Fight me you fucking cunts
V>IV>VII>VI>>>Rogue One>>>>>>>>1>3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
tfa is trash
3 is better than 1
you are an idiot
>TFA better than RotJ
>TFA better than Rogue One
rouge 1 is better than the shit awakens
official order
This is the only correct ranking. If you disagree, you are objectively wrong
I dont fight retards.
V>R1>IV>VI>III>VII>I>II for me, however the christmas special tops all
Only answer that needs to be said.
V > IV > RO > VI > III > I > VII > II
I tried to re-watch VII after watching the prequels yesterday, and it's such a fucking pile of dog shit. It makes II look like Scarface (1982).
I agree. VII isn't an objectively bad movie, but it's such a slap in the face. I can't sit through the whole thing.
Haven't seen Rogue One yet
Just got back from Rogue One. Complete fucking disappointment. What the fuck have you all been raving about this bullshit for?
The mouse has turned Sup Forums into his house.
You know how fucking stupid that argument is. You act like you're some huge star wars fan like me! You know critical it was to find out that the design wasn't a flaw it was meant to be there! Do you know how fucking important it was for them to explain how the Rebels even got the plans?!? The movie literally changes Star Wars history! No one knew that the weapon was used more than once. No one knew how grand moff Tarkin took control of the project. No one knew what happened to the genius that designed the Death Star! Also cmon the action in the movie wasn't worth shit to you?? Like really?? Seeing two star destroyers crashing into one another wasn't cool? Seeing Vader beat the living shit out of those rebels wasn't cool? I honestly can't even comprehend the stupidity of your argument.
V > IV > VI > II > III > I > R1 > VII
If you think the Disney films are anywhere near the others, you are cinema illiterate.
Redditors detected
True Sup Forums ranking:
3>1>6>7>2>4>rogue one
Worst star wars movie I have ever fucking seen
>mah dead parents
>cut to 15 years later
>in prison herpaderp
>she got broke out
>desert city or whatever
>see like wookie Luke escaped from in city
>explains deth star thing ok fine I guess
>oh no dad
>rip Mads
>we gotta get blueprints
>too much fucking stardust
>lesbo says no mission
>lol we gonna do it
>oh but guess what the minor problem is humongous just like tfa
>girl on top of tower
>bad guy with gun on her
>hasn't actually sent up the blueprints to wannabe admiral akbar
>"you stupid sith fool your death star has a point where if you shoot it the whole thing blows, actually it's the reactor core haha!"
>he had the high ground
>makes no sense
Only good part of movie was the remake of the epi 4 opening
1 is better than 3. It introduces a lot of smelly shit to the series, but its a comfy movie and seeing it you feel like they can fix things in 2 and 3. There is still hope with Episode 1.
But by the time 3 even starts you realize it's too late. Even if 3 ended up being kind of good (it's not), there could be no redeeming the prequels overall with it.
Rogue One is worse than 7. At least 7 had characters, not one dimensional cutouts. Rogue One looked nicer though.
Why do you faggots do nothing but discuss capeshit and Star Wars?
Official Patrician Ranking:
What happened to 2?
>At least 7 had characters
It did? The most prominent character had no personality or development to speak of.
Rogue One was better than Empire. It's actually the best Star Wars movie yet. Prove me wrong.
The fact she tells the bad guy at the end of the movie the secret plan even though he could've just killed her and stopped her right there1
theyre better than the prequels and its obvious asshole
THIS is objective.
actually THIS:
V>IV>VI>>>VII>>RO>>>I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.>>>>(dont even fucking bother watching)
Rogue One was fucking miles ahead of TFA.
5, 4, 6, 3/RO, 7, 2, 1
R1 > V > IV> VI > VII I > III > II
That's actually funbecause rogue one is like that
>tfw roman numerals take extra effort to read
Star Wars is a franchise for children. Everyone who is saying that OT had interesting and deep characters and good plot are fucking stupid. The only worthwhile thing about Star Wars is scenery and tech design, and this is strong point of prequels. OT looks gray and bland.
Also Empire and rebels are shit.Empire does nothing but jobs.All their efforts are pathetic. Rebels are just boring
V>IV>R1>VII>VI>>>who cares