Communism By The Back Door

Communism by the back door part 19 released

This episode talks about how we are all slaves of Israel and the Elites. It also mentions how Hitler tried to break free from the slavery which started the world war.

>What are these documentaries?
Communism by the back door depicts how Communism is taking over the world slowly everyday. You can see it yourself, our freedom of speech, freedom of owning a gun is slowly being taken away from us. The Elites are trying to establish a New World Order. What is that you ask? Neo Conservatism. What is Neo Conservatism? Socialism, Internationalism, Trotskyism. Today's Catholicism isn't like it was before, the Pope isn't who we think he is. He's a Satanist, he shouldn't be trusted at all.
>What about religion?
Religion would be abolished, there would be no more Christianity, instead, it would be replaced with Satanism.
Don't trust me? Watch all the episodes.

The greatest story never told is the story about Adolf Hitler.
Hitler came to power in 1933 and got rid of the Elites that were running the country and banks, he also got rid of Masons. Elites all around the world couldn't let this happen, if Germany gets rid of them, other countries will start to follow and they'll soon lose power, they have to do something to stop this. So, they start a war against Germany.
After watching this documentary you'll understand that you were lied your whole life and you are still lied even today. There is a giant conspiracy plotting against Europeans, and most important, the whole world, the destruction of the white race.

Got any questions? Feel free to ask.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why are communists always smelly, unemployed, homosexual and act like they're above everyone else despite being 17?

Reminder that Sup Forums is being raided by shills and that this thread won't get much views unless you bump and show everyone the truth.
We need to retake our board


Bump for interest.

Preaching to the quire, brother.

But have a bump anyway

They don't. People like you just like to think they do.

These are good. Not sure if OP makes them but I've seen all until this part. Alot of interesting factoids about history.



bump for greatness



illuminati confirmed

This. Communists run the whole damn show. The first communist was not Karl Marx, it was Adam Weishaupt.



Communism is the thing which destoryed our world brother,there will alaways be one flaw and that is there will be no pleasing everyone



Bumping, this is in the back of my mind all the time, the cold war didn't end it just went underground and became that much more powerful.



>Hitler came to power in 1933 and got rid of the Elites that were running the country and banks, he also got rid of Masons. Elites all around the world couldn't let this happen, if Germany gets rid of them, other countries will start to follow and they'll soon lose power, they have to do something to stop this.

>So, they start a war against Germany.

>Got any questions? Feel free to ask.

Iirc boyo, Hitler invaded Poland. Then he split up Lithuania Latvia and Estonia with the soviets, Then he invaded France.

What's this shit about "them" STARTING war with Germany?

how old are boy ? 14 or 15. Didnt your grandma told you the words no tito no pita ?


I really liked The Greatest Story Never Told, but did Dennis Wise go tinfoil on this new one? I always kind of avoided freemasons and satanists; seemed a bit off.


Hitler "owed" money to every other country, and was explicitly forbidden from exporting Jews and illegal immigrants. You'd invade someone too if they said "yeah we're going to take $500 a month from you, and sorry about letting those people shit in your house and destroy your stuff, but you're not allowed to get rid of them"

I'm gonna keep living Catholic.

They are trying to push satanism through degeneracy, hedonism, and the devil cult worship of islam.


Watch "The Real and Only Truth About This World" on ytube. About 2-3 hours long I think. It explains the connection the new age/transhumanism/freemasonry/satanism in great detail from a theological perspective. You don't have to believe yourself in order to understand what it is they believe and why they're so hell-bent on archiving it.

I'm sorry, but who's this?


He was famous for his house in un-American activities commissions. His goal was to track down every possible communist and sympathizer in America and uncover their networks and financial ties involving actors, media, etc.

Basically he's the hero America truly deserved but couldn't handle.

McCarthy was right. Communist subverted everyone.

>devil cult worship of islam.
I hate all the desert rats too, but this notion that other religions are "devil worship" is just flat out retarded.


The worst part is, we are taught that he was paranoid and out of control. There really were communists saboteurs, yet the schools compare the red scare to the Salem witch trials. There were no proven witches. Plenty of communists discovered.

Guess who's a gullible rightwing retard?

>McCarthy was right. Communist subverted everyone.

No communist regimes anywhere in the world.
Zero chance of any nations becoming communist.

Gullible conservatives shrieking, terrified, still shitting their short over "muh communisms"

< whole world laughing at them >