Muslims attacks LGBT people

Hhahahaahahahahahhahaha the fools actually did it, they tried to have a Pride parade in a muslim neighborhood.

First they painted some benches in rainbow colors, and put up some stuff.

It all got burned down.

Then the LGBTQ people returned with the parade, and two got assaulted. Also some cars was set on fire.



Now we Swedes just gotta force the big Stockholm Pride to have their fuck huge parade in these immigrant neighborhoods.

Too fight against homophobia.


This is amazing, perhaps the gays will be redpilled before all the others?

can a Dutchfag help fight for the LBGT community's rights to march there?


Lol this is great. All pride events should be treated this way.

Sick of pride being shoved down our collective throats. Good on Muslims for having balls.

What;s with the sudden fascination with LGBT PRIDE in pol nowadays. Gay people are fine, but if those pride deviants march the streets, shoving their sexuality and enforcing some kinda normalisation with regards to deviant behaviour, they deserve to receive every kind of disapproval not amounting to violence.

Start some hashtag or something.

And we gotta spin this with "#immigrants4lgbt" and how "we are going to show that immigrants are not homophobic".

>thinking like a goyim

Do you even scheme?

If it pisses muslims off, it's a good thing


It's their double standard, they constantly fight against white people, while ignoring the gay hate from muslims and other groups.

Hell, the defend muslims like crazy.


faggots all need to die

Gay pride is disgusting anyways.
"Hey look we gays are exactly the same as you, now let us show your kids how we buttfuck eachother in public"

Sweden doesn't' even vaguely resemble a European country anymore it's basically Afghanistan now.
R.I.P. Sweden.

I don't want it on my street. But I certainly want it pushed and supported into Muslim areas


They'll probably find a way to blame straight white males for this
Swedes are inventive like that


The trick is to get thse two leftist groups to fight each other. Only one can survive.

No fascination, just sitting on the sidelines laughing at a bunch of homos confounded by reality.

gay people make up like 2% of the earth's population

these cunts are hedonists and/or mentally ill

Hopefully you learn from Muslims how to protest, because you could use that same kind of protesting against Muslims and other foreigners, after all you still have much more power than foreigners and you do nothing.

That makes me so happy.
I've been extra pissed at the fags so this puts a smile on my face

Divide and conquer you fuck.

>Lefties hold two conflicting ideas
>Muslims are good
>LGBT are good
>Only reason they hold them both is because the two have never really been in contact
>Force LGBT on Muslims
>Muslims freak out, as seen
>Lefties forced to either side with Muslims or LGBT
>Lefties become politically divided
>Right comes in and stomps both


They did that several years ago nobody listened to them. These fags are trying to wake up Sweden and show you what muslims are really like and you aren't listening to them.

The right dismisses them for being faggots and the left dismisses them for being Islamophobic but they're the only ones paying attention.

That's what they get for forcing their culture to moderate muslims

m8, that gay pride thing like last year was from the right.

That's why the gays and the left didn't listen to them.


holy fucking shit

we should rev up our grafitti cans and do all the benches and walls and stairs in muslim hoods in glorious gay colors

not even gay or supporting the case, but what an opportunity to beat two birds with one stone


LGBTQ+ should be more tolerant towards Muslims. This is the result of islamophobia. Sweden is doing it wrong.

Poor han chinese cant understand the white boi obsession with the bootyhole

I'd say I'd do it but for all I know ASIO is watching right now, we have the anti hate speech laws and it probably counts as a threat. Standing up for yourself is a threat to these people. Not wanting to die is Islamophobia. When are they (the left) going to learn that they're propping up foreign aggressors instead of their own citizens? Will it be too late?

You're quite the retarded leaf aren't you? That attitude is exactly why gays feel oppressed and feel the need to do parades and shit like this in the first place.

The gays will be responsible for driving out the Muslim hordes and saving their homelands.

I am truly hoping for more fags falling to muslims

this is literally a win-win situation.

I hope they start throwing them from buildings in the center of stockholm
that'd be the bestest

You ate wording it wrong, to prove to whites that Islam is not homophobic they will have part of the parade in a Muslim area where the bigot will be proven wrong by the progressive Islamic allies


Yea, we need to show those racists how the muslim community love the LGBT community!

they love them... to death !


Updoot pls with some gold my good sirs and madams ! xD

Its happening, the memes are breaking out of the matrix and seeping out into the web of reality


Not a bad idea.

Place a few LGBT posters on their commieblocks and mosques too

The feels are good.

The great Swedish Muslim - Homosexual territorial war.


That's were I live. Rissne

[spoiler]låt oss låtsas att det är 100% jihadister som bor där[/spoiler]

yeah, muslims are fighting... and we? We are doing mothing!

Far too late mate.

This is the best part; Resigning the liberal imbeciles to their carnage wrought entirely by their own devices

>Lefties forced to either side with Muslims or LGBT
>Lefties become politically divided
>Right comes in and stomps both
This is the other best part

>we should rev up our grafitti cans and do all the benches and walls and stairs in muslim hoods in glorious gay colors
I think you might be on to something, Nordbro


How far can the memes go?

Iam really shocked at the lack of solidarity between these two oppressed groups. Homophobia has got to go!

>post yfw Islam invariably refuses to embrace their society

Homosexuals are privileged class nowadays according to the leftists. So they will side with Islam of course.

I ask of any Swedish speaking person to explain, as Google translate is a cunt.

How many people went to the event?
How many immigrants acted violent?
How many people were hurt?
Was the event cut short?
How many cars were burned?

OKay I have no beef with Gays but wtf with the Gay Flag? Do they want a separate nation for them? And painting everything benches, trees etc etc in that gay flag, looks like a mini African nation growing in every corner.
Women and Nig Nogs went a lot of shit through history and are much more whinier than them but even they don't have flags to represent themselves.

As far as i can see, two people got hurt and the police denies that their car was on fire


>Right comes in and stomps both

Meanwhile in the UK.

Didn't SD do something like that? March through suburbs with Pride bullshit, which started a lot of shit.
Of course all the shit got turned against SD for "trying to make immigrants look intolerant", and the real issue got no focus at all.

They feel oppressed, so they have to walk around naked publically or in fetish outfits? Yeah sure, that will help their cause a lot!

In my town we have a festival every year. This year I haven't heard a single thing about it, but I've seen that Pride is from the 30th of June to the 2nd of July. It's on signs everywhere. Guess when they squeezed in the festival without any promotion? Same date.

So to get it right (I'm writing about it)
>benches being painted in fag colors
>get set on fire
>fags hold a parade out of 'protest'
>get assaulted, rocks thrown to face, police has to escort them

Daily reminder he's did not doing anything wrong.

Daily reminder that he's sacrified his life for slaying faggots.


>the police denies that their car was on fire

It's getting very hard for the government to lie to us these about things that occur in broad daylight. Thank God for the internet and video phones.


Reminder that doing a gay parade through a Muslim area is hate speech.

Omar "take my AR to the gaybar" Mateen, was literally a faggot himself.

>Of course all the shit got turned against SD for "trying to make immigrants look intolerant"

>Reminder that doing a gay parade through a Muslim area is hate speech.

This is what pisses me off the most about the current situation. We have this heirarchy of oppression, where certain groups of people are "allowed" to hold bigoted and intolerant beliefs simply because of who they are. And any attempt to expose or confront these beliefs is met with excuses by the very people who claim to be crusaders for tolerance and understanding.

So we need 1 faggot to kill 50 faggots.

Fair enough.

It makes no sense, with their victim hierarchy, Islam is at the top dog, but they want to kill literally everyone underneath them.

Islam is literally the root of the last real oppression on Earth ffs and they put it on a pedestal.

These people don't really have principles or even dreams of a better world. They just hate the west, its values, and its accomplishments, and they see Islam, its greatest enemy since the fall of Rome, as the means to tear us down.

Fuck gays, Fuck lefties, fuck muzzies more.

will the anitifa still be antifa or are they going to become antifag?




They are losing control of the narrative of "White males bad, everyone else good."

Remember the old days when liberals would not dare integrate themselves? They have become so deluded by their own propaganda that they actually believe it.

That is, they used to know that diversity was bullshit. It was just an excuse to get cheap laborers (for the bosses) and stick it to whitey (for the lower classes.)

In the last year especially, the left seems to have actually come to believe that only White Males are evil and everyone else is a saint.

They are going to be in for some very harsh lessons if they don't screw their heads back on straight (pun not intended.)

>Who is a biggest problem?
Oh lol, its a funny cognitive dissonance for binar thinking /pol trash.


the muzzies are making it really hard for me to hate them

i love the chaos

Hello Ahmed


There's a Pride parade in my city this weekend.
Can't wait to see if muzzies blow it up.
We've been getting "syrian" refugees relocated to our local area, all of the potential is there, it'll just be a matter of waiting and seeing.
If my state allowed people with pistol permits to carry into bars then I'd actually go to the Gay bar with my gun and just drink water, because even though I disagree with gays, they're still my fellow Americans, but they don't allow it so fuck it
Olympia, WA here, btw

Thrusting their sexuality.

If we send gays at Muslims they'll self destruct each other. You gotta think more jewishly about this bro

>Muslims attacking homosexuals
Who could have seen this coming?

I only hope this time the white man is not going to help the west and poor women. Let it all burn...

i hope a pride parade would get bombed by muslims.

We're letting the muslims fight against the other degenerates.

It's a win-win situation. Either the libshits get redpilled or the xir and theirs are getting destroyed.

US fags need Gays to vote for Trump and convince their non-gay friends to do the same thing. If Gays want to live they should vote for Trump. Duh?

Traffic cone?

"Our car isn't on fire"
"Yes it is! I see it right there!"
"Oh no it's ok. It's not our car. It belongs to the government."


Fags and dykes will be the catalyst and bridge for the final battle of Humanity