Jo Cox MP: accused murderer Thomas Mair gives name as 'Death to traitors, freedom for Britain' in court

>Jo Cox MP: accused murderer Thomas Mair gives name as 'Death to traitors, freedom for Britain' in court

Absolute madman

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>the brexit meme is over

thank god. My future job options are saved

m8 isn't it still polling higher than remain?

>tfw no brexit

yeah, but this shows the intelligence services have a few more tricks left in the bag (flase flag attacks etc).

Farage is going to be wake up in a travel lodge with a dead underage male hooker fairly shortly

Based Thomas.

Yes although those polls were conducted before/during the murder so not completely conclusive

He's a brave resistance fighter who struck a blow against the occupation forces.

All glory to Tommy "The Madman" Mair.

Holy shit the kikes did it again, just in time for the referendum to sway the undecided.

It's over chums, it was nice knowing you

HE HAD ONE JOB. Dickhead.

polls taken on monday are likely gonna look very different after this, unfortunately

Polls before this, yes.

False flagging intensifies.

>false flag attacks
Oh, fuck off, you conspiracy nut.
An MP was killed by a neo-Nazi shitcunt. There’s no false flag.

Use the Jew link

a white woman was killed by a deranged lunatic, what other tricks could they have? this one backfired, hard. remain vote went way down. year of the fire monkey is throwing all those well made plans to shit. can't wait to see what the cosmos has cooked up for Hillary, what a ride.

'sup GCHQ?

This is by FAR the most based thing I've ever heard in my life. This is actual history-making shit.

I really doubt it. Sympathy can change peoples minds but I don't think it has the mileage to make up a 20% gap

BBC link too

She deserved to die for Britain's future.
Fuck humanitarianism, any lefties and humanitarians should be excluded from society until they die out.
The attacker killed own traitor not Muslim therefore this isn't terror or homicide, it must be called execution.
No mercy can turn into be good for your society, much worse your society will be ruled by another values at last.
Why should they be so by such a few traitors all of sudden?
Immigrants tend to gather up in a town or city and start their own world share with speaking same language, food and etc,. You are longer feel be British anymore at this moment.
Your opinion will never be accepted in such community.
Britain should remain Britain, for people, culture and value of life where only people can share in Britannia and their religion, and it is not Islam, Buddhism or other religion. Islamist live under their laws and value of life which never assimilate with others, that is why they are killing many innocent other civilians by the act of terror without any hesitations and mercy. You British shouldn't give any mercy and such opportunities.

Well the last couple of assassination attempts on Farage have failed, so I guess they need to try a different angle.

He's doing that one job, ruining Brexit.

Yes, all polls pointing to leave, 1 week left before brexit wins, he sure needed to kill people to ensure we leave the EU.
Or he could be actively trying to ruin brexit by making a martyr and spouting brexit angle things to ensure he tanks the vote.

>what other tricks could they have
Right now is a big EU exercise where a White male astronaut from UK is all over Brit TV.

Do you think he was picked by accident instead of a muslim female lesbian?

I think the Jews are fresh out of tricks.

>remain vote went way down


I want to work for them one day, if you guys are listing in... Its all a big meme lads.

I don't know. If you were redpilled enough to vote leave in the first place even with every newspaper, celebrity, most politicians and the EU against you,
do you think the killing of this traitorous whore would change your mind?



Step 47 in Jewish plan for demoralization: to further defeat the spirit, give hope before ultimately pulling it away. This will lead to a crushed spirit with less chance for future resistence

Faces of britpol

this kills the Brexit

It's to sway undecided people.
Cant wait until the 22nd where they find an alter to Farrage and Hitler with human sacrifices before it. I wonder what other plans they have.

Fuck lad 47 is my repeat number I see everywhere, is kek trying to warn me?

>Leave with a massive lead in every poll
>I week before the election
>"Gee I sure do hate the EU I wonder how I can help ensure that leave wins?

This guy must have got the britbong version of an MKUltra brainwashing. Unleashed at just the right time to stop the Brexit.

Or he was a mentally unstable neo-nazi who was "nudged" by MI5, MK Ultra -style.

>Or he could be actively trying to ruin brexit by making a martyr and spouting brexit angle things to ensure he tanks the vote.
Wait, so are you saying that being a neo-Nazi and shouting “death to traitors” are #JustBrexitThings?

The killer is still alive?

At least you guys understand :((((

Truly an English hero.

DEATH to every foe and traitor! Whistle out the marching tune. And hurrah, me boys, for freedom, 'tis the rising of the moon!

Yes they don't get insta shot like the US shooters

Yes, and he will remain alive because no matter how horrific British killers can be, we’d rather they rot away in prison than hang them.

This couldn't be any more obviously a false flag if they just openly fucking admitted it.

Is the OP's pic shopped?

Or am i seeing things when i see a vague Robert de Niro in it

t.IRA fuck off lad

Too bad the rest of you faggots don't have the balls to get the rest of the liberal politicians.

People think twice about taking up the cause of a movement when everybody that does dies.

So is this guy ever gonna get out?

Something we don't still know about is that how would this guy obtained a gun.

was it ever confirmed Mair did time for terror as UVF member, released under GFA?





no, but it's the 10% or whatever it is undecided that this may influence

In like six months probably.

He killed a white woman.

Fuck off cuck

This cunt was a obvious traitor that campaigned for the genocide of the Britons. No sympathy for traitor cunts

MK ultra awakening in progress.

It's almost like he was trying to help remain...

Why would he do that when Britain was headed towards exit? He didnt need to do anything.
I hope he gets done for terrorism, murder, possesion of a weapon, attempted murder and assault.


t. Otoya Yamaguchi

Lots of people in England have old guns in their house especially in rural areas, its mostly shotguns and the media claims he had a sawn off shotgun so its not uncommon really.

kek, he was in the UVF too? This is such an MI5 operation.

Stop being such a cuck. Put fear in the heart of leftists.


I agree. If we remain in the EU.... We must start the real war and put down politics

This guy was obviously a remain shill who gave them a martyr

If this retard wants Brexit to happen then he is an absolute moron and cunt to the cause.

When my countrymen betray me on the 23rd I'll be leaving this shithole and will consider dropping my nationality, how easy is America to get into?


>rot away
Yeah with all their tv, smartphones, etc.
Prisoners live the neet dream.


Good job britbongs!



>Funeral could be a day before the referendum

>When my countrymen betray me on the 23rd I'll be leaving this shithole and will consider dropping my nationality, how easy is America to get into?

Fuck off. We're full. We kicked you out once. Maybe Australlia or Canada will take you.

Nice tin foil hat

He was a community service man taking out the fucking trash

We're so fucked. Just by one fucking 10IQ moron. He has to be the most hated man in britain by both sides.

I'm getting drunk today, fuck tyis.

It doesn't matter what you think she deserved. This did not help.

why do these rightwing subhumans have to ruin everything?

>white woman

Married to a kike rapist.

>We're so fucked. Just by one fucking 10IQ moron. He has to be the most hated man in britain by both sides.

He is a true hero.

Stop being such a pussy.

Are you seriously so naive to not expect shit like this?
These people ruin entire nations and then count the money they earned.
One death is nothing to them. Thousand deaths is nothing to them.
They just disposed of their lowly minion.
Good thing is though, this shows how desperate they are.
Expect even worse things to come.

Fucking stupid loser.

Sign him up to the organ donor list and strangle him in court and then give his organs to the needy.

It's fake.

>"if you kill your enemy then they win."

t. KEK

breixt is racism

NOT in the news today.... another BRITISH Muslim rape gang convicted. The main victim a 13 year old girl. You won't see this in the MSM today though.

Stop being such a cuck.

>Maybe Australlia or Canada will take you.

yes come to canada, we could use some refugees that actually deserve refuge

Wow. I've had to change my vote to remain just to distance myself from people like this.
If this is the kind of Britain that Brexiteers want then we shouldn't be allowed a referendum in the first place.
Sovereignty is not worth trading in our freedom for.

Why didn't we listen to Weedman?

No, don't you see they're baiting you to act like cretins so they can smear the right and the brexiters.

Stop acting foolish and play the dam game

If this guy dies in the next two years, I'm going to laugh my ass off because of how obvious it is.

thats not real

How do you want your false flags senpai?

>Kill innocent politician.

You can't make this shit up.

was reported on here at the time, but didn't see it confirmed in media reports that they were same person

Vote remain, get slain.

Fuck off is this real.

The 2016 Economist magazine cover has an AK47 over Cameron's shoulder.


>This did not help.
It's not going to make a difference in the end. The media is so open now, if people there can't see the Turks coming, they deserve what they get.

Just like we'll deserve a Mexican genocide if we can't fix it. How about the 50 fags--an entire club full-- blown away by by a muzzle 5 days ago here?

So what's the sentence for murder in British law? For comparison Breivik is getting out in 16 years