What do you really think of this site?
What do you really think of this site?
Imagine if Sup Forums ran the news. That to me sums up breibart.
It's entertaining and provides an alternative point of view to the rest of the media.
I don't really use it specifically, but I've found it to have been generally of decent quality when used as a source.
I've heard it's not quite the same without Breitbart there anymore, but I wouldn't really know.
So excellent then
Better quality than kreml... Ehm, RT propaganda.
Too bad there's not a good news source as NYT, Washington Post showed their true colors.
I try to get to the original source these times.
Its a refreshing alternative.
Its good
Complete garbage with no self respect or integrity. Probably a goldmine for those running it fleecing off dumb racists.
it's huffpo, if huffpo could hold down an office job.
covers a whole lot of stuff about jihadists that is difficult to find otherwise and they do some useful research of their own
on stuff that's more political their bias can be a problem
They were huge #Cruzmissiles when he was still running
but that's over now
excluding the jews tho
every time I use it as a source for something, I always get "It's Breitbart ffs, source something else" yet these same retards will use Huffingtonpost and Gawker.
I don't use it but what I know of it they don't follow the mainstream narrative. Criticizing that kind of media is doing the leftist' work.
Trudat, but no media outlet is perfect. Just like Sup Forums wouldn't be any good if were a complete echo chamber rather than just a mostly echo chamber.
Same tier, different faction
Never visited it
It's literally
>cite the medias which I support that would never even publish stories like that
Better than any mainstream jew media. Red-pilled and accurate. Except they love fags.
OANN is better
One of the few sites that publishes the sort of news we care about, it's awfully pro Isreal but you can share it on goybook without raising eyebrows.
It's great. I love Israel. Death to Islam. Trump 2016
Breitbart is one of the most offensively badly designed news sites on the net. I mean look at this shit. It's completely incoherent. There is so much wrong with the layout of this site that it's easier to list what isn't wrong with it.
Kike clickbait.
its the rightwing hufffpost
I like to browse it while I take massive dumps on my porcelain throne
They're getting more and more redpilled on the Jews.
Leftists are far better at web design.
Really makes you think
>le both sides meme
shave your neckbeard or preferably kill yourself.
Shapiro is ok when he isn't jewing, he doesn't work for Breitbart though.
nyt & wapo are no better than pravda tbqh senpai
Complete shit, clickbait. Gossip disguised as news.
Very biased and not something normies take seriously.
Very jewish, almost all the contributors have some form of heeb in their blood.
I think it's fucking fantastic, because it was a Jew-run Neocon propaganda machine, and now it is in the hands of pro-Trump goyim.
It makes the kikes' beanies spin and is like anuddah Shoah. It's fucking fantastic, and probably the only time in the History of planet Earth that such a thing has happened.
This, and most of pol just eat it up.