>tfw nervous when buying tickets at the counter
>go to Arclight and pay $17 so I can use the selfserve and I don't have to interact with people
Anyone else know this feel?
>tfw nervous when buying tickets at the counter
>go to Arclight and pay $17 so I can use the selfserve and I don't have to interact with people
Anyone else know this feel?
I know that feel senpai, you will get over it if you force yourself to do it. (No self-serve where I live)
If you can't even talk to another human without feeling uncomfortable then you need to work on it and unJUST yourself.
>t. guy who used to feel uncomfortable talking to other humans
Get a job that need to interact with people then you'll get used to it.
I got a job as a cashier and it didn't really help at all. You just end up going through a routine and it becomes talking to a piece of wood.
social anxiety is a meme you force upon yourself after being an outcast in school.
once you're older that shit you grew up with doesn't exist anymore though. nobody cares. especially people who are working. i'm fat and ugly and talk to people i've never met all day long when i'm out and about. people are generally nice. and even if they're not, who cares? the second you walk away, they don't exist anymore.
I don't think fear works based on logic
It mostly does actually
>Arclight replaces locale theater down the street
>Have to drive all the way to the Cinemark about a mile away to get decent enough matinee prices but still have to pay for parking
Fuck your 14 matinee and 17 reg tickets and your goddamn liquor license Arclight
this is true and a huge relief. growing up has been great so far.
Having worked as a cashier, I can sympathize. But if it's the type of place that has regulars you can strike something up based on information they've given away, from how they dress or from how they're ordering. It's only creepy if you go too far.
>ask a young guy if he's from a nearby university
>ask about the weather if someone comes in unusually bundled up
>ask about accents, etc.
Just don't do it to women if you're still worried.
>never worked as a waiter
>always wanted to because of how romanticized the job can (can) be.
Oh well.
What's the big idea with looking people in the eyes? It's threatening and confrontational.
The problem is more with followups than the questions. I tend to speak like I'm interviewing them for a job interview. It doesn't feel right, but then again most people don't elaborate very much. It feels like I have to carry every conversation. Understandable in that position where people just want to shop and leave I guess, but I feel this way about most people - even a lot of relatives who I have great relationships with.
How old are you if you're still having these issues? That's just sad.
Why would it change with age?
>forgetting that you can find old men pushing into their 40s or 50s who have awful social skills
Visit your local gamestore if you really want to see the saddest underbelly of society.
The older you are, the longer you've had to fix yourself
I think the implication is that most sad, undersocialized fucks have already offed themselves before 30.
he forgets that a true autist will never kill himself, because he believes nothing is wrong with himself.
Once you're past 30 its kinda pointless, might as well kill yourself
Oh shit
Im gunna give you the best piece of advice you'll ever get in life.
Join a Sports team
Join a martial art club
Either of these will give you social and body gains. it will litterly fix every aspect of your life.
Pic related was a spergy beta before Boxing, now he has confidence and a full harem of women yearning for his cock
>joining a sports team or a club with no experience
Don't do this, but do do martial arts or boxing classes
>Don't do this
Do it. even if you suck just go to practice untill you get some skills.
I Used to play Soccer at university, like 85% of they players were better then I was but id still play and put pressure on them