Migrant hate thread
Seriously what the fuck were you guys thinking
Migrant hate thread
Seriously what the fuck were you guys thinking
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salty white boi detected.
>Getting insulted by a Chink and poo in loo colony
Lmfao more whites here than your historical footnote of a country.
Sweden are dumb fucks that like to take sand biggers dick in the ass. I cant wait till we get nuked.
Cute story, Chang.
And how did those first whites get there?
>Seriously what the fuck were you guys thinking
>"They are just normal human beings just like us so obviously they are going to hold the same secular humanistic values as we do. And those that don't share those values will be a minority and they will soon see the superiority of our society and assimilate in no time at all."
>t. Sweden
Needless to say those assumptions turned out to be false and now the country is burning. Of course if this countinues eventually it migth lead to a new era of enlightened race realism since most people now accept that different people have different cultures and those cultures don't necesarilly mix well.
Please ignore the drama whore. Historionic people are all over this country and they feed on peoples negative feelings.
Is your government even trying to get rid of these rats?
>implying white australians weren't migrants
Check mate racists.
My dick is going to migrate up your arse in a minute
How do we uncuck Sweden?
I'd show her a thing or two about Border Force mate
Also I'm pretty sure that's Waleed Aly in a rain coat
the OP's image is not right because people of Sweden like to be fucked by sandniggers in the ass
Sweden seriously, why Somalis of all people?
Also, didn't you see that blacks have always caused problems everywhere they went? Did you think Americans were just making it up?
Genuinely curious.
You're only gay if you take it, that's why fucked traps isn't gay
Because Somalis are true alpha, females ugly af though but thats ok. Somali male + Swedish female will create some true alpha babies.
Hi, and Assalam Alaikum! Working as a healthcare assistant at a mental health hospital, hope to eventually become a clinical psychologist. I've completed my Psychology masters. Before this, I have done 3 years in Medicine until I performed a career change surgery. I have a Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences. Batman and other graphic novels, arthouse films, post-rock/metal/all kinds of indie music, and videogames are my thing.
Physically, I'm 5'7", dark hair, thick eyebrows, light brown eyes, slim build. Constantly switching between a shaved or bearded look, so there's no stability in facial hair structure.
I was born in Cardiff, Wales and have lived all around the UK, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, USA, and even Czech Republic (btw Prague is only beautiful if you're not looking down at the dog poop!). I have experienced quite a few cultures, and am always open to travelling to unique and exotic locations. Love mountains and any thrill-seeking activities. Switzerland was great, paraglided from one of the highest mountains. I hope to skydive, scuba dive, or bungee jump someday. Although I would never do that russian skyscraper daredevil free climbing stuff!
My family is moderate, but we have a good base. I would like to pray 5 times a day but right now I'm at 2 out of 5 :( We've done Hajj, and get excited for Ramadan like anyone else. We lived in Mecca for 6 years and I loved going to Kabah for tawaf and umrah.
I have a pretty good sense of humour, am quite sarcastic.
I'm really open minded, analytical, good-natured, and empathic. I'm tolerant of everyone just as Islam teaches and could be considered a liberal in terms of politics. My favourite books were and still are Roald Dahl novels, just simply the best. My hobbies are video games (Alan Wake is my favorite), movies (Waltz with Bashir is my favorite film), comic books (especially Batman), and obviously sports like badminton/cricket/table tennis/basketball.
Fuck off filthy degenerate! Shitskins need to stay in their shit countries!
You're not fooling us Achmed...
At this point I'm quite sure it happened due to peer pressure, white guilt imported from USA and no questioning the media. Swedes "love" multiculti as long it stays far away from their white areas. A local politician just got a death threat that he and his family were going to be executed if he allowed a refugee industry company build an asylum home in their white secluded paradise.
Its a sign you are marked for death nigger at 5'7 I should be able to beat you to death no problem.
This has to be bait though.
You fucking subhuman. Once they learn they can't civilize you they will send you back chimp.