The ride never ends, goyim

>Pinchas Gutter survived a Nazi death camp – and now his story will live on through a hologram that can answer your questions

"What do you think the Jews did to deserve this?"

Where's Hitler's hologram?


peppers ghost illusion NOT holography

fucking jews

How much did the hologram caust?

This is hilarious.

Sup Forums

>survived a Nazi death camp

it wasn't a death camp then.

Can it be redpilled?

Six million

m8, very close, but you shoulda gone with "how much did the holo cost?". Cheers cunt

B-but he survived SIX GASSINGS!

>six million jews died
>he survived 1 time for every million jews shoah'd

How dare you question his story, anti-semite!

Deniers BTFO, now there will be Holocaust survivors forever and ever.


>some old lying kike fabricates a story

no rabbi

he's just a conspiracy theorist and his far fetched story only continues to make people skeptical about the nature of jewish people.

Can't wait for the glitch


>B-but he survived SIX GASSINGS!
No shit, those are lice treatments. Cyanide is a nasty fucker of a chemical yes but its main hazard is if you swallow it. Put it on your skin and it does almost fuckall. ... Inhaling it still bad tho.

Yes, LoLocaust was real in my mind.

As if the world was in danger of forgetting their fairytales without this holohoax hologram... fucking jew rats

Does anybody have a photo of Elie Wiesel's Auschwitz tattoo? Why does the mainstream keep ignoring Miklas Gruner?

Why does nearly every female Auschwitz survivor keep talking about her meeting with Mengele?

Why does the Auschwitz tour never show any of the amenities in Auschwitz I? (swimming pool, rabbit farm, etc.)

If 1.1 million people were killed in Auschwitz, 800k in Treblinka, 167k in Sobibor, 200k in Chelmno/Kulmhof, 80k in Majdanek, 500k in Belzec, this amounts to only a total of 2.9 million people.

These were all the death/extermination camps in Poland, btw.

If you add in the victims of all other concentration camps where no large scale (50k and more) gassings took place, and people only died out of other causes like disease and attrition, I'd say you'd get another 1.5 million or so.

So we're sitting at around 4.5 million (generous).

Remember the holocaust death toll is 11 million civilians, of which 6 million are jews. Are you telling me the remaining 6.5 million were all killed out in the field?

I know the Warsaw Ghetto clearing and Babyn Jar are things we learn about, but no effort is taken to explain the remaining 6.5 million victims.