Now that women are in the military and considered physical and psychological equals to men...

Now that women are in the military and considered physical and psychological equals to men, why aren't we getting war movies with women characters, showing heroic display of honor, courage, discipline and sisterhood in the face of conflict?

Other urls found in this thread:

Christ, I'm glad I'm out of the military. That guy having to read his paper to ensure he says the right think really seals the deal.
>i'm supposed to be hard on her
>can't say anything bad, better check my preapproved notes on what's politically correct when I yell at her

This is a bait thread, but Sup Forums is the shittiest of all the boards I've visited so that's not new.

Anyway, you're not getting a (you), but women are not and probably never will be considered either of those things. They're considered social equals, kind of, not physical ones.

>letting that rifle touch the ground

absolutely fucking disgusting





>looks at notes
>doesn't talk anymore

Kek, holy shit

What a fucking joke this place has become

Mate I work with a 21 year old dude who joined the brit army at 16 and was in it for 5 years, and he is a fat fuck soft as shit pussy that hates the sight of blood, complains when it's a bit chilly and is a lazy useless fuck nugget and he claims to be pretty typical

>After a 12-mile march, and with the finish line in sight, Cudd began to falter, but she didn’t give up, video uploaded to the Facebook page showed.
>Less than 25 percent of soldiers who attempt the test are successful, the site stated.

Soooo another thread copied from Sup Forums

Lot of people like that in the military, depends on your job. The one thing you buddy has that women don't is picking shit up and moving it.

If you had your legs broken and you were wearing full gear and needed to be drug to safety who do you want doing it? Your pussy friend who can lift more or your good female friend?

Your pussy friend may be a pussy, be he can be yelled at and shamed into doing his job. It doesn't matter how brave a woman is, nine times out of ten she's not going to be physically able to actually drag a full grown man wearing gear, while she's wearing gear to safety.

Women are just physically inferior to men. That doesn't make them less than men, nor does it mean they need to be dominated and slapped around.

Also take note of the Israeli military when it concerns women. Men have a natural instinct to protect women. In a combat situation men will do irrational things to protect a woman that they normally wouldn't do to protect a man. It jeopardizes the mission.

Oh fuck you. Women aren't less than men but they are physically weaker than men. You can't expect to combine women and men into a combat situation and expect everything to work out because you want it to. Men are built for combat, women are not. Both sexes have their weaknesses and strengths. You can't force women to be somehow physically capable to handle the rigors or the military through sheer progressive will.

The military in the western world is meaningless except for in America

To be a a part of the British Army is equivalent as to check luggage and wand people in the airport

>Sup Forums - Television & Film

>he is a fat fuck soft as shit pussy that hates the sight of blood, complains when it's a bit chilly and is a lazy useless fuck nugget and he claims to be pretty typical

He's not. "Typical" former squaddies live in cardboard boxes on the Thames Embankment and spend their days begging. If anything your boy's exceptional.

women are a meme

Women have the same set of bones and muscles. They can be as strong as men are. They also can take more pain than men. They are natural born soldiers.

Women are 100% physically equal to men, get over it

Got respect for her to keep going Tbh. Most women would break down in tears or some shit.
How heavy is her pack?

I'd rather have vasquez on my side than any faggot from the army I've ever met

y'know, if Sup Forums has taught me anything it's that this shit really doesn't matter. some luckless general officer who's had the obligation to devise an "integration program" dumped on him despite absolutely not wanting it probably gets less ridiculously impassioned about the subject of women in muh military than Sup Forums types

Nah. Women can't be as strong as men. This is pretty proven. They can be stronger than a man who doesn't train obviously, but if they both train at the same intensity and rate the man will grow stronger faster. Don't mess with science to push your agenda.

I'm sure you could find vides of men being retarded and failing at physical tests if you tried

120% in comparison with "Sup Forums men".

What is Gender-Dimorphism final answer.

>they can take a lot more pain than men
True, but they aren't naturally as physically strong as men.

Be fucking honest with yourself. If you were forming a private army or hard soldiers would you want a bunch of girls or a bunch of dudes protecting you?

Think about it practically. As a man you yourself would be able to physically overpower your own mother, your sister, your girlfriend, your wife, your female cousins and your aunts. It wouldn't even be a contest. Mentally pair yourself with female relatives or friends, you as a man would come out top.

Your average man can destroy your average female in hand to hand combat . Like, fucking destroy. You could be an out of shape NEET and throw around six chicks like nothing.

I really should get around to watching the alien movies

>Women have the same set of bones and muscles.
This is patently false.

Female bodies aren't designed structurally to be as powerful as male bodies.
Why am I even responding to a shitpost.

>they can take a lot more pain than men
Is this really true? Women overreact to everything when it comes to pain and men seem to be able to push themselves a lot harder.

The argument stems from "muh childbirth"

That should tell you all the validity of the statement in itself.

she's not real

war is no longer popular.

Wow CGI is better than I thought


It has nothing to do with childbirth. People automatically reach for childbirth and getting kicked in the balls, which one is worse?

Women do have a higher tolerance for pain.

>hand to hand combat
There is no more hand to hand combat on a modern battlefield. Now we use jets, drones, tanks etc. Women can operate them with no problem.
Inb4 women drivers

that was kinda cute

Do you not understand what testosterone is? I bet you're one of those people who believe woman have working penises and men have working vaginas.

Based on what though? If a girl falls and trips her ankle, she'll drop to the floor in tears like her leg is broken.

From what I can gather, kidney stones are worse than giving birth and getting kicked in the balls.

>which one is worse?

Given how you're in the "women are stronk" camp, this answer will upset you.

Lets approach this logically. Again, I know this will upset you (although I sincerely hope you surprise me)

I'll use myself as an example. I've knocked my wife up twice now. We have 2 children together. After she had given birth the first time, it was her idea to have a second child. This means she was actively choosing to endure childbirth one more time.

In what universe, user. Do I turn to you and say "I really want another kick in the balls" ?

Kick in the balls > Childbirth

Oh yeah, Kidney stones are a biiiitch.
>But a baby weighs 1000x more!
Yes and the female body is built with that in mind, typically. Kidneys just weren't made for glass deposits. Though to the best of my knowledge they're only so much of an issue now due to shitty diets.

You still have soldiers on the ground though. There's always going to be an infantry. You can't find one example of any movie or historical context where they used superior technology and didn't eventually send in ground troops.

Ground troops, men on the ground with rifles, are the bread and butter of the military.

Pretty good. I'm using this.

Reminder there are women who literally believe this.

> woman have working penises and men have working vaginas.

That is a joke you stole.

I'm not the person you are talking to but children have more benefits than a kick in the balls. False equivalence and not logical.

>he uses butter


Sounds like you are talking about emotional pain son. Sorry your wife got knocked up and you're trapped now. I guess you'll spin it as being an adult when you know deep down everything fucking sucks and you secretly wished it never happened.

But that's the pain you'll carry. And you will.

Rather astute.

The female fighters of the YPG/PKK are pretty damn hardened. Maybe not as hardened as its male counterparts but there is definitely a middle ground between the webm in OP and reality.

Alright, we can send men with rifles on ground but we can also use trained lethal women assassins who kill the enemies Nikita style.

Fritzl's daughter survived in that basement getting raped for years, an example of how women could survive capture and torture. Any motherfucker can fire a gun

I can't believe I'm even responding to this bait, but I will treat you like the logical person you claim that you are. Did you consider that women have a very strong instinct to nurture? One child was not enough to fulfill her biological instinct so she wanted more to nurture. The pain was not enough to inhibit her instinct, we have no way of knowing how strong that force is so we can't know the pain level just from that analogy.

Sorry but as a guy, getting kicked in the balls is horrible but I imagine birth is a lot worse.
There are plenty of things that hurt more than both anyway, like a displaced femur fracture

the actress is an old jewish woman pretending to be some oiled up, tough as nails hispanic chick

Childbirth: Body's endorphin levels shoot through the roof during pregnancy, increasing and peaking at delivery. These act as natural pain killers to help ease birth.


You are the product of a divorce/single mother

I can tell in your post by your usage of "trapped" and shit

Don't worry user, I'm sure you weren't the reason your parents didn't want to live together any longer

>Sorry your wife got knocked up and you're trapped now.

I'd hardly call it trapped when it was a choice I made. Twice.

Not everyone is a teenager like yourself, terrified at the idea of children. You're projecting so hard I could point you at a wall and show a powerpoint presentation.

Women exaggerate and complain more, no way!

I've had constipation and hemorroids, I was crying trying to get that shit out took me a few days for release. I imagine squeezing a baby out of your vagina is equivalent, respect.

Vasquez is fictional and so is the smart gun.

She could dominate me any day, crush my head between her thighs

>every thread that offends me is le Sup Forums boogeyman

>the human body can only bear 45 del
>woman can feel up to 57 del

What did they mean by this?

If women can do everything men can do, why are most sports divided by gender???

Again, look at real life Israeli military. They have troubles all the time about this.
>problems carrying gear
>problems about men naturally wanting to protect women
You can't just wipe away natural human instincts because you want them to go away.

Men and women mixed in the military presents multiple problems. Men are physically stronger than women. Men want to naturally protect women. Men connect more with men in a hard situation. Men and women sleep together, so a breakdown of the chain of command happens because Commander Jones is fucking Private Susie.

>if women can do everything men can do, why is it that women are doing sports like men?


>what are PoW's

Don't forget american football, a sport woman don't even have a real league for. Not without wearing underwear, anyway (soft-core porn, not a sport)

Plebs that play vidya and watch ww2 movies

Women can do alto of things that aren't grunt infantry work.
Shooting a gun is about technique and practice. As long as there is modern war there will be 40% of "soldiers" that aren't slogging through the mud but are logistical, medical personel.
Specialization in the military is what separates the 1st world.
Please stop aruging like its 100 years ago and the most important thing is who charges with the bayonet faster or who can hit you harder.

bullets don't care about upper body strenght or your bromance in the unit

>a guy who hasn't been in the military

IIRC the female brain releases endorphins or some other hormone at max capability during childbirth to help numb the pain/make it more akin to shock, even though it still hurts like a motherfucker.

Also modern women aren't strong Spartan/Viking shieldmaidens giving birth in the wilderness or some shit; they're first worlders hopped up on schedule 1 narcotics during birth.

I get that childbirth is painful, but women keep taking the figures for a 100% OG natural childbirth that they'll never have and claiming they can handle it, which I doubt most can.

Nobody in this thread could run 1/2 mile with a fucking anime cushion on your back

yours sounds worse cause it took days and giving birth only takes hours

I wanna give her a hug

Men aren't the ones pushing HAES, pumpkin.

To be honest if I joined the military I'd be just as awful

>please help me I'm trapped
I hear you guys. You're the stronger ones among us all. I know you're trapped.

the kind of guys on Sup Forums who get excited about this sort of thread are hardly what you'd call "men", buttercup

>can't say anything bad, better check my preapproved notes on what's politically correct when I yell at her


you guys need another 'nam.

>a faggot with no argument

Women aren't prone to agression and its harder for them to enjoy carnage

Evolution molded men into enjoying violence, teamwork and overcoming obstacles

Just because I wasn't whipped like a dog and don't blindly yell YESSIR doesn't make any of my points invalid

>she doesn't know about the weabs who enlist out of desperation
At the end of the day they still have to do more than you to get through

You're so utterly beaten.

Do explain, if you can. How exactly am I "trapped" when the woman in question is my wife, whom I married by choice, and knocked up by choice? Both my children were planned.

what kind of piss poor reply was that? you completely ignored the point and instead typed your retarded opinion about the people posting on Sup Forums. why can you morons vote?

Jokes aside, i think in a couple of years they'll make "Hidden figures"-like movie about women in army. G.I.Jane is still a great movie for me

Lmao nigga infantry equipment/gear is fucking heavy as shit. Fatigues 10 pounds, Body armor 30 pounds, Rucksack 20-100 pounds+, rifle 9 pounds. Modern warfare is 10% shooting, 90% marching and patrolling. There's a reason basic training and conditioning exists.

>resting on the rifle while it's pointing at your face


Your mom is a meme.

here's the full room