins this "important election", in the end all of your media and important economic instituions are going to be run by jews and other globalist elements.

TLDR; your country fucking sucks from top to bottom, left to right.

Kek user the whole world hates us.....have for awhile.

The last bastion of freedom in the modern world

People here don't really hate gays, and I live in the deep south.

As if yours isn't run by jews..... jesus user glass house and stones you know...... you're a better version of canada, that's it.

This is why our actual conservatives find solace in the libertarian party, excluding this year of course

Please elect Trump. Do it for me. Do it for all of us.

Depends on who you talk to from there, but my general impression is that you guys want to do what is right, but you are too divided or your population too stupid to do it effectively.

Your government is directly born from Satan's anus, though.

This is true....most Americans don't give a fuck what you do as long as you keep it to yourself.

I won't disagree with you. The name of the thread wasn't "Highlight what you think about America that isn't so in your own country".

I think it's it will be the last bastion of western civilization. Although the demographic situation in America is worse than it currently is in Europe, America has the advantage of being a huge landmass, with plenty of areas of to retreat and regroup. Moreover Americans have access to guns, something Europeans don't, and which will ultimately be the doom of Europe.

Basically, America is the only hope.


Is this an accurate representation of an average American? Because then I love u guys :3

Your country suffers from delusions of grandeur.
Your economy is based on war and control of the oil-market.
Your people are ignorant and controlled by the elite.

The liberal left has a voice in the Jewish media.... conservative right are considered racist, stupid, and bigots. When in reality we are just nonconformists and the media makes the right look like a bunch of uninformed rednecks.

America is a pretty cool guy who stops Saudi Arabia from invading us. Your women are also without morals and will do anything for a Rolex.


This is how I want to think if us, but so many Europeans feel differently.

Kek also rare....

That's been my life, as far as the parents are concerned. I live in Texas also

>"so many Europeans feel differently"

literally who gives a fuck

elitist suicidal cunts

Europeans are brainwashed from birth that americans are evil fat uncultured people who oppress poor muslims in the middle east, and that we europeans are so much more superior for being so liberal.

Although it's changing with the rise of nationalist parties. Nationalist parties are not that pro-american either, because they're socialist economically speaking and they view with suspicion american cultural imports (mcdonald's, etc.)

you're the geatist country while simultaneously being the the worst. i dont know how you do it but fair fuck to ye


country of extremes

silver trains and big, stretched out highways

lots of guns and military

America does oppress poor Muslims so that the rich ones can flourish!

America doesn't oppress anyone, they just succumbed to the egalitarian fallacy that muslims are civilized people who are capable of building stable democratic countries.

It turns out that it works better with Germany and Japan than with Irak.

You are literally talking to one of those Rich Sand niggers. Fuck off, Nip.

this guy gets it

I think you should be bombed, the men killed and your women reduced to sex slavery. I don't know why we have to pay you goatfucking tentdwelling savages when we could just walk in and take your oil.

Who gives a fuck what europeans think. the only opinion that matters there is Britain's, the rest of that continent could fucking burn to the ground and it wouldn't effect america in the slightest.

You're a nuisance. Just stick to your own country and stop trying to police the world with your freedom is not a choice shit.

Get real nip.... the only reason your still a relevant country is because of your relations with us.

I still care about my brothers overseas. We'd go to war for them; we have multiple times.

I live in a palace and fuck whomever I please, I think I'll find some Japanese whores for this evening and make them swallow my piss.

Thanks, Nip!

Due to the fact you were offended by my post, I gather you're a sandnigger? Quite unfair to lump yourself into the "us" category.

This seems to be a common sentiment and yet the rest of the world strongly dislikes our presidential candidate who would do just that. Very confusing bunch.

When I said divided, I meant there is no real homogeneity, in ethnicity or ideology. This is both good and bad since 90 percent of the country can then rarely be manipulated to a single cause for long, but the powers that be use the extant group struggles (and there are many of those) as smoke screens for their more ulterior motives.

>I live in a palace and fuck whomever I please,
Yet you're still a brown, smelly, small dicked sandnigger. How does it make you feel that no amount of whores you fuck can change this fundamental fact of life?

God damn it I misread apologies nip bro

bad products , lousy service , fat people , lousy schools , aipac and adl rule 200 mio. ignorant redneck idiots .

A lot of people I know think they are ignorant, obnoxious, and full of themselves. I don't share these opinions but thats how the media (?) Presents them

Agreed it's fucked

I'm actually white.

Fuck them. So many Europeans also thought that open borders are a really good idea and see where that shit got us.

As for Germany, you might be surprised how many of the twenty-to-thirty age range demographic actually view it much like you'd like; particularly those who have been to America or met Americans.

What you must never forget is that the demoralisation is a phenomenon everywhere in the West. Much of the hatred is indeed a false flag meant to make you feel despised.

But sadly the same demoralisation also has many people here actually believing that everything that so much as appears American is automatically the Devil.

So ultimately, there's some hatred that can be extreme, but by and large the smarter people here are well aware that you simply have much the same leadership issues as us, except with more power.

America is the:
1.First country where a terrorist that's been investigated by the FBI bought guns from Walmart and killed 50 gays
2. Fattest country in the world
3. First country to lose a war to Chinese
4. First country to allow faggots to marry
5. First country to have no gun laws and still be called civilized
6. First country to punish Christians for not baking a cake for faggots
7. First Western country to have a nigger president
8. Fattest country in the world
9. Dumbest country in the world
10. Most autistic country in the world
11. Ugliest country in the world
12. Most ill country in the world
13. Gayest country in the world
14. Smelliest country in the world
15. Least cultured cultured country in the world
16. Most retarded country in the world

Sure you are Mohammed, lmao

>I-I'm white guys I swear ;_;

>I'm actually white

Wtf are you doing in that country?

The way you carry on with high fives and shit thats just not on.

If I have one more pasty shittlet approach with cuntsweat pouring down his hands

Theres nothing delusional about our grandeur. We've been the dominating power in the world for almost a century and will continue to be so as long as we get Emperor Trump.

Still love your Bill of Rights, though, and southern firearms culture.

Israel's bitch full of fat niggers and rednecks.

>Your flag
> your opinion

Oh the keks

I'm Persian, not an Arab. Like the vast majority of Qataris.

Used to be God tier. Now it's a cuck shed.

Same here kek we are trying our damn hardest not lose that. Once we do, we are utterly and completely fucked as people.



>I'm Persian
I.e. a sandnigger.

>we wuz whites n sheeit

So you're both anti gun and anti gay? Interesting, user. Sounds pretty faggy to me

You forgot to mention that their Women are unsightly.

> Persian fag
> Arab master race

You guys start alot of fights and wars, but i've come to understand its better that a Western war-mongering America runs shit than some chinks,niggas or mudslimes.

I spent the last 10 minutes stairing at that photo imagining that familys life story. fixcated, i know all about them and all their little quirks.
>the father: David
david is a hard working orthadontist, dedicated to his job and is damn good at it. he'll sacrifice precious family time to make sure his buisness stays the best dentistry in madilyn county, arizona

>the wife:margret
margret and dave have had their ups and downs over the years, that what happens when you marry into jewish family. but she knew the risks. she feel neglected because she is a traditional stay at wife thus leading to an afair in 2008. even though this caused a bump in the relationship, the stay as one strong family unit

>the eldest:Exavier
exavier is an allround genius with a heart of gold, he has an iq of 140 and can play a mean claranet. exavier is bullied in school but he doesnt care because he has a bright future ahead of him

>"the boys": thomas and aaron
the "boys" as they're known are a cool couple of dudes. they're the life of the party and the backbone of the family. thomas has asprations of becoming a world class author and his little brother aaron will stick with him through thick and thin. the complete eachother

>"the twins" francis and ellenor
the twins are the product of the aftermath of margrets affair. brought into this world mostly to save their marrige but are loved and cared for by both parents. whats to come of them? well we dont know yet

and finally
skeeter believed to be margrets illigitimate son.the child of a danish fisherman who seduced margret at here weakest point. skeeter has a mean streak in him, a rebellious spirit. skeeter spends his tim taking pot shot at ground hogs with his trusty 22. ,and believe me you, has the aim of a navy seal. skeeter is constant reminder of his mothers folly. an outcast. skeeter will go on to browse Sup Forums and become know for the worst school shooting in the history of the world. he gets a kill count of 127

I can live with this

Other countries love us and we love them. We have fantastic relations with LITERALLY all the important nations. If it's a good nation, we're allies (and visa versa).

Russia and China... sure we're not best buds but hell, it's not so bad.

10/10 Europeans agree America is top notch.

We have some of the most beautiful women in the world here user....

Dude, what?

>started as a colony
>now has over 300+mill people
>30+mill are darkies

Scary 2bh.

Not to mention, now that putin and China have said we are the world's sole super power kek but people don't want to hear that.

Couldn't have put it better

>14. Smelliest country in the world

Have you ever been to your capital city m8?


>trashy stripper-looking slut with scars all over her

you could've picked literally any other woman

That's the only autism you found in his post?

>Your economy is own and run by jews
And your economy is dependent on ours. Oops
>both sides of politics are slaves to them
Same can be said for Ausfailia. You don't really believe the elements banning assault spoons and GTA games down there are trying to look out for you, do you?
>you have too many niggers and should've shipped them all back to Africa while it was politically viable
At no point was that politically viable- half the country was economically dependent on slave labor and the other half were either too poor and downtrodden to give a shit or holier-than-thou, high-horse-riding, wannabe humanitarians. Come back when you've sorted out your abo problem, by the way; I hear Darwin is practically a Euro-style no-go zone these days because of them


The promised land for whites, but hardly any white people.

>Your left isn't really "the left", real leftists fought tooth and nail for their beliefs and expected no quarter, your "leftists" are a bunch of pussies that only gives a shit about their feelings.
Your left and right are pack of rabid feelings-over-logic-and-common-fucking-sense SJWs, and "real" leftists are low-functioning retards who have destroyed many a peaceful and free nation and slaughtered and starved millions all because of some feel-good rhetoric a NEET kraut wrote in the 1840s
>Your right is completely uneducated and braindead, and continues to support economic decisions that make them worse off
I guess voting to hike up taxes for all that welfare for the natives has been a boon to the Australian economy, huh?
>all of your media and important economic instituions are going to be run by jews and other globalist elements.
Australian politics in a nutshell. Believe it or not, you're in the same boat as we are. In the US, we at least have enough military and economic relevance to survive without globalism. Your country is absolutely dependent on it. We even have a sizable minority that favors leaving the UN, and a majority now that opposes NAFTA. In Australia, on the other hand, the only people who opposed the TPP were redditors, and that had nothing to do with its potentially catastrophic economic effects and unprecedented undermining of national sovereignty, no- just some leftards scared of losing their soapboxes because infographs told them they should be.

tl;dr go lose a war to a fucking flightless bird you chronic shitposter

Scars? Wtf you on about user? And she's trashy because she is in a bathing suit? Post something better than, ya fucking autist.

Greatest Ally and Best country

You could have prevented this

The aussie was just shit posting he's autistic ignore his ass

didn't read the whole thing lol

t b h its a romanian we talk about you have to degrade your mindset when talking to one

Thats dedication

Hey hey we still got 63% don't take that from us just yet. Kek

You have a jew problem, a nigger problem, a spic problem, a liberal problem. But you have more guns and more conservatives than any other white country.

You are Europe's greatest child. Don't forget your European roots. Make us proud again.

The biggest threat for the rest of humanity, as it's completely under zionist control.

Second home

Fucking kek aaaaah ok I got you, your probably used to dealing with the cunts. I just ignore them most of time, because, well you know, gypsies can curse you.....


A country owned by jews where most people are brainwashed to a fantastic point.
To sustain their scientific needs they brain drain other countries because most of the rest of their academia is a money making scheme.
Probably the most corrupt and violent government in the world with china and russia, their government favors exporting "democracy", wich china and russia don't.
Some areas are really good and with nice people, but these areas could turn into a shitter tomorrow if 1 of their congressmen was "lobbied" into some funny initiatiative.
Some areas should be razed to the ground and rebuilt, but that's because niggers.
Serious when talking business, usually.

>first country to allow faggots to marry
but that was the Netherlands senpai

shit country

>wants to export democracy

Not really, it's more about exporting american influence. Honestly our government would give couldnt give 2 shits if a nation is democratic as long as we are getting what we need out of said country.

Most countries are user. Care to elaborate?

You sho rite
So why do other countries believe us to be brainwashed, when they're actually the ones falling victim to propaganda?