How long will the Nostalgia Critic be able to continue making a living off his movie reviews?
How long will the Nostalgia Critic be able to continue making a living off his movie reviews?
For the rest of his life. His autistic fans will eat anything he shits up and he won't ever become a popular film director even on the indie scene.
His movie reviews being entirely skits are the worst.
Never seen anything of this guy, which review should I start with?
Batman and Robin because his bat Credit card meme is what made him famous. Keep in mind that he is horribly unfunny and autistic though.
As long as the government rewards autists with free money.
Thanks, will check it out.
He's accrued an autism farm which he can reap the money from for as long as they have clicks and money to give him.
Hey Senpaitachi Eggkara is watching the new CA shit show they put up today, come join us!
Until he gets turned into a werewolf by dark magic
nostalgia wolf a prophecy not a fanfic
But it's playing jontron
Is there anything this man could do to alienate his autistic fanbase? Would Demo reel 2 and sticking to it for half a year do it?
Daily reminder that 90% of Douge's audience are those autists from Tropes and Idioms.
Dunno. He like james have just lost the charm that made them popular. He's got no new ideas or passion.
Isn't he pandering to SJWs and his fanbase is mostly neckbearded virgin Trumpfags who hate women?
Everything he uploads to the internet is like a stream of diarrhea. No, there aren't any good videos, you're just used to his faggot face and his aimless screeching.
He's really awful, I liked Avgn back then, cinema snob is legit funny, RLM is elite alpha nerd reviewers but too famous and out of touch, all this shit is dumb
The Spoon is surviving on even less content. After his health issues clear up, The Spoon will make his triumphant comeback.
>cinema snob is legit funny
Nah, everyone on that channel is as bad as doge.
Are we seriously about to do the supervillain shuffle?
I'm just saying by comparison of his other shitty reviews the entirely skit reviews are worse. Like if I was forced to watch one of his reviews I'd rather it be a clip review than a skit review.
Watch Nostalgia Chick instead. 3x the humor, 5x the insight and technical knowledge, 10x the gender politics
His fanbase always struck me as Bernouts politically speaking.
Cinema Snob used to be funny before all his friends left him and he became a sad sack. He should have parted with Nostalgia Cuck and made his own channel and business decisions.
Thomas the Tank Engine, Care Bears the Movie, and Disneycember.
>his bat Credit card meme is what made him famous
>not the "sparkle sparkle sparkle, motherfucker" meme
Bat Credit card was made years before the sparkle sparkle one.
>its a douge review
>the whole review is him using a gimmick voice or framing device
>Cinema Snob used to be funny
No m8, no. It's okay, it's not your fault. You were young and didn't know better.
wow this is terrible, avgn is much better
Here, see the collection of what people consider his funniest jokes.
>Sparkle sparkle sparkle
>Not Big Lipped Alligator moment
>Not Chuck Norris
Has he made anything worth watching in the last two years?
I googled, I laughed
I think he did mention somewhere that he is more or less forced to "re-enact" large parts of the movies because youtubes automated systems will continuously fuck him in the ass.
He's not as terrible as Sup Forums makes him out to be and he's not the messiah some people seem to think he is.But he's entertaining and I'm pretty sure that's all he needs to be.
>skits are the worst.
Nope! His unscripted ranking lists are the fucking worst by far. like:
Not because he is overly wrong, but because he keeps fucking rambling when he's not on script. He keeps making the same point 3 to 5 times driving the length of the video up and up and up.
Have no fears, he's got stories for years
>he doesn't support a fascist ethno-nationalistic dictatorship where people are culled based solely on their taste in cinema
I wonder what it smells like in that room
Fuck off eceleb threads, reported.
Feet and despair
Views on his videos have been on a steady decline all year. If this keeps up he'll have to go back to work by late 2018.
Maybe, but he only does it for recently released films, such as Ghostbusters, Fury road, Pixels. So I think it's more of re-enacting footage that they didn't have access to. They're simply garbage. Also those lists aren't NC
Daily reminder that he has way more subscriptions than redlettermedia right now and is probably making more than 80k a year plus autism donations.
Fuck I would love that.
>talk with friend about batman and how I only like Nolans 1 and 2
>she asks why, 3 is great
>I list her all the dumb shit that goes on in 3, the inconsistency, the survival copout in the end, the "Girl who wants deadly revenge lets the guy fuck her first for no reason" the list got fucking long, rises is a shit movie, you get the idea (And I didn't even get into bane)
>she goes "Just don't pay attention to it! it's a good movie, you're just picky.
camp. please. deathcamp. now.
>>Not Chuck Norris
Fuck me, I cringe every time he does that.
I would proudly die for my love of Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2.
That's not even his cringiest meme.
I would for my love of Temple of Doom.
they have a new show?
>the ghostbusters thing where he runs into that convention and runs around yelling at people
>he doesn't even realize the opening scene saves the entire movie
Didn't he go to Harry Potter book signing or something and be a dick to all of the fans for liking Harry Potter?
So is he /our guy/ now?
>dat acne
Kek, "he" isn't looking good.
Is that JO on the right?
yes that is him
What the hell happened?
Goddamn, she was my Channel Awesome waifu. That's fucking crazy
she became an ftm tranny named jacob
Why? She looked cuter when she was a girl.
And infinity times the fappability
Loos better as a guy, acne not withstanding
Hes actually not that bad. At this point his reviews are pretty comfy and give a good enough chuckle every now and then.
Good luck ever finding work again after they look him up and find this video.
As long as morons let him make money
Not great long-term planning, but I bet at the time that felt fucking amazing
He's going to fall into Spoony levels of irrelevance sooner rather then later, though, considering nobody below thirty knows who the fuck he is, and I don't think his retarded skits are going to be getting him any new fans.
It's funny to see him shill Ghostbusters and completely buy the medias narrative on it, when the relevant youtube critics like RLM shat all over it and just got more popular for it. He's completely out of touch with the majority of his audience
I think Douge would be happy to get that much attention, desu. There's no way he has enough self respect to care about where it's coming from
Good sir, I am twenty nine years and five months old and I know who he is.
>all those dad jeans
Jesus fuck buy a pair of decent jeans if that's all you're going to wear you stupid dorks it's not that fucking hard.
eeeh.. I think he is aware of some "special cases" If you watch the Ghostbusters Review it's more of a statement against fanboys, purists and SJW types then about the actual movie (granted the sides were a bit extreme before the GB movie came out) and even before that he had meninists and hyper fangirl who of course all are over the top parodies, but clearly show that he is aware of highly autistic fuccbois
You feel like a big man critiquing other peoples fashion?
AVGN's worst episode to date had Doug's fingerprints on it, as well as that Fuckernauts bullshit.
spergs aren't people.
Forever you jealous virgin weeb racist Drumpf loser.
I need those fucking socks, please tell me they're real socks you can buy.
>because youtubes automated systems will continuously fuck him in the ass.
That's just an excuse. What's really going on is that he never wanted to quit making Demo Reel stuff and now just crams it into his awful reviews so his fans will get off his back.
If they're wearing dad jeans yeah that's like the easiest thing to fix.
Spend the 5 dollars extra it takes to buy a pair of jeans that don't look like they belong on a 40 year old molester.
You're a fucking legend, m8. Cheers.
Can't think of a more unsightly group of people than this.
>Want to watch his Transformers cartoon review
>Its entirely in a shitty Optimus Prime voice
Fuck that sucked. Didnt even watch it.
I wish I could have gotten on the "screaming like a retard to entertain autistic 13 year olds" bandwagon when I could have.
I could have been PewDiePie.
That statement contradicts itself.
>Would Demo reel 2 and sticking to it for half a year do it?
What do you think those skits in his reviews are?
That fat guy, I don't even know what to think.
>10x the gender politics
Easily the largest negative of her show.
Otherwise she's the second best member of CA (Brad being the first).
what the fuck was that gif?
At least she dumped Todd
Friendly reminder that the year of the spoonman is almost over.
You fool! It hasn't even begun! 2017 will be The Return of the Spoon! His health problems will clear up by January and then it'll be clear sailing from there.
Why doesn't he just get a fucking haircut? It looks so greasy and disgusting.
Nerds go for the least maintenance hairstyle they can go for. Ponytail is just a lazy haircut.
there is something fucked mentally when people need to broadcast their medical problems to everyone on social media and irl
and its pretty common
im sure its something to do with massive insecurity and it gives them an excuse for their failures
Maybe one day he'll realize how much it makes his already shit hairline look even worse
I stopped watching this faggot when he started putting his shitty skits into his reviews. It was after he "quit" and came back because everything else he does is trash, right?
Now his reviews are 3x longer than they need to be, I don't care about the other retarded skit actors he keeps putting up there, I just want to watch the fucking old movie and nostalgia. He killed his appeal.
The thing is, these people are not getting the treatment or support they actually need so they unload into the social media.
At some point it does become an excuse though, yeah.