What went wrong?
>$125 million
The movie focused on the shitty future storyline which no one cares about
>Best part of the games are historical parts while "future" plot is tolerated at best
>So let's set 75% of the movie in the future
>Let's retell the first game give or take
>But change every character and every little detail just because
How the hell did they manage to spend $125 million dollars and think it would be worthwhile?
They chose Assassins Creed over better stories like Deus Ex, Thief:TDP and DMC.
It's been less than a week. S-Surely more will go see it after Christmas
It was based off a video game
That's not even counting marketing
How many millions did they have to pay Kanye to use his song in the trailer?
$124.90 million
Based Kanye
I only saw one trailer of it and even from that I knew they'd fucked up hard with this movie. They didn't even get the colour of the Assassin's outfits right, making them black instead of white, when any retard who just glanced at the cover of any of the games would have gotten that much right.
That's classic Hollywood money laundering 101, lad.
Woah, so this is the power of autism....
>tfw when a movie does even worse than you originally shitposted it was gonna do
Radiohead sucks
you, like the studio, underestimated how important lore is to their target audience
Patrician choice.
you, like all neckbeards, overestimated how unimportant your life is to the rest of the world
stupid ass trailer/plot and opening close to a fucking star wars movie
the default colors in the recent games werent white, and it doesnt even matter because you can freely change colors
Are you serious?
is vidyakino finished?
The story of DMC3 is true vidyakino.
that's why black flag is the best game, because it has the least amount of present day garbage
>65% present, 35% past
Why would they do this?
name one vidyakino
Nobody matters to anybody else.
Except when you're trying to make money off of them.
Then it matters.
why does it seem like no one seems to understand how to make a videogame movie?
usually movies based on books just streamline the plot or cut some filler out. But when its a videogame the entire source material is just disregarded.
the story is already done, characters and settings are already explored, you just need to translate that to the big screen.
this is an industry that has no problem rebooting/remaking a movie less than 20 years old, but for some reason all these videogame movies need to be original
Post yfw
>all top5 grossing films of the year made by Disney
Too bad Vellinveuvueu is doing Blade Runner 2 because Deus Ex would be right up his ally. Sicario but futuristic cyberpunk. JD the rookie cop getting caught up in conspiracy and shit.
that doesn't mean dogshit yet. (vidya) movies like this will find their audience in asian markets.
>tfw fidel is actually dead
Literally no advertisement
$93 million budget for Fellowship of the Ring
wow, marion is such a minx.
i bet fassy tapped that ass
>but for some reason all these videogame movies need to be original
they'd have to pay the writers and designers out the ass
they're not buying the story, it's literally just a trademark and a general idea.
We are at least a decade (probably more) away from good vidya movies.
It took what, more than 70 years before comic book movies became a serious business.
Videogame industry is nowhere near that shit yet. There's basically next to no good writers and publishers don't give a fuck about their properties. They haven't gained enough weight in pop-culture.
Maybe they shouldn't have made 2/3rds of the movie the shitty modern day parts they don't even put in the games anymore
is this true or is he meme-ing?
but that's false. It's the only interesting part of AC.
To be fair, that'd be around 125 million today. Inflation.
>Runtime: 2 hours 20 minutes
Wait, this is out?
It was painfully mediocre. Nothing worse than gooks doing tears bait.
Mortal Kombat, Mario Bros
>36 million worldwide
How did this do so much worse than Warcraft
>this pleb didn't unlock all the capes and outfits
>Hitman gets butchered with B and C grade movies
>Assassin's Creed gets butchered with an A grade movie
Seems like no matter the budget its LOL VIDEOGAMES, I DONT HAVE TO TRY from the guys making the movie. Part from a couple of exceptions of course.
Chinadollars helped out Warcraft.
>have 30 pounds of ornate tacticool shit attached all over your body
what a garbage series
Resident Evil Apocalypse
kek everyone here is so angry, while I'm as a fan of AC series am very pleased with what they did. Feels good to have a good adaptation for once.
>inb4 buthurt
All this film needed was to stay true to the amazing franchise we've all come to adore and everyone would be happy with the outcome. Well, they didn't only stay true, they improved on the concept already set in place by the games and books.
The choreography was done in such a way that I believe a lot of young enthusiasts will even attempt to take up parkour and some form of martial art. The shot transitions were revolutionary if I may use that word, when Cal enters the past via the animus there is a transition done in such a smooth way that I believe this will be a trend setter for many new movies of 2017.
The story line was so well written that my partner who has no experience with the franchise could have an in depth conversation with me about assassins creed and the basics from the game. (Given there are times when in game knowledge is required for complete understanding such as the ring finger in the start of the film.)
Fassbender's performance was amazing and he truly did bring synchronization between the two roles he played. While in the animus and connected to the machine you can constantly see the different personalities. Even the woman who almost ruined Inception for me gave a very good performance that almost makes me forgive all her previous horrible movies.
From start to finish this was just amazing. If this is the new standard for a 10 rating I need to go and lower my ratings on other films. If you haven't seen it yet, go to the cinema right now and see it in 3D. You won't be disappointed
My biggest problem was I found it to be kind of boring for a lot of it, particularly the beginning. I was fighting falling asleep which never happens to me. It was at times hard for me to understand what was going on. I still don't understand why it kept showing that bird. I don't really understand the apple of eden. How exactly can it be used to get rid of free will. They clearly had possession a few times, but free will still existed. Is there some kind of complicated switch or procedure that they have to do to the apple? do they have to destroy it? If so why didn't they just hurry up and destroy it or flip the switch. Another large problem was the lack of character development which made it hard to ever care. I don't really know anything about Aguilar except that he was an assassin. I knew absolutely nothing about the girl who was fighting with him. I also found it hard to get drawn into the world when they would switch back so often between 1492 and modern day. It made the action less suspenseful and added to me not caring about anything going on. Anyways I actually could go on a bit more but I think I made my point. There are lots of things wrong with this movie, so it is easy for me to see why all the negativity. The only praises I have is some cool looking action sequences and decent acting throughout. But other than that it is pretty flawed. This is obviously just my opinion. I can see where you are coming from. My brother loved it, I didn't. he also knew more going into the movie. You likely have played the game and found it easier to be entertained, but to the general audience, this movie is hard to be entertained by.
The video game industry is bigger than comics have ever been though. Also comic adaptions had some gems here and there in their early days, way before they became a big thing. Like some of the old Batman and Superman movies, Blade etc.
Who'd play JC Denton?
It would've been interesting if they'd followed through with having 3 be a completely modern game where you assassin it up as Desmond, but they pussied out, so ever since then it's been nothing but a waste of time
Thank god.
Like literally, fuck whoever defiles christmas and the templar knights for this shit.
Did they feature eagel vision(c) in the movie?
Nah, just the leap of faith.
Even those scenes were too brief
Reminder that all movies based off of video games are doomed to fail.
epic comeback dude
>welcome to the Spanish inquisition
>hip hop starts playing
Panders to same demographic as rogue one. This film, similar to Passengers, is just getting shit on by the Disney train.
Why do these movies cost so much to make yet still look like some Game of Thrones episode?
Ubisoft vastly overestimated the popularity of their video game franchise
same week as star wars
it never stood any chance
That is not unique to this movie.