What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Beckinsale and Wiseman got a divorce, ruining the set atmosphere.
Beckinsale kept bringing her boytoy along with her and he tripped over the cables a few times.
Those pesky cables!
Underworld is one of those series you forget you've seen, so I guess critics couldn't bank off of nostalgia of the previous films ("The older ones were good/fun/entertaining, so we have to be lenient with this one!" like with the RE movies) and had to judge it on its own merits.
That's her fault for not milking him properly beforehand.
All things become old.
Actresses, Franchises etc.
Not enough of mommy in tight leather suits
>grim dark
>early 2000s visual style
>hard-R rate
>no quips or cast of comic relief characters
Of course critics were going to hate it.
Milking whom? The boy? Does he get nervous/clumsy when there's too much juice in his system?
Kate has been growing younger though. Her daughter is a vessel for her aging. Like Dorian Gray's painting.
underworld was never good, but they just kept making them.
not that I blame them, any excuse to dress up kate and accentuate her figure is good enough for me, but honestly the movies suck shit
>>no quips or cast of comic relief characters
Bullshit, Edmure "fuckface" Tully is the main baddy, doesn't get more comic relief than that.
Define "good movie". If you are able to appreciate John Wick or Blade for the sheer amount of bad-assery, body count and on-screen brutality then you should love Resident Evil and Underworld as well.
What went right?
I sort of enjoyed the first movie for what it was, but honestly they get pretty stupid even for generic action movie schlock just looking for an excuse to show off some fight choreography.
I mean the other movies you listed are dumb, but underworld is REAL dumb
It's less derivative and came out at the right time.
i thought she was the hottest thing back then, I still kinda do now
>sort of enjoyed
Then those movies are not for you or you will never really love them. If Matrix-style action scenes didn't have you grinning for minutes straight then you're not the intended audience.
I love Len Wiseman. He's so 90s it hurts. The Total Recall remake is nothing but his own fan fiction and rip offs/homages combined with a fetish film starring his IRL wife.
I wish I could talk Image Comics and femdom with him.
Why is her husband in the movies a new actor? Does that mean he's going to die now
> get ass-blasted because you stole your ideas from another franchise and got called out on it.
> keep making shitty movies that don't make money.
GG guys.
Wait what did Underworld steal shit from?
Stole from what? It's obviously a highly derivative, fan fic tier series, but who BTFOed them?
Of course, why do you think she carries all those fleshlights around with her all the time.
Was kind of shit. First few were at least sort of believable with vampires and werewolves being a disease. This one just straight up introduced fucking magic sparkle vampires.
They also decided the previous film didn't happen and undid all of the events in that film (to be honest, it was shit).
That and they killed off one of the main characters off screen for no reason was kind of fucking dumb.
I want to see his reactions when people called him Edward Scissorhands.
Several of the writers worked for a /tg/ company prior to setting up shop with their studio production. It was primarily related to their depiction of Werewolves in the film.
If you saw similarities between Underworld and that Vampire; the masquerade game you wouldn't be too far off the mark.
Rich man's Cheryl Cole
What the fuck. Blade and John wick succeed cause they don't waste your time, they show off the action expertly and they have tons of other great little things going on in between their action sequences. Just cause another movie is a dumb action movie doesn't mean I'm fucking required to like it. Direction and writing do play a role considering these are more than just extended fight scenes, they're fucking full length movies.
God your post reeks of stupidity.
Fuck Im mad.
Where's the line separating inspiration and influence from plagiarism?
not enough latex
This is the dude Satan was talking about.
>Direction and writing
>in an action movie
Yes, i'm looking for a great character drama when i'm bored and slightly drunk.
Usually being unable to form a good argument that the idea can be formed from mass culture.
Wow, you're an idiot
I guess you're the fag they keep making these shit movies for.
>That and they killed off one of the main characters off screen for no reason was kind of fucking dumb.
Well, after Speedman left, franschise went to shit. Well, the 3-d film didn't need him, and was kind of not bad, but latest two were bad. And if the 4-th had giant werevolves and badass Seline with good action, the 5-th had nothing at all.
Fucking underworld, how do people like this shit?
>Vampire in ye olden times
>somehow manage to cast the bitch with the fucked up to hell injected duck bill lips.
Takes me right the fuck out.
Direction is essential in action. Look at Bay or Cameron.
They are notoriously protective of their franchise, and the Vampire/Werewolf thing is very much part of that.
I like her plastic surgery. She looks fake af but she loons god anyway.
Strangely enough young Kate doesn't seem like the type of girl who'd have her face rebuilt like that at all.
And you're the kind of idiot that was protesting Commando and Rambo 2 over 30 years ago because it was just an action movie.
I really don't see much a difference between Woo, Cameron or Bay besides the obvious stuff like certain camera angles and signature elements like the doves or excessive steady cam shots revolving around the action..
Those guys are all quality directors. The problem is guys who aren't.
>What went wrong?
Female director.
I mean Wiseman is nothing special but not especially bad either. I'd say he's on par with W.S. Anderson which makes him an okay action director.
>that pic
fuckable! Anyhow. I do find plustic surgery makes people butt-ugly but personal choices you know? If it makes you happy go nuts, fuck it all up. The thing is: I'm probably wrong to expect artistic coherency from something like Underworld but if you say "Hey this one is gonna play in the fucking dark ages" don't use the bitch with the obviously fucked up face. or at the very least slap some makeup/prostetics on that shit and make it look vaguely human. Film has always been better at making Girls look pretty than Doctors.
It's one of thing to make Rambo 2
Its another to make commando 6:recommanded or Rambo 8: John Rambo has alzheimers
Although both those movies would be better than any of the RE or underworld movies
But it doesn't matter cause you're stupid af and missed my point and think I have a bone to pick with action movies. Absolute retardation
>I really don't see much of a difference between directors besides their vastly different styles of direction
Yea man, tell me about it, hard boiled and transformers are like literally the same movie.
i fucking love loons god
>I have a bone to pick with action movies
No, you hate action movies that are just straight-forward action movies without the bells and whistles of a good story, good characters and dialogue while i couldn't care less about any of that when i'm in the mood to watch shit explode and blood getting sprayed on walls for 90 minutes.
All action movies have about
15-30 minutes of action with 70 minutes of story. I'd rather than 70 minutes also be enjoyable and not just forgettable trash with bad acting that just wastes my time. If you like shitty movies just cause they have action good for you. Michael Bay will be making movies for you for a long time. I like good action movies that hold my interest and deliver the action goods. This requires a strong script and good direction. Disagreeing with this is autism.
If I wanted to watch nonstop action for 90 minutes id watch a YouTube comp. No action movie features nonstop action throughout, and those that get close to it do it well cause they have good pacing and a good script that gives the action purpose. If I wanted to watch things blow up for 90 minutes I could watch demolition videos and that could be considered action. There's a reason movies like commando are considered classics while movies like Solo are not.
Eat ass you dumbfuck.
post pre surgery Kate
>>no quips or cast of comic relief characters
>get >50% RT score
Haha classic numale reviewers
wait,she had a surgery on her nose? i thought she were all natural
It's a sequel to a franchise that was only considered cool by teens who shopped at Hot Topic in 2004.
Most actresses get nosejobs 2bh
I think the only one that didn't was Winona Ryder, the Jew.
No idea, user. It's just as good as all the others.
The Resident Evil movies are no where near being cool. They're like watching some shitty fan-fiction brought to life.
Thank you for proving my point by providing a good action movie with good acting and stellar direction. Script was eh but district 9 guy is good enough to keep it going.
>action movie
>only 20% of it is action
That makes it a bad action movie famalam
What else, should The Phantom Menace be labeled as Comedy too because 20% of it is Jar Jar Binks?
You probably unironically enjoy this kind of shit.
No what makes a bad action movie is shit choreography and an uninteresting plot that makes you feel as if there's no stakes in place during the action scenes.
Current Seagal? Fuck no, but Out For Justice, Under Siege, Marked for Death, Hard to Kill and Above the Law are some of the best action movies ever made.