Equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome

Equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome.

We can agree on that, right?


equality of outcome usually means the outcome for everyone is shit



In my opinion this is the duty of the state, to ensure equal opportunities.


fuck off. we need a state that will redistribute the wealth or else you end up with feudalism.

>we need a state that will redistribute the wealth

That can be done to achieve what is talking about.

Equality is the defence of the weak

based* feudalism

Equality of outcome is not equality.


Depends. Are you including, say, equal opportunity to immigrate to this country?

What if your desired outcome is increased opportunity? Also, isn't that essentially the desired outcome of almost any endeavor?

>implying everyone has equal opportunity

Fuck off. Equality is a communist meme.

I'm in favor of ending Affirmative Action

Equal Opportunity doesn't mean Zero Standards. You can set a standard for "Doesn't practice violently expansionist religion".

What if the desired outcome is increased opportunity? Also, isn't that essentially the desired outcome of almost any endeavor?


>What if the desired outcome is increased opportunity?
that you are a sjw

It means equal opportunity. The implication (if you add no caveats) being for all men, everywhere.

But everyone does have that. Some people's natural abilities are lesser, but that doesn't prevent them from having the same opportunity to make the best for themselves.

Word games.

No retard. If you are working and saving so you and your family have better options in life, then you have more opportunities than other people. If some shit bag doesn't do anything to get his family ahead, they don't get the same opportunities. If the government is going to force a level playing field of opportunity, the incentive to work hard is gone, and all the people you will have to share a career field with will be shit bags. This is not a good thing.

One of my basic ideas would before to abolish private education before university. A child's quality of education shouldn't be determined by their parents' income or lack hereof

As a NEETo I want equality of outcome.
I want to play vidya 24/7 while you cucks go work your asses off to impress womyn. Who's with me?

Absolutely not you cuck

The world is fucking unfair, that's how it will always be, and any lefty attempts to engineer that will fail

Some people are born rich with opportunity, some without. That's how it is. Get used to it. If you don't have opportunities then fucking hustle you lazy cocksucker

Damn that's a good quote.

Then you are a lefty communist and you should fuck off to North Korea if that's what you want

I went to private school, mad much? Haha cry more faggot. That's how it is, I had a great education and you didn't. If you're mad about it maybe you should do something with your life to get even instead of whinging on a Chinese cartoon Internet message board.

Actually I also went to a private school, so no, I'm not mad. We are even.

Just saying that people like you and I shouldn't have been given an immediate leg up from the age of 4 because our families are better off than 95% of others.

Am I glad that I got a private education and was able to get into a top tier university? Of course, and I'm grateful to my parents every day. Do I think it's fair that others who don't get to go to schools like that often don't achieve as high grades due to lower quality teaching? Not at all.

Clearly you went to a shit tier grammar school judging from your argument skills.


But does it have to be?

Most people couldn't make use of a proper education if it were forced on them. That is why public schools are dumbed down to the extreme and they get worse every year.

You don't understand because you haven't grown up with spics and niggers ruining your classes. I moved from a mainly white city to a mostly mexican and black city in another state and I was years ahead in my education because these fucks cannot handle an education.

And now we have the Common Core over here which is complete horseshit.

Public school is garbage, controlled by the state to socially engineer mindless statists. You not allowed to be taught any values because it might offend some fuck.

>We can agree on that, right?

No. Foreigners shouldn't have the same opportunities a native has.

Mate, I was one of 3 minorities in my privately educated class and we were among the top performers academically. We're not all hoodrats just like not all white people are redneck trash.

Though I do agree that state education is in massive need for reform. I'm just saying that if a student is ready and willing to put in the work needed, their family income shouldn't determine if their teachers are shit or not.

What if the foreigner is more qualified?

You're delusional if you think everybody has equal opportunity. That couldn't be further from the truth.

For example, poor inner city kids are at a distinct disadvantage from birth. Even when they do get to go to schools, their schools are poorly funded compared to the schools in wealthier areas, and they often finish high school unprepared for college. That's just one example.

There are real, substantial, institutionalized inequities in our society. Equal opportunity and meritocracy are myths.

>What if the foreigner is more qualified?

Then I'm sure they'll be an asset to their homeland. We're ethical people here, depleting our neighbors on this world of their qualified people for personal benefit isn't ethical :^)

The sad truth right here

Not entirely true, education on laws/politics are the only studies where you need money.

I think it's better to have a society that's as well educated as possible, even if that means some get a leg up over others. The better educated are more likely to be the innovators or good leaders of the future, which benefits everyone in society.

But holding some back from getting a good education doesn't do anything to advance the position of the rest. The poor kids aren't getting a better education because you ban private schools.

Trading a relative advancement for an absolute one never made sense to me. I'd rather have more, even if it means other people will have relatively more than me.

Equlaity of opportunity is a lie, because human beings are born unequal, and that's a good thing. ALL material equality is wishful thinking.


Equality of opportunity is impossible, unless we remove the ability for parents to advantage their children with their effort.

Equality of outcome is impossible unless we start equally retarded policies.

Best system is create a guaranteed level of opportunity and a guaranteed level of outcome. Everything above that is based on personal merit. But no one is allowed to starve and no one must remain an illiterate ditch digger their entire lives.

Prove me wrong. Pro tip: u cant.


Nice proxy faggot.
>no state redistributing the weath
>more available workers than available work
>class mobility restricted
That gives you feudalism
>state redistributes the wealth
Would give you a communist hellhole. If instead
>awful chance habbening
>sharp decrease in available workers
>and/or sharp increase of available work
>workers' wages necessarily increase
>social mobility restrictions necessarily piss off
That would give you a competitive middle class. Similarly,
>state removes head from ass
>illegal residents returned to their home countries
>industrial production work not outsourced offshore
>trade conducted in a balanced manner
>middle class able to thrive
Will give us our country back.

Bonus round: Go one step further by repealing Affirmative Action bills and will start to go away.

Stop trying to control other people's lives. Human being are unequal. Accept it.

No, not absolutely, that would interfere with matters like inheritance, which is a blood right that cannot be violated.

No. It's a waste of time and money to give opportunity to scum that is not likely to achieve anything.

Socialists are worse than Muslims. The Jizya is about 5%.