What did Sup Forums have for dinner? I had steak and mashed potato

What did Sup Forums have for dinner? I had steak and mashed potato.

leftover turkey and turkey salad


Well done and with ketchup?

I took some magic mushrooms now I'm tripping alone in my bedroom watching american dad and feeling bad about my life choices

leftover chicken

Gross. Medium rare and with HP sauce.

Should've taken some mushroom magic instead

>turkey salad
that's pretty gross man why did you do that

stop doing drugs

Some spaghetti with meatballs, it was pretty delicious.

*licks his lips*

Is this the Kitchen Kino thread?

Mom didn't cook for the fucking family today so I had to dig in the fucking fridge and had fucking tortilla chips and fucking ice cream for dinner.


Ol' petey couldn't run with big chrissy and the lads so he sits around calling them out on the internet like a beta

what's wrong with it? it's basically the same thing as chicken salad

Leftover roast chicken, stuffing, oven-cooked chips, roast squash, mange tout and Brussel sprouts

pretty fucking good

hot dogs

had a 'za at the cinema

A bag of salted peanuts and a Diet Coke

Was it a 'licious 'go 'za?

you on a plane brah?

Nah I just don't get hungry at night

me? I'm serving myself crab legs

No, I mean't someone else.


full fat milk?

Can't you cook for yourself?

Childhood is idolising Christopher; adulthood is realising Peter makes more sense.

I cooked breakfast today.
I wasn't gonna cook again.

A bowl of eggs