Are their Careers Finally over?
Are their Careers Finally over?
Hers is
>h-hey Chris I could be Mystique in Guardians now that I'm not going to be in the Fox movies anymore, that'd be cool right haha
>excuse me, I'm talking to my wife.
Not for Chris, but I think Hollywood is getting sick of Lawrence bullshit
her lack of talent is more and more obvious every movie. It's gonna be a matter of time.
I'm sure she'll find a way to blame it on her being a girl and rally reddit and tumblr behind the cause.
I don't see how Pratt's career is even close to over, everyone likes him, he's not a pot stirrer like Lawrence, and he's due to appear in at least two billion dollar movies.
Yes for JLaw
>Dance off bro vol 2
No for Chris
and if she doesn't you'll contrive some way of persuading yourself that's what she's doing so you can have a good whinge about it on Sup Forums. it's all good right?
Jennifer is one of the best actresses in Hollywood at the moment, she isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
>her lack of talent
She has talent though. Move along pleb.
fuck the reviews. i'm going to see this film and I liked it
>She has talent
Casting couch talent of slurping circumcised Shlomo cocks, that's for sure.
Hi Jennifer's PR team!
Hers certainly is
Her 20mill paycheck was 20% of the budget for Passengers. She got paid even more than Pratt who objectively brings in more box office than she does. But Passengers isn't doing so well, and I can guarantee you it isn't because of Pratt.
She just can't act. She has no talent, she has an unpleasant bitch face constantly which is not something people want to look at, and she is overall a pretty shitty person to work with.
Also you'd be surprised how many people don't go to see her/take their kids to see movies with her in it because of how slutty she was revealed to be in the fappening.
>I'm sure she'll find a way to blame it on her being a girl
Is that anything like when you attribute your own problems to being a white man or is that specially different?
>an adult actually believes this
Amy Adams
Rachel McAdams
Kristen Stewart
Jessica Chastain
Emily Blunt
And the Mara's are way better tbqh senpai
His no. Hers is close to over.
But literally no one wanted this movie. It reeks of 2005. People see right through this bullshit ticketbait.
Hers is, shes insufferable. But you have to admit, you came a few times to her nudes
Would listing five good actors who aren't David Caruso make David Caruso a bad actor? No
Hers definitely is. Maybe if she pulls something drastic she can make it but Hollywood has a short patience for women, and her prime is over. He's pretty cool he can do what he wants, I doubt he's hit his peak yet
When is she gonna start being a slut in movies for attention? Once she has a nude scene youll know its going downhill
What the fuck is this bland ass poster
>would u fuck either of these two? Then come watch passengers. What's it about. Are you fucking stupid? Passengers!
>I got an idea
>It's this film starring Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence
What's the plot?
>Well, there isn't one
>It stars Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence
Okay but how do we market it?
>It's in space
>jlaw nude payday
>after the fappening
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but lots of actresses had their retirement pulled from under them when that went down.
If audiences don't choose for her to career to decline now, I'm certain that it'll be her fellow actors and actresses that'll shut her down. Apparently she's a horrible actress with whom to act, and she's annoyed the entirety of the X-Men cast for how little effort she stirs from herself, and she's also pissed off Chris Pratt this year by obsessing over baiting him to cheat over his wife. And SJW-minded actors have no choice but to despise her for her Haiwai "wiped muh butt" episode.
The plot was actually really interesting if you took out the romance and Jlaw's character as a whole. Basically castaway in space.
>Basically castaway in space.
That's every space movie you dummy.
no you are actually very smart but I needed to sound cool
>your own problem
Nice projection, cucked ass bitch.
If wilson was a person he forcefully brought to the island with him
>it's sci-fi with Chris Pratt
>instantly think about talking raccoons and shitty 80s songs
it's painfully distracting.
I thought she showed some passion in the movie, she wasn't bad in it or anything it was just the wrong movie for both of them They are both considered comedic actors to a degree right, so why stick two people like that in a movie with no jokes.
Chris had a scene where it just felt like Andy showed up, and she didn't really come off as a serious reporter.
It was an interesting concept but overall the ending was bad and the science went wonky, it could have been better. It wasn't completely terrible, the bad reviews probably come from her decision at the end as they probably see it as sexist or some shit.
Chris Pratt might will probably be massive over the next decade or so. I wouldn't be surprised if Guardians of the Galaxy 2, 3 and the Infinity Wars movies all pulled in over a billion dollars.
Haven't seen it, but I'm assuming there's some big problem/conspiracy that they discover when they wake up and they have to solve right? That's fine and all, but after they've saved the day why don't they just go back in their cryopods?
He wakes up alone and forcefully wakes her up so he's not alone and then she falls in love with him
Her disgusting body would kill my boners.
Who finds that attractive?
but why not both go back to sleep and then hook up when they wake up at their planet?
J.L. internet popularity was the worst thing ever. At least Chris is daddy material
Literally rape
Nobody gives a shit about actors in movies anymore. What was Chris Pratt in before Guardians of the Galaxy? Did anyone go and see it and have it make bank because "oh man, Chris Pratt, he's great I love his acting". Did anyone go and watch Foxcatcher because "Man, Steve Carrel he's so funny". Who went to see The Force Awakens because "Daisy Ridley was great as that one corpse in Silent Witness". Did the Hunger games do well because "Oh man, Jennifer Lawrence was great in fuckin X-Men".
All that popular actors serve to do today is make you think that it probably doesn't suck, otherwise they would have done something better. That doesn't get people into theaters.
The one exception is maybe Tom Cruise.
>All that popular actors serve to do today is make you think that it probably doesn't suck
basically yeah, the state of the mainstream movie industry is fucking atrocious
The point of A-list actors was to make people give original movies a chance. Pretty much irrelevant when literally no movies are original and the midbudget film has vanished
I saw this film without seeing what kind of reviews I had and had a good time.
Only disgusting plebs read reviews first so they have a preconceived notion of what the film should be and thus go in looking to see why it's bad instead of going to have a good time. It's like that beta cuck who nods his head at everything even though he doesn't agree with it just because he's too awkward to say anything back
But yeah Lawrence could have been literally anybody else.
so what was the tweest where did everyonegone
>the midbudget film has vanished
This is killing Hollywood and no one in it has realised it. Nowadays if someone is making a midbudget movie it's either an Oscar contender or it just barely gets made. Joy, the movie that JLaw was in before this took 60 million dollars to make and it was about a chick who made a mop, set entirely in buildings and houses.
They are asleep? That's what i gathered from the trailer.
J-Law doesn't look mature in any movies where she's supposed to be an adult, I don't know what it is about her face or body that does this.
He has Reddit of the Memes 2 and Jurassic Shit to hang on. His lack of talent and charisma will get to him too, but not yet
It was all a dream :DDDD:D:D:D:D
Just kidding, Chris is an android and Jlaw is a woman who got fuck up for eternity alone until death because of patriarchy
The movie isn't going to impact either of their careers.
A flop for successful actors does not = the end of them unless it continues to happen.
Pratt especially the Jurassic Park and GotG franchises for at least the next 5+ years.
>Reddit of the Memes 2 and Jurassic Shit
Wow, really creative, must have spent hours thinking up those witty barbs.
I hate posters like this, literally just the actors faces, how fucking creative.
The hell is this movie even about? Because the material that's supposed to promote it isn't doing its job.
No, but it would be a legitimate response to a post saying David Caruso is the best actor in Hollywood
tumblr hates her
You seem triggered
Actually it is. They wanted to promote Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence being in the same movie. So they just put their entire faces on the poster. Done and done.
Muh starpower etc. It's how you know it's going to be shit as well.
Then why are A-list actors paid so much?
You can read the plot summary on Wikipedia, but I'll lay down the major plot points
>They're all on some ship going to some important place forw hatever reason in hyper-sleep / stasis
>Pratt gets woken up 90 years early
>He reads about JLaw's character and becomes infatuated with her, eventually decides to wake her up
>Tells her initially that they were both woken up accidentally
>The ship is damaged
>Pratt eventually tells her the truth after getting close and that they both can't both be put back to sleep
>Another character wakes up played by Laurence Fishburne who tells them how to fix the ship and ends up dying from an illness or something
>Fixing the ship also allows one of them to go back to sleep and Pratt inisits that JLaw does this
>power of love blahblah you find out she decided to stay with him
>The end
>missed one of the spoiler texts
Whoops, oh well I don't think anyone here gives a fuck about seeing it anyway.
She has fatface like a cabbage patch kid.
Everyone discussing talentless Jlaw while Pratt is even worse reddit-level actor who can't play any serious roles. It just seems he somehow forgot that.
Because execs are dumb and old fashioned. Same reason why none of the studios decided to make a home streaming service until Netflix was already too well established to dethrone.
An actual good twist would be you find out Chris Pratt's character kills Lawrence Fishburne's so that he can be alone with Jennifer.
I liked it a lot, was expecting their descendents walking around when the crew finally woke up but the entire movie was great.
Yeah it's shit. Could've been interesting with actors who could actually act.
The Marvel, marketing and film itself made GotG successful, but it also launched Pratt's career as a charismatic and likeable guy and I believe made him bankable.
For Foxcatcher it's always a draw for people wanting to see mainly comedic actors do dramatic roles. Also helps if the film is actually great too.
Movies can't survive on just itself alone, it needs actors to play the parts well in ORDER for the film to be successful.
Margot Robbie as Harley in Suicide Squad was it's main draw for sure.
A good twist would have been that JLaw rigged Pratt's pod to open and did something that would lead him on the path to "waking her up" after she went back to sleep, like reprogramming the robot to gently guide him to her. She wanted to live a life alone with a guy and knew that she would need to guilt him to hold power over him and their relationship, also she's crazy.
Would make more sense for Fishburne's character to want to murder Pratt because they're together and he has nobody.
why was a writer sent along with colonists?
how exactly would she be useful in setting up a settlement?
Meant for
People went to see Suicide Squad for the hot blonde, not for Margot herself.
Writers writing about writers :^)
did they really have a dance off?
Nigga please, Margot was hot shit already and people really wanted to see her portrayal of the character.
A 'woman being hot' isn't enough of a box office draw in this day and age.
Rape is the least of it tbqh, by waking her up early he's effectively giving her a death sentence.
>people really wanted to see her portrayal of the character.
Did they? She was barely talked about before that movie came out, her biggest role was Wolf of War street which she wasn't really all that amazing in.
you'd want to send artists of all types to a new human colony on another planet.
>Literally rape
Yeah....tho not literally.
Wolf of Wall street* obviously
she is fucking cancer to everything
>What was Chris Pratt in before Guardians of the Galaxy
>you are going to see it
>and you liked it
How does that even work?
the Infinity Shilling Paradox
>Parks and Rec
>Never pulled in more than 5 million beyond the premiere.
Nobody gave a shit about that. Interesting pepe filename though, is that from Facebook?
Cause the ship was going to explode or something
>not Bright in Everwood
Step up, son
Prat have 2 of the biggest movie franchise of all time with big paychecks already paid
Jlaw was aweful in every movie she was in.
Name one good acting performance from Jennifer Lawrence
It's from a very obscure image search called first results page
>Lets completely ripoff alien's plot
>But instead of the alien the scary part is JL' s acting
Who greenlighted this shit
Filenames don't work that way.
My boobs are blindâ„¢
this wasn't the first colony, and as she was rich she was able to buy herself in. Pratt's character has to pay 20% of his yearly salary to the company for the rest of his life, but the movie says it's a deal because he has a desirable job (engineer/mechanic).
They mention the company makes 8 quadrillion on its previous settlement.
Here's an exact link to the file:
Now fuck off, retard
Facebook filenames are like 102132001_21231020.jpg, that shit looks like google
It has a _n.jpg at the tail end
Oh lawd halp me Jesus
>LITEARLLY from a google search, not even within the reddit site
>this post