How can we stop this madness?
How can we stop this madness?
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yeah I clicked on one of those and I want my money back
Maybe if we banded together we could do something but singularly we are crippled.
are those bots? how is it possible to get that many views so quickly
a clicks a click
flag it as much as you can be an u tube hero.
If it ain't a Finger Family vid, I ain't clickin it.
fire is literally plebbate
Stab him with his own knife!
These videos are incredibly unkino
>rubber band ball grand finale
>doesn't even clean slice, guy hacks it to pieces instead
is this just like hydraulic press?
We never forgive.
We never forget.
We are legion.
Expect us.
all this nigga has to do is create a 30 second video of what he says he's going to do
how do you fuck this up
he's literally phoebe's brother from friends who like to melt stuff
hydraulic press channel was popular for a while so now all these hacks are trying to compete. there was some swedish guy who exploded things but every explosion looked the same so it was boring as fuck. i hope this fag accidentally kills himself with his stupid knife
This hot knife bullshit has been showing up on my YT home for days now, fuck off.
Does anyone know the ratio for this shit? seems like you could make some nice pocket change if you come up with a stupid thing millions of people will click.
>cuts open a tooth paste tube
>"Oh well that's cool!"
>cuts it again
>cuts it a 3rd time
>a 4th
> :/
>takes his stupid fucking knife and smashes it down into some toothpaste and rubs it around
This guy should fucking put his hot knife to his forehead
The press one is actually somewhat interesting though
These burning knife videos are the new "Will it Blend?" videos. They're a fad that will die off soon enough.
I never subscribe on youtube, but if there was a channel dedicated to stuff like pic related, I'd follow that shit in a heartbeat. It's GOAT comfy
and another
Isn't that the name of the next Star Wars?
work in a factory pleb brain
Will it blend was fun. These videos suck total cock
there is -
The finnish ebin accent is way more amusing than the whole hydraulic press (channel)
That's satisfying as fuck
I hate looking at these fucking thumbnails in my suggestions
Any of the list shit too
>Watch videos of firearm disassembly and history
>TOP 10 BEST SNIPER RIFLES - uploaded by xX_ku$hkill3r_Xx
I click 'not interested' every time and they keep showing up.
Buy all knives in the world and hide them.
I havent seen that but ive been watching wood turning vids which is pretty fucking cool too
why are these fucking videos all over my recommended videos list? ive never clicked on one in my life
For real, there is no way millions of people watch every one of this retard's videos
Literally nothing exciting or interesting happens ever
I'm pretty sure this guy is paying YouTube. I'm getting custom notifications on my fucking phone and email about these shitty ass videos.
1000 degree knife vs BBC
Hold up white boi nothing can withstand the power of the BBC
>tfw made short films and no one gives a shit
>Some asshole with a hot knife gets millions of views
>ave has interesting videos with top banter and narration and anecdotes from the real world plus lessons learned from a phd
>barely cracks 100k views
>red hot knife
>trillion views
Well the difference is that I heard of the latter whether I wanted to or not.
Top 10 sniper rifles of some CoD shit nevertheless
Youtube rigs the recommended list to fuck
do not laugh at our accent please
Knife vs Knife when?
1 million views = 10,000 dollars youtube pays you
underrated post
no because that actually produces a weird result. this shit is literally just awkwardly cutting objects.
>Tfw never makes tens of thousands of dollars being a useless fuck on YouTube just playing video games or incompetently cutting things with a hot knife
I should try to copy it
>Garage door opener vs. 1000 degree hammer
Gibe monies pls
There is no ratio. It's all about how many ads you run and how much of your viewer base is not blocking them. You would be lucky to get $1 per 10k views.
Then why don't you start a youtube channel making CIA impressions in different costumes?
Did you just make this up?
Why do these videos use the word "experiment" so much? There ain't no scientific method here.
Is this some sort of psychological defense word that keeps us from directly acknowledging what we are participating in? Like "passed on" for death, or "my place for a drink" for sex.
post it here senpai
>have channel with 2 million views
>can't monetize because not in USA
Yes you can
Literal knife kino
Its just a shitty ripoff of the kino that is Red Hot Nickle Ball. And its nowhere near as comfy as Hydraulic Press Channel.
>Have channel I only made to listen to music and keep track of videos I like
>Literally never uploaded anything
>Like 3 people subscribed to it
you'll be surprised at the stupid shit people will click on. the trick is making it go viral.
if you have adsense enabled in your videos they pay you for the ad revenue.
lava > fire
10k views equal about 2 dollars.
So yes. He did
You know if you're fast enough and savvy to gaming the youtube algorithm there's a legit million clickbate video here.
I could never fathom it
It's like the "10 sexy girls you won't believe!" clickbait bullshit we have here now
I feel like it genuinely insults my intelligence by expecting I'm so fucking stupid I'm going to click it
The curve is too messed up. New youtubers spend years producing mid to good quality material in the hopes of making money like big youtubers. Apparently, now, even big youtubers are complaining about new youtube policy which makes it even harder for small regular people to actually profit from it or even just become successful. On top of that, you don't get paid for views, you get paid for ads. What people usually do is use the youtube popularity to get money in a connected way, like youtuber girls that are paid by make up companies to review their products.
Who watches all this crap? It's the equivalent of watching paint dry yet there are dozens of channels getting millions of views repeating a gimmick that wasn't even interesting for one video.
I like the niche electronics review channels. You find fags in the recommended videos "reviewing" samples they got from the manufacturer without disclosing that, then the review consists of opening the box. Some fags don't even turn on the product.
>No commentary
>Does nothing interesting other than cut and smoosh
>Shitty fucking dance music
fucking why
good thing I use adblock.
Don't worry goy. It will be illegal in near future.
but I enjoy some madness.
Little kids
all me :3
Why does this shit get recommended by Youtube? If it's not something made by a multi-million dollar company like talk show clips, movie trailers, or Buzzfeed eating $500 burgers, it's usually complete no-effort garbage like this
I thought they were too busy watching Minecraft, Peppa Pig, and Clash of Clans videos.
Because people who are actually interested in machining or tinkering or whatever the fuck actually watch AvE's videos. Same with Mathias Wandel and all those other youtube channels which involve someone filming and talking about various projects.
The "Cut shit with hot knife" videos appeal to the normies. They have been conditioned by the facebook "what happens when X DOES Y? We even bolded the text so you dont have to read!" shit.
Sucks to be him. I block ads and everyone here should.
youtube takes 90% of the ad revenue for all videos.
Funny, I actually can appreciate most of these braindead videos but this guy is just too much. This one legit offended me. I can honestly say I don't want to watch some retard sting himself over and over again - for "survival practice".
Why do people like watching other people in pain so much anyways?
So now that this is basically what the internet has come to thanks to normalfags, what's the next big thing for us cool kids?
How's your channel doing Sup Forums?
>Who watches all this crap?
Normies. The problem is you think "normies" are the "redditors" who don't play japanese pedophile video games and vote for Trump. But in this case I mean real commoners. This is what most people find entertaining. I know, it truly is horrifying. This is the modern version of "watching" daytime soap operas or some shit.
going outside and talking to people, normies don't do that anymore
Great! I have 30 subscribers.
Even the "ow, my nuts" show from Idiocracy is better than this crap. This is the equivalent of jingling keys in front of a baby.
same reason they pushed lets plays and reactions vids.
They arent interested in quality. Just views from retards
because watching peoples reactions to stressful situations is funny and interesting. Eating a hot pepper is a human experience in that anyone who it's one will react in pretty much the same way to it. So if you watch someone going through that temporary agony it's funny because you can empathize with it completely. You are experiencing it vicariously.
Just use a script to block "recommended for you" videos.
Even if your browser deletes all cookies and you don't even have a YT account, it will still give you "recommended for you" videos. These are propaganda videos that keep you from watching constructive videos. The recommended videos are normally about sex and inane things. It is extremely insidious.
If you use something like Greasemonkey for Firefox you can make a script to target and remove those from the list.
Remember, it exists as a trap to keep you from affecting the world around you.
Just like most of Sup Forums boards.
>he doesn't turn off comments and ratings
>Peppa Pig
>knife vs matches
>4 minutes of cutting unrelated items
>he touches the matches and they all catch on fire
>doesn't even cut the matches