1- Your country

1- Your country
2- Your job
3- How much do you make a year
4- Are you gay?

1- Germany
2- PHP developer
3- 30K€
4- No

1- Australia
2- McDonalds cashier
3- $4.5 Million annually
4- Yes

haha Australia is shitposting in my thread. This is the epic for the win.

French antarctic teritorries
Painting the black part on penguins.
9000 quadrillion Zimbabwean dollars.

Who said I'm shitposting? :^)
Also nice digits

>Aerospace Engineer
>Bi, but I only ever date grills.

1- Canada
2- Prime Minister
3- 4.8 million sheckles
4- yes, in the most violent way possible (also with dogs)

>online posting vice president engineer specialist
>small loan of 1 million dollars per year
>gay is haram

Isn't it funny how everyone in these threads happens to have the 1% top paying jobs in the world.

Why lie?

Shitposting on Sup Forums
A box of cigarettes a week
How dare you even ask its 2016 EVERYONE is gay you homophobe

of course were the top in the world

we're the top people in the world.

I don't make money just loan it and never pay it back
I can be for 10 euro


hast du studiert? wenn ja wäre das recht wenig

1. United States
2. Pipefitter
3. 70,000
4. No

College/Campaign Manager
Fuck no

1- Spain
2- Network maintenance
3- 17k€
4- No

1- AUS
2- QC Chemist
3- 50K base + bonuses
4- No


Australia (obviously)
Partner in retail business/Student
Sweet Fuckall
I dont think so

Flooring Installer

1)British but live in Spain
2)English teacher

are you moon man?


1. Germany
2. Computer Science student with faculty job
3. 300€ per month every second semester. Hoping to earn something between 3k and 4k per month starting. My goal is something like 80,000€ per year.
4. No

2-CEO of McDonalds Research and Development in condensed urban areas
3- 6M$
4- No, but I will top the shit out of OP

2. Anti money laundering compliance analyst at Jpmorgan Chase
3. 65k with 5 hours a week overtime
4. Bisexual, never banged a dude tho. When I've tried the guy feels like his lying about his pass and gets super fucking creepy


Wendy's fry cook

grocery store
4.5k e

fuck off new zealand

1. Montenegro
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes

United states of BURGER :DD

Audio Engineer

I make a little over 6k monthly (The flame that burns Twice as bright burns half as long)

Pussy addict

Being poor is a curse
unless you're a Djukanovic

what? count the stars u blind faggot

1. Montenegro
2. Executive Chef at Wendy's
3. 3 million $
4. Sometimes

1) Los Estados Unidos
2) PHPajeet
3) $60k / yr
4) S-some boys are cute

1 - Denmark
2 - High end-bartender and student
3 - $16.5K
4. No

1. Poland
2. Auschwitz employee
3. 1488 shekels per month
4. I identify myself as panzerkampfwagen

where are you from fags

>3 monteniggers here at the same time
Podgorica, you?

>Import Operations and Logistics


SW engineer
whatever Merkel gives me for free

1- Egypt
2- Medical student & part time website developer
3- Roughly 10,000$
4- Non-binary

1. Sweden
2. Neet
3. Lol, 4900chf/month
4. Only for pay

>20k euro, if theres good contract even 40K

1. England
2. Systems Admin
3. £26k, I also earn passive income on this from dividend stocks and ebooks I sell
4. No

United States
Pizza Delivery
$15K last year, currently looking for something a little better than this bullshit

excuse me while I put 18 hidden $_POST variables in this button so the whole page doesn't reset when I click it

-Just a guy that works at a restaurant
-About 35k

I need to find a better job but i'm only 19 so i have plenty of time

>tfw same age as you
>make 280 a month
why is this allowed

How many hours a week do you work? You could learn Web Development in your spare time, ~200 hours of effort and you could be making websites for a couple hundred / thousand dollars a piece.

1. Slovakia
2. Student + Part-time Data Scientist Junior
3. 36k€
4. No

Because you got colonized by the weak empire with no resources, and he got colonized by the powerful empire with vast resources. Same with me.

Optical Engineer


Fuck off you useless cunt. There are plenty more interesting topics to discuss than how much you faggots can stroke your cocks.

Canada (Ottawa)
Prime minister
60+ trillion shekels

1. Australia
2. Cntrl system engineer + specialist industrailization (10yrs)
3- $125k aud
4- no

Sandwich artisan

>An hour later
>Still no Sweden yes

Fuck you Sup Forums

You used to be cool

1 -India
2 -Student
3 - 30000 INR
4 - Nope

Can you gib recipy for good samwitch?

1- Sweden
2- Unemployed
3- 2k SEK
4- No


Neet detected

30000 INR per month, 360000 per year.

It's not illegal to save images of people with blonde hair and blue eyes to your computer yet in Sweden?

1) USA (Greatest country in world)
2) Audiologist
3) $85,000 per year, $160k household
4) Straight, married

>4.500 EUR
>Is this supposed to be a joke?

Republic of Texas.
Flamming heterosexual

I am in Houston. Did you ever get laid off? Or did work just slow down?

>IT Analyst
>str8 m8

1- Netherlands
2- Building security
3- € 15800,-
4- No

1. USA
2. Retired (used to be a software engineer)
3. $50,000 taxable income per year, all from IRA conversions
4. Nope

Nope, lots of others did though.

Company bleeding $250 million a quater and some how keeps on trucking.

The recent flood really fucked us over too.

2- Overnight Walmart
>3- $19k net annual earings
>4- no

1. England
2. Sell and repair second-hand tech
3. £10k, fucking nothing
4. No


That's free market.. and our shipost is highly sort after overeas. Its one of our greatest exports only beaten by atmospheric pollutant minerals

>30000 INR

$440 usd per month?

oh my goodness. you must be royalty in India

Technically it's considered as 'apology of hate speech', reported to the Säpo.

> Swedistan
> Sate employed paedophile imam
> 550 ksek
> I also do boys but only for the job

1. South africa
2. Progress ABL and C# developer
3. Roughly $75k per annum now that our own currency is basically worthless
4. No

1- Denmark
2- Lawyer
3- 60k
4- No

2.sit in office and du nuffin
3.less the 7k$ an year

1. England
2. Starbucks Barista
3. £12k
4. No, surprisingly even though I work at Starbucks

1- Australia
2- Queensland's Machine Control and Positioning Solutions Manager.
3- $500k
4- Yes

Instructor with the Air Force (NCO)
75000 CHF

1. United Kingdom
2. Airline Captain
3. £135k
4. No

if only i could afford to get a cpl :(

1- The Netherlands
2- Government
3- 60k $
4- No

1.>Your country
2. >Your job
Teacher/ tutor.
3. >How much do you make a year?
about 500 k rubles which is 7 640,61 in US dollars (used to make twice as more but unfortunatly Crimia became a part of Russia)
4. >Are you gay?

Go to CTC, get the loan that you pay back when you start working.

1- sweden
2- neet
3- 10k€
4- only for femenine penis

1. USA
2. data science / software
3. 240k
4. no

Are you able to pay bills and live comfortably on that salary? My wife and I make more than that in a month.

1. Germany
2. PhD Student
3. Job at University + side job ~20k €
4. No

>North Korea
>Supreme Leader
>6 grillion
>can't say :3c

Rent and other thins (water, electricity) cost about 7,5 k roubls.
I pay 1 k roubld for the Internet connection in home and 1 k roubls for the Internet connection on my mobile device.
The food 'eats' 20 k roubd per month.
Closting and entertainments cost about 5 k per month.
10 k goes for the deposite in the bank.

Some of these expences are comeverd by my mum.

I usually make 50 - 60 k roubls per month

Microsoft founder