My name is "Death to traitors, freedom for Britain"

How based is this dude, ey?

Other urls found in this thread:

He's a fucking idiot who could've very well cost us Brexit

Typical Brexiter: crazy, delusional, full of hatred.

Guys a spanner

>He's a fucking idiot who could've very well cost us Brexit

He might be a fucking idiot, but he also says that traitors are traitors and freedom is important.

This desu senpai

Bad timing.

>implying hes not a pre-programmed government asset activated to destroy brexit

I agree but there's a time and place. The week before the referendum was neither.

death penalty has to come back
violent people who kill innocents must be executed, sending them in jail would cost too much money


What happened to the witnesses saying he said no such things?

shut up, mountain nigger!

why did he shoot the girl?

No idea, all that's been brushed aside like it never happened.

I really can't believe that people are putting us down over a man who has mental problems.

On some random facebook post about it:

'Mike Watts My thoughts go out to Jo and especially her children and husband. To the fascists that spawned her murderer; you can't win, you will be stopped. It's what Joe fought for.

Fucking idiot


Breivik 2.0

If white genocide continues, we're going to have a Breivik every month.

>"Death to traitors, freedom for Britain"
>killed Brexit and, with it, freedom for Britain

Shit. I want a name as awesome as that.

Typical, This is all the fuyal of nigel and his hate mongering. That time he said "all left wing pussies need to be burned at the steak" Clearly got to this guy.

>inb4 cucks
At least he did something. The rest of you sit around while little girls are raped, which they just arrested a bunch more pakis for yesterday.
She was a traitor and she deserved to die for all the girls that were raped and boys that were stabbed and jumped by gangs because of people like her. He should have picked a different time but he is better than you bunch of faggots whining on this board then doing nothing.

because he is a deluded nazi faggot breivik jr. and a million stormweenies are now sucking his dick. disgusting.

You are the fucking idiot. Racists and fascists like you will be consigned to the dust bin of history. The left will triumph!

This is what happens when you beat down nationalists for decades until things start blowing up. Don't expect this to be the end.


>The name on the charging document wasn't "Death to Traitors, Freedom for Britain"
>he is immediately released as they have the wrong man

that makes no sense

And another little stormbabby gleefully leaps onto the back of the 'false flag' truck driven by smirking globalists.
End yourself.

He couldnt have waited a fucking month, could he, fucking hell.

Sounds like he got agency brainwashed by a Psyop. He might not even be aware of it. The timing is just too much of a coincidence to not be a Psyop sleeper. Messy.

kek i love how you retards completely flipped the narrative of "hes a plant by remain to fuck us over" to "hes a hero to britain" literally overnight

what doesnt make sense? most nazis are closet homosexuals anyway.

Were brothers in fucking arms
I wouldn't eish for America to be cucked by some type of NAFTA union


It was an honour playing with you lads

Sup Forums are such fucking hypocrites. Imagine if a Muslim did it.

But-but our special relationship!

Yeah i know its almost like Sup Forums is full of people with different opinions

your still not making any sense

Those are the cowards I'm talking about. We should be embracing the death of this scum traitor not pretending it was a false flag. Dumb /x/fags

>Mfw Tommy "Death to traitors, freedom for Britain" Mair was born in my hometown

We are all in the same team here even if we hail from different countries. Brits here support Trump so I support their Brexit.

So I know that "Mair" in Britain mostly derives from a Gaelic root that was an occupational title. But I also know that "Mair" is additionally a Yiddish name (from related Latin "maior", "greater"). I hate being the one to call (((coincidence))), but I figured I'd at least put this out there.

>wanting to win through killing the enemy rather than through legitimate reasoning

What's even then point of having the logical fallacies poster on the front page



> constantly fantasize about racist violence and revolution
> someone takes that bullshit seriously and ASSASSINATES AN MP
> "lol nothing to do with us, he was mentally ill, Sup Forums is a religion of peace guv"

You people are the Sheikh Abdullah of the right wing you know that?

he was a far right member
who was not on the crime scene
he owns a bar near the crime scene


isn't britain meant to be gun free? where'd he get the gun? why didn't the police stop him?

Fair play. What are the chances of:

1. Trump winning?
2. Hillary being put in the slammer?
3. USA being great again?

He made one


Hes not based. At best he is an idiot, his deed could cost brexit victory as he did it at the worst time possible, at worst he is working for EU and whole thing was a false flag.

He made it himself.

Britain isn't gun free but they are heavily restricted, of course. If you are really determined you might be able to get a shitty, home made gun, but it is a barrier that stops criminals walking around with them most of the time.


The point is not to play your hand until you know you can beat everyone else's cards. If someone throws out a shitty hand with the express purpose of trying to beat everyone else, you disavow them because the attention will, inevitably, come back to you if you don't.

but why didn't the police stop him?

Look what happened to your country because of do-nothings like you. It's now an ISIS colony you dumb /x/fag

How are they supposed to do that? We don't live in a panopticon. Utopia fallacy.

It would be mega great if people (and, in particular, media organisations) posting about the Jo Cox attack could stop blaming her murderer's actions on 'mental illness'. I get that he's a white male, and so it's pretty hard to pin his actions on any other reason. But mental illness does not, in any way, equate violence. So what, her attacker may have a history of mental health issues. It's like constantly bringing up the fact he had a pet cat as a kid. It's completely irrelevant to the case. The reason he committed this murder is because he's a bigoted, fascist arsehole who clearly has no morals. Simple as.

No, it's because he was a right wing terrorist.

The guillotine is rather effective and cheap.

It was homemade.

i know your feel bro.

What is it meant to achieve? He's made a martyr out of some low-tier Labour politician nobody ever heard of and given the left a British Brevik figure to tack onto any discussion of right-wing protest.

It's weirdly similar to the stabbing of Anna Lindh before the Swedish referendum on accepting the Euro. That didn't make any difference to the outcome and it looks like this wont either.

At least it wasn't 3D printed, people wouldn't stfu about it if it was

He must've manufactured the ammunition too.

Why did he not wait till after brexit?

Holy fuck antifa serbia has BTFO Sup Forums will we ever recover?

>homemade gun

He was the archetype British engineer, the type that made our country great #VoteLeave

He's an insane guy on medicamentation that went off the short end, who never before showed any kind of interest in politics and now snapped. Apparently she wasn't even his primary target.

It would be interesting to see who or what really set him off because this reeks of someone pushing him beyond the boundary and aiming him towards a certain group as he was easy to manipulate.

ay lmao, how stupid does PJW and Stephan look now after that video they made saying he didn't say "Britian First" and wasn't political

I was for Brexit but now I shilling for remain and I hope they crack down on these far right racist fascists

We would praise that too?

Taking side in any situation is not hypocritical

>Political elite

You should know better baguette.

>cost us brexit.
Sad news friend.. Brexit was never going to come true, the game is rigged. It'll be '''''''''''''''''''''''real close''''''''''''''''''''' but it wont be in reality. In reality, only one can win and that is the E.U.
Much like burgerland, voting has no real meaning.

Because it was a false flag to draw attention to """insane brexiters"""

your opinion doesn't mean shit yanko

>voting has no real meaning.


Oh fuck off you piece of shit, hell in all likelihood you're some agent provocateur but let's pretend you're not. He didn't "do something", he might've fucked up something that would do something.

He offed some random minor politician nobody gives a shit about who doesn't matter for the most part and whoms death will change exactly nothing and he did it at a point where it HELPS the opposition and might end up tremendously backfiring as it sabotages something hat could bring genuine change.

If you're a Stormfag you're as retarded as that BNP guy who tried to blame it on Britain First. Some minor (in)actions, some random infighting for power, some sabotaging others because you think they threaten your own position and you prioritize that bullshit over something as big as Britain leaving the EU which is likely to set the EU to desintegrate.

If you are a genuine Stormfag, put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger. People like you are our equivalent of the trigendered pyrofox with an anal plug marching in some protest, you're not helping anyone nor the cause you believe you're sabotaging and destroying it.

He replied that when asked what his name was during the trial.

Apparently shilling Mark Collett's girlfriend just wasn't enough. Only RACISTS and NAZIS don't want to give away national sovereignty to unelected bureaucrats.

Does anybody ask if muslim terrorists have mental problems? Come on, man the fuck up. Not saying they do or that this guy didn't haven them (probably he did), but it's irrelavant.

"I am now a cruz missle", nice try. Do you guys really think anyone believes that you were ever with group X and now suddenly belong to group Y rather than having been group Y all along?

Hello, I am Jeremy Corbyn and I have been wrong about everything. Socialism doesn't work, the EU doesn't work, Remain is wrong. I have finally looked at the data and come to the conclusion that Brexit is the only viable choice.

I Jeremy Corbyn endorse Brexit!

you kind of do though. there's cameras everywhere. you've got access to people's shopping receipts just like we do. i'm surprised you don't yet have a bayesian network running somewhere with this data being fed to it in real time, designed to analyze purchases and predict the behavior of "buying gun/bomb-making materials."

>1. Trump winning?
I'd say about 50%
>2. Hillary being put in the slammer?
20% (Requires Trump winning, then required Trump actually following through and crushing the enemy)
>3. USA being great again?

The most likely thing to happen, is for Trump to win (Like a Schwarzeneggar won, or Jesse Ventura won in Minnesota) getting in office, then not doing shit and becoming a total cuck in office and being useless. That's kind of the American way.

>bayesian network
>implying you can even compute bayesian proabilities for that many data points

> freedom is important
>kills someone because he doesnt agree

Literally "stop liking what I don't like"

Put your aussie flag back on faggot.

More like literally "stop giving our sovereignty and freedom away" but yeah he attacked an unimportant target with extremely poor timing, I can agree he's an idiot but he had good intentions.

We most probably do data mine the shit out of everything online. But it's not going to be 100% effective.

> buying gun/bomb-making materials

Do you realize "gun making materials" are literally hardware store parts indistinguishable from anything else?

That's not a very controversial statement though.

Freedom for Britain, every British person supports this.

And Death to Traitors, he supports the death penalty for high treason. That's not a wildly controversial stance, a lot of people support the death penalty for very evil crimes like pedophilia and treason.

When I first heard about it everyone was like "oh god he's a neonazi" but then I thought about it and it's really not that big of a deal.

Honestly now you know how it feels to be persecuted and vilified for the acts of one crazy. He did what the majority of Sup Forums would want to do if there were no consquences, but at the end of the day "the job" is left to crazies like him.

Crazy similarities with a certain religion of peace.

Fuck off JIDF. No ones going to take European preservation advice from a German

This cuck would condemn George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

Well obviously he didn't fucking use his tesco club card to buy that shit

The cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy is amazing round here especially since it's a few days since one crazy closet-gay Muslim murdered people and everyone blamed it on "Islamic terrorism"

Now they refuse to apply the same blame principle for "their side" when they've been doing nothing but fanning the flames for crazy paranoid shut-ins.

Hahahahaha Merkel is the empress of Europe. Where do politicians go if they want to get something done with Europe? To Merkel, not to Brussel. Germany is the leader of Europe and has their influence everywhere. If Germany wants something a certain way in Europe it will be that way.

Fuck, didn't Britishfags read Shakespeare's Julius Caesar? Didn't they learn the lesson "planned actions can lead to unintended consequences"? I'm disappointed, Britain.

Muslim terrorists tend to have a support network of their families and Imams and community as a whole who radicalize them.

Most of these white shooters are literally loners drugged up on psychotropics.