Thinking of moving to Australia

Thinking of moving to Australia

Give me reasons why i shouldn't move

I'll deck you cunt

We have enough dangerous animals here, we really don't need another one

We're full and you're too dumb to move here

We're full faggot


You will probably be imprisoned in Nauru instead.

Sweden is much better.

ill piss in your ass and shit in your dick

I have family in sweden, but they tell it's to cold so i don't like sweden


holy fuck I hate Somalians

no you're not, you have lowest density of population in world apart from antartica

Nauru is a bloody tropical paradise. Highly recommend you stay there instead.

Too many asians.

Fuck off nigger! The west don't want your savagery. Stay in your shit country asshole.

>losing to england

fucking proxy shitposter
give proof you are from somalia

Cunt do you want to live in the desert?

because you will end up in a jail in thailand probably

Because New Zealand is better


Don't encourage the shitskin mate

1. We're full
2. People will think you are an Abbo. Being a nigger. Terrible. Being an Abbo. Wouldn't even wish it on a nigger.

Welcome Abdi. Don't worry about what these white dogs are saying there are plenty of room and plenty of women.

Because you already live here and are just using a proxy.

You're most welcome mate, this country desperately needs individuals from as many diverse cultures as possible.

Fits his kind perfectly and he also could live together with the Abos.

You won't like it here

Give proofs you're actually from Somalia you proxy faggot.

Also fuck off we're full

Fuck off ya wanker! No shitskins!


who's we ?

Die lousy traitor!

I sympathise with you for having to put up with these fairly unwelcoming remarks, which I share, so why don't you make a plan and make somalia a nicer place to be?

Fuck off cunt, I'll cave your asshole in at customs you dirty dog

Western civilization asshole. WE DON'T WANT YOU FILTHY SHITSKIN!

Fuck off. They're full.

how does Somalia have internet?


You must be new here. Falling for based Somali bros cheeky banter


Libertarian paradise :^)

Fuck off we're full and somalia probably has better internet.

Because the shitskins will steal everything as well as rape and destroy everything they touch

Thanks, Ameribro.

Captured smartphone off a US army Blackhawk pilot.

Move to US instead. better place

Fuck you smelly curry fuck! We don't want him either!


We'll house you in a literal ghetto with the rest of the Africans and the best job you can hope for is working at McDonalds or a carwash.

> Somalians telling someone to get shot

how the fuck did you get internet?

It best be cheeky banter. We don't need anymore shitskins in the west.

This place is fucking terrible please for your sake never come here

I'am fortunate enough to not have much long left to stay in this terrible terrible place

This is the anus of the world seriously

The people are the most scum of the earth garbage to have ever been born, their men all look like fucking rapists and have the conscious of criminals, they have no fucking culture and their women, bushpig sluts that are blackholes of looseness, and every single fucking piece of shit australian woman has a holier than thou attitude because their men are such pussy garbage

They have no industry

They have no culture

Everyone is either miserable or an ignorant piece of fucking shit

All ethnic people here just spend 24/7 complaining amongst ourselves about how fucking shit it is here and how shit the people are

Then there is the fucking ultra liberal gay bullshit. Fuck off and die please all australians talking about gaybbqwtf or "brown people" bullshit or fucking "person of color" bullshit, everything please all of you die!!!!! I am not some "poor brown person awww everyone racism boohoo i so weak y whyte peepo no herp mi" fuck that!!! White people are garbage, descendants of criminals or europeans, aka losers and faggots!

You want to come to australia REALLY???

What the fuck is wrong with you!?!? Australians are fucking garbage yes all of you and noone wants to be "aussie" that is just lies that we tell you to leave us alone and gtfo away from us. Go back to your vb and bushpigs and disgusting trash accent and no family and fucking shit women you all have the same ugly fucking thin lips faces look like you always ready to suck a dick with your open mouths and vacant moron looks fucking white people and aboriginals you deserve each other

Allahu akbar fuck you all i am leaving ahahahhahahaha enjoy your hellhole indonesia can crush you at any time ahahahahaha

muslim country will never be a nice place

You're funny shitskin, Go get ebola you fuck.

Hello brother, just come down to Melbourne I'll set you up

fuck off cunt, if ur a white aussie this place is great

Brother melbourne is one of the worst, why would you leave beautiful somalia to be surrounded by kuffar!!! Save yourself and dont go to this place its terrible i am angry all the time here you cannot practice islam in such a place it is disgusting- malaysia brother you will feel so good really it is true islam there as well

thank you, indianbro.

i'll take 1000 indians over 1 somali any day

He sounds like an Indonesian student who's having daddy issues.

>American education

HAHAHAH you probably thought Africa was one country go watch a movie and die


Enjoy your fucking garbage bags of wine

Like i said, aboriginals and white people deserve each other

Australia will forever be the garbage dump of the world and i dont think even you white people are happy

Ahmed just couldn't handle the bantz anymore

Not indonesian from levent fuckface

Go back to sucking off men and picketing gay rights or whatever other bullshit you australians do

thank you
USA is full too

>No one gives a shit about your shitty continent.

Fuck off, Africa is still shit even if supposedly Somalia wasn't affect by ebola

GO HOME YOU CUNT we all hate you

Try me faggot

Ahmed is a mans name unlike whatever pussy shit they name australians

"Dylan" or "cory" or whatever other weak bullshit gay names you cant even control your disgusting fat and stinky whore women who noone wants and wont shut the fuck up with their disgusting voices sound like a cross between a jew and a pig being fucked

I will apply for college in australia if i decide to move idiot, make more assumptions please

I am going home, cant wait

Enjoy being overrun by superior chinese and indian people :) ahahahaha loser go back to your vb you are too drunk to write ahahahaha

Brother, college in australia is worthless wallah so many of my friends came from somalia the same way and are still without job for years after graduating, there is NOTHING here except kuffars, save yourself!!!

what a fucking marshmellow

Western Anglos have to stick together.

Fuck off Australia is full

Marshmellow better than everything you faggots able to produce for food seriously australians have the worst taste i have ever encountered, hence why they are all asslicking faggots

Yeah fuck me for trying to have a better life, you were just born into a good life, why do you act as if you worked hard for it

Nah don't even bother after this election we're quite fucked. Also we're full, Europe is that away

Don't get so worked up bud, get over here legally and not on a boat and you are good in my books

>Give me reasons why i shouldn't move
You're a rare flag and some people haven't collected you yet so you must stay in Somalia and shitpost from there so everyone will have you.

Or PNG so he could live in the rain forests

Australians are garbage they dont know the meaning of work

They only know how to be trash, this place is cursed, everyone is doomed to be aboriginals here it is garbage i am telling you save yourself brother do not make the same mistake i did to come to this shit place

Cunt just fuck off k?

Somalians are the shittest cunts, I'm sorry. Fuck off we're full.

your posts will be auto disregarded on Sup Forums.

Look in the mirror.

You want your nostrils split cunt?

Shut the fuck up you fucking yahudi rat noone wants anything to do with you people

But even you are better than australians

No the shittiest cunts are australian women

Just look at what kind of shit exits their cunts, ugly weak faggot boys who are the worst version of any human to ever be produced

kek man come on you're trying so hard to make him not come to straya

its simple jew tactic :>)

where do you suggest i go then

I'll tell you a secret, Australia isn't actually full. Been in and out of that country for many times now. You probably shouldn't tell others about this. Also you should not enter there as a refugee or you'll get stuck in the middle of nowhere like nauru, papua or some shit (like new zealand maybe)

You know what man, I was actually too harsh maybe toward you. I don't actually care at all about yahudi country, just stay away from me you are too european that is the problem only, if you guys were more like us other middle easterners there can be peace

China or Russia is good :)

MALAYSIA!!!!! or maybe turkey also or jordan, canada i heard is really really good especially

Is 75% hohol 25% kike ok to be considered "too european" my dear straya?

this is the nicest thing someone said to me i love you
i'd still not move to you tho.

Because I care for the wellbeing of my muslim brother and this place is terrible wallah I would give my eye to save anyone from this horrible place

Fuck off, we're full.

you'll be a good leaf, you will make all leafs proud.