Indian Airforce Drone

In Nolan's universe, Indians produce superior technology - drones that can fly for 10 years without maintenance , all programmed in Sanskrit.

I just can't.

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What does it drop on enemies?

In the future I'm sure they'd have advanced versions of these.


Hmmm. What could the payload possibly be?

Nolan has always been shit nothing in any of his films make sense. The only good film he has ever made was batman begins. And not for its realism.

We have 1 month drones at the moment. Officially. In the future 10 year drones will exist. But they won't have jet engines.

There is a reason that everyone makes fun of nolan on Sup Forums. It's because he is a hack.

We are in trial phase of solar powered drones and are in also in process of making unmanned stealth aircraft.

>supposed to be realistic
have you even seen the fucking movie?

Well that's putting the cart before the horse if I've ever seen one

How far along are you with basic sanitation and plumbing?

Its better than sucking chink dick in south china sea like your nation. Even Vietnam has more balls to stand up to China. At least we are preparing ourselves to tackle China instead of letting them take our waters.

Did you read my post? OP complained about the realism in interstellar. I said that nolan has yet to make a movie that nade sense.

But just in case you forgot there were tons of articles in science magazines when interstellar came out praising it on realism.

>praising it on realism
what, how?
i mean, i know they did neat shit with the warping of the wormhole but how could that movie be realistic?

Basic sanitation can be improved at a slow rate but we have to increase our defense with latest technology to be alive to improve our sanitation. We have the terrorist Pakistan and Land Hungry China as our neighbors.

Well it is set in the future.

It wouldn't be that hard to make a drone that can fly for 10 years.

Just use air-cooled nuclear thermal propulsion. Such a thing would fly with or without oxygen for many years

We'd have aircraft like that today if it wasn't for muh scary trefoils

Solar wouldn't last 10 years due to battery degradation. After each cycle, the battery will hold less and less charge.

Ignore the clickbait - all articles about it are like this. Basically this is a new material that degrades a lot slower than Li-Ion or Li-Po. No idea about its density and cost though

what's wrong with it. It's not like sending people in space or something...

>sharia shithole talking shit about anyone

Malays are the lowest subhumans in Asia

I am not saying that what the Nolan is saying would be true, I am saying that unlike popular belief, India is researching in indigenous drones.
Our military is far better than Malaysia even if we are a far shittier nation than it.

Who would want to take waters that are filled with trash and shit?

Abos are. How did you get Internet in the outback ?

You will have to look it up i put the details out of my mind. We used to post them and laugh on Sup Forums i remember one saying we would live on corn and another pretty much saying the tine travelling god wormhole could exist.

Nolan is a hack and the kike media loves him.

The only good movie he ever nade was batman begins. It is a pretty much perfect super hero movie before capeshit took over.

>far shittier nation

Freudian slip?

You need to go through our water waters if you are transporting something from Europe/Middle East to China/Vietnam/Hong Kong or vice-versa.


>Who would want to take waters that are filled with trash and shit?
Stop the madness

Its set in the nearish future, i dont remember him mentioning anything about it being coded in sanskrit. great movie.

Yeah the scene where they were capturing the drone, the laptop showed sanskrit script

Is the earth spherical?

Fucking lold

Yeah Earth is spherical but business prefer short routes with more profit and covering more important cities than going all the way around the Earth. No wonder you have a shitty military.

>india isnt capable of anything because i am 12

could be possible that once shit starts happening in the nolan universe all the engineers go back to their own countries and work for local companies.

>But I have 8 living kids
To be honest my grand-parents, yeah both of them, had 12 children and 4 of them died because they were poor farmers in a region that din't have access to antibiotics that would have saved them .

But that's fucked up in so many ways I can't even right now.

Even abos have evolved enough not to worship a pedophile. Enjoy being an Islamic shithole who won't even prevent inbred anglo brits raping kids.

Nothing it was a surveillance drone. Watch the fucking movie you retards

Is it loos?

Actually a drone like that wouldn't need any development. Russian could do it right now.

Why don't they. Who the fuck would build a 100 million dollar drone.