the most undisputed kino of 2016 desu
Pretty fucking good tbqph famalamadingdong
Good songs.
Fun dancing.
Well cast.
Just enough meta to keep it contemporary while paying homage to cinema history in nice little touches throughout the film.
Doesn't waste time on bullshit.
I listened to some of the songs. They were pretty meh imo.
Easily wins best picture due to all the Oscar voters being old fucks who like this kind of shit
I liked it. The director really knows the technical side of filmmaking.
Dishonest filmmaking.
What do you mean?
Pretty fuckin' perfect.
With the only side effect being the constant shame of watching a musical by yourself while everyone else in the cinema is snuggling with their gf
Big saturated color, great shots, goes over the top and owns the clichés.
I thoroughly enjoyed it with the exception of watching Emma's contorted mouth in the audition closeup.
It was great. Loved the ending.
>watching a movie by yourself
How the fuck did you get past security?
Musicals are shit. I literally boo'd the screen 4 minutes before the credits started rolling. Made a couple in front of me leave after the doofy little shit tried to tell me to be quiet.
I stood my ground and boo'd him instead.
Did I do good, or no?
I watched it from a small crack within the stairs
my 2nd fav movie of the year behind Sing Street
It's too popular.
Go fuck yourself.
how CCUUUMMM it takes 98 minutes for a Sup Forums picture to LOAD??? I'm not trying to wait for the internet to DRAIN IT'S BITS for a stupid picture to load
it wasn't very good. the movie falls back on the music, because the story is not dramatic and basically non-existent, but the music is dull.
this, also. the characters are inconsistent and the world they inhabit is unrealistic but pretends to be contemporary. nothing about this movie was genuine.
overall it was ok, though, not terrible, but doesn't deserve praise.
Looking forward to it.
I don't remember replying with this but apparently I did
Thanks to my theatre recently bringing in reserved seating, I had to sit next to a couple snuggling together. I just wanted to enjoy kino.