Really Sup Forums? Let me guess

Really Sup Forums? Let me guess
>autistic brit """redpills""" his crazy 52 yr old uncle
>52 yr old quits his meds and dives into MUH Sup Forums idealogy
>brit/pol/ probably drops more """redpills""" and causes this guy to murder an MP for MUH FREEDOMS

Good going you morons, this is why Hito should remove this board and ban all Politically incorrect discussions period. You sociopaths are dangerous

Other urls found in this thread:

>1 post by this ID

>single posto by this idio


Really OP?
>MP helps enact policies to bring Muslim immigrants to Britain
>Muslim immigrants rape 1400 children but the government covers it up to protect their careers
>Muslim immigrants behead British native in broad daylight
>Muslim immigrants declare they want Sharia law
>first Muslim mayor of London almost immediately bans ads of attractive women; the same cunt who defends the actions of Muslim terrorists, but is "offended" by bikinis

Maybe you should just remove yourself from this world you pathetic cuck

>muh single post

I'm fucking serious, did you read the investigation report?
>influenced by a rightwing imagesite
>recently bought $600 dollars worth of rightwing books
>supported NeoNazi party
>bought a gun and ammo making book from NeoNazi party
>was given a push to carry out idealogy by online detractors


After being on Sup Forums for years I agree. This board is toxic and probably has a body count. No way Breivik and Dylann Roof weren't regulars.


No way Mair wasn't susceptible to the constant cuck meming. Sup Forums couldn't have done better to radicalize him if they'd tried.

>thread theme

>>influenced by a rightwing imagesite


Sadly for the theory he was radicalized by Sup Forums, it turns out Mair's been a neonazi since the late 1990's.

But maybe the cuck meme finally pushed him over the edge.

How could he have brought a gun if guns are illegal?
Checkmate, atheists.

Read the fucking article you moron

> why have laws against murder if people still murder

I've been on this site for over a decade and haven't killed anyone yet, OP BTFO

He built it. He learned how to build rifles and make ammo

> I've been on this site for over a decade and haven't killed anyone yet
> yet

didnt you just type out that he brought a gun and ammo a single post ago?

See, this would not have happened if homemade guns were illegal.

>make homemade gun making illegal

How would you even check for that? Wtf

>Still on the board.

Shut up paki.

There is no reference to an image site you stupid burger.


The sooner this board gets wiped the better

Mandatory, random home searches without probable cause.

>why have laws against murder if people still murder

He was ordering nazi shit through the mail before Sup Forums even existed, you colossal spastic.

>had 600 bucks
definitely wasn't Sup Forums

>Good going you morons, this is why Hito should remove this board and ban all Politically incorrect discussions period. You sociopaths are dangerous
>The sooner this board gets wiped the better

Jew shilling is real.

There's literally nothing wrong with this board. People doing this are the ones who're mentall ill.

But the real fuckers are the one spreading disinfo and pointing fingers, like this article for example. You on the other hand, are just a parasite taking all info to maintain your worthless liberal identity.

You're promoting degeneracy and limiting free speech through someones projected thoughts.

Sup Forums is a board of peace.

>deleting containment boards

but where are the proofs?


death to cucks, glory to brittania

I work in the hospital all of them went to. Fucking armed police everywhere.

When it's a brown skinned terrorist you don't seem to need much proof to instantly claim that he was a Muslim, in fact you go on and scapegoat all Muslims for this regardless of their background or actual beliefs.

However when it's a white supremacist you instantly defend him, say that judging an entire group (of white nationalists) is unfair and he was probably just a mentally ill lone wolf.

The fact that you fascists can't see the irony is hilarious.

We did it reddit!

Her death is sad for her family and friends, but a single incident. The real tragedy is the thousands of White girls, who won't get articles written for them, who were raped by third world scum let in let in by the millions and covered for by traitorous Labour politicians like this woman. The effects of this on the British people will last forever.

And we are still way up in the polls, too bad cuck. This won't be the last.

>muslim terrorist attack
>white guy murders someone

Sup Forums needs this board.
Without it we would go to the other boards.

Someone post the meme where a jew tried to get Hiro to delete Sup Forums for mountains of shekels and hero told him to go jew somewhere else

Is a rape committed by a brown/black person somehow anymore tragic than a rape committed by a white person? When it's the latter you lot always seem to blame the victim for "wearing inappropriate clothing" or "wandering the streets on her own", never mind completely ignoring the whole phenomena

The point isn't to stop people from killing each other, but to provide a means to punish the action if/when it occurs. Banning possession of items is a not in any way equivalent.

What the fuck do they teach you over there?

Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Shiller.
If You Think We're On The Run?
We Are The Boys Who Will Stop Your Little Game
We Are The Boys Who Will Make You Think Again
'Cause Who Do You Think You Are Kidding mr shiller
If You Think Old England's Done?

This is bait, but damn am I triggered anyway.

>One attack
Ban everything
>Muslims attack
Religion of peace, dindu. Let ISIS keep their Twitter and social media accounts.



Fuck off Hillary.

Sup Forums is a board of peace

The difference is that one thing is domestic and the other is foreign. Friction within a community and resulting political violence is not the same as attack from outside the community. We have a certain tolerance (not approval of, but recognition of rare events as inevitable) when it comes to violence WITHIN our community.

Attack from without is a whole other matter. And that is why the muslim issue is different. It is different also because it is a completely avoidable problem in that some FOOL made a choice to bring them here where they don't belong.

>Numerous terrorist attacks in the name of Islam
>n-n-not all muslims guys!!!!

>Some brexit backer murders an MP
>all brexit backers are murderous sociopaths

Leftist """""""Equality"""""""" everyone.

He probably browsed sheeki forum

Sup Forums is an imageboard of peace

Nothing moronic about it, she was activity implementing White genocide, more than deserving of the death penalty.

autism 101: doesn't have the attention span for anything more than a comment based image board

it's ok buddy you can listen to the quran audio file in english if you google it. i know how tough it must be to forget what you're reading about after 5 sentences or more

you can also use google as a dictionary so you can read what scapegoat means

Fuck off with the memes Sup Forums

This board is responsible for probably alot of influenced killings

Elliot Rogers
And now this fuck head

In all honesty I'm surprised Hito keeps this shit board up. Same with reddit and /r/thedonald or /r/politics

This type of shit won't stop til we stop people pushing alternative rightwing propaganda as """memes"""

The guy was an agent sent to de-rail the exit campaign. The MP was a necessary sacrifice.

>The sooner this board gets wiped the better

The sooner you and your politically correct anti-free speech crowd get wiped out ,the better.

>This board is responsible for probably alot of influenced killings

Wasn't he a Stormfag?
>Elliot Rogers
>And now this fuck head
Who had been involved with the marginal far right in England since the 90s..

>Same with reddit and /r/thedonald or /r/politics

You have to go back.

>This type of shit won't stop til we stop people pushing alternative rightwing propaganda as """memes"""

You better be meming yourself m80

There are more jihadis and their mossad masters lurking this board than neo nazis.

>this just in
Crazy guy does something crazy
>faggot tries restricting liberty in response
1 P O S T

Wow, it's like I've completely forgotten that a Muslim had carried out the biggest mass shooting in US history less than a week ago.

Did you hear about that alligator eating that kid in Florida? O M G


>Wasn't he a Stormfag?


He was a low level freemason, pro israel, fulltime wow-guildmaster.

Played wow from his mothers basement for 16 hours a day

had a smal income from selling fake universety diplomas online.

He then pretended he was going to start working, rented a farm and claim he wantet to grow potatoes.

The rest is history.

Anons got it.
>Referendum polls show leave campaign gaining few points leed
>Just over a week left to campaign
>Remain know working class will win referendum

>fulltime wow-guildmaster.

Lmao, I know he played.. Never realised he was a guildmaster. Those are the worst autists.

Quality post

I'm sorry, I rememberd incorrectly. (I dont wow) He was just an officer.

But they brought in his guildmaster to testify in court.
He had nothing but praise. Claiming "Breivik was one of the best officers they ever had."

Brevik himself claimed on record, in court, to be "an olympic athlete level wow player"

sause in norwegian

This is a fucking containment board faggot. You get rid of this, we spread out and its 10 times worse.

At least this way it's all in one place

>muh containment

How about ban all """containment""" areas just be silenced? Honestly you fuck heads make shit worse not better. You retards want the world to end, how is this helping exactly? It doesn't just makes more people go shoot others in the name of "altright"


>recently bought right wing stuff
Are you referring to this 20 year old invoice that the (((SPLC))) magically "found" within hours of the attack?

> laws against an action don't deter the action

Are you retarded?

I was an officer in a guild once, does that mean I will transform into a Breivik at some point?

If you seriously think this board or, this site, was responsible for even one killing anywhere at anytime you need mental help.
The most i will concede is that Sup Forums is a symptom not a cause - normal people don't read things and make plans to massacre folks. They were already sick.

Your reasoning is simplistic, the problem is complicated.

Underrated senpai.

we couldn't care less abiut your opinion, stick it u yer arse

we can hope

spout some memes in court if you do

maybe even blame your addiction to dank memes

>already sick

If you retards did not spam your stupid right wing memes like "RWDS" or "praise kek!" etc shit like this would be less obvious. You fucks add the fuel to the fire of these nut jobs who then carry out "political justice". This board needs to be removed and all logged ID's from this board blacklisted from social media outlets. You retards can go back to IRC where no one has to be subjected to extreme ideals like you people.

>yfw the rightwing image site ends up being some edgy subreddit and reddit gets blocked in europe

Why are the prices in dollars?

Holy shit you're a fag. Go move to Sweden if you hare freedom of speech so much. Freedom is dangerous, and you're never going to be able to limit it for Americans.

How is this a bad thing?



Fucking hypocrite. Crawl back into that dog's, you call you mother, womb.

Murder shoulde be legal. Imagine how polite everyone would be.

>buy gun

pick one

Kill yourself.

The tree of liberty... Blood of patriots and tyrants... Ect....

>cleaned himself with Brillo pads

>a lone nut is the same as millions of followers of an ideology of conquest through violence masquerading as a religion of peace

Fuck off achmed.

He built one from books he bought, can't you read?

>ignoring statistics is so tolerant and progressive

>Not for the lack of trying

He wrote "bought".

Oh hey Brit, how is that gunban working for you? Everything going well? Noone gets shot?

Nice isn't it.?

why would you need to buy any of that?

>logged IDs banned

Are you a child or a woman? Your staggering ignorace of how an anonymous message board works is embarassing for you. You bring shame on your famiry.

>pic related: the post

>OP is actually serious

wut the fuck

But thats retarded user.

>praise Kek!

In all fairness though, the time to kill the traitors is now

kek has denied you trips because you're a faggot. wish you were in pulse