how does this pic make you feel?
How does this pic make you feel?
ne ti e sram peder eden
sarenata revolucija (makedonski evromaidan) se slucuva okolu tebe i ti postiras sliki so gjupci i beli zeni na egipetski papirusen forum.
Well Verdaska, I only have one emotion, kill'em, kill both of them, first of all the degenerate nig nog and then the cheating race mixer.
You think this guy isn't a proxy shill?
Straya (diaspora), I expected more.
Accurate representation of USA (God Bless*)
*and Israel too
hot as fuck. Imagine his gigantic black rod thrusting in her tight white vagine just before erupting in an explosion of warm semen. Mmmmmh
Nigger fucking a milf is hot, but the presense of a cuck is a turn-off.
cuckolding only works if she's hot. If she's fat then why wouldn't you just dump her?
she's 5,000 years old
Ignore and sage slide threads.
like a true american
>that stance
Dr. Jamal, I'm cuck
does anyone have the one with trudeau?
Further proves my theory that outside of porn black guys only go interracial for fatties, and older women.
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
Disgusted that it doesn't happen more often. Europe is so much farther ahead of us.
It's extra phatethic and humilating that way
Hes deciding which meal to order from mcdonals later
Lol. 45% of your birthrates are multiracial. Your women are dying to spread their legs for African semen
>1 post by this ID
You fucking wogs really will eat anything that smells like rotten meat won't you
he's gay
I'm a whiter than average sand man and it's confusing me
should i be siding with the white or black guy
If you watch a woman get fucked by a dog, do you side with the dog?
I feel like I should Photoshop Rich Evans face over the guys.
I thought that was milo
It doesn't. I don't presume to make choices for others.
It's makes me feel that I uncomfortable because I do not want to know what anybody else is getting up to in their bedroom. I have zero interest in anybody's sex life my my own. It concerns me that children could see this and be influenced into thinking this is normal or something they should want. I feel the same about gays and I am gay.