Welp. It was fun while it lasted, but now it's over. RIP Trump.
Welp. It was fun while it lasted, but now it's over. RIP Trump
Hillary is a great leader honestly and she's quite redpilled for being a Democrat. I can't understand why people would unironically vote a flipflopping gungrabbing slime like Trump over her
What? Any counter argument about Trump being extremely inconsisten and a slime?
Oh right, you don't because it's true
shill you need to fuck off
not an argument
really makes you think
bump to expose Drumpf
>1 post by this ID
Rigged poll, they can't keep doing it forever.
>muh joos rigged da polls becuz no redpill. MUUUUM I WANT CHICKEN TENDIES!! *shits himself*
>poll of 750 likely voters
Shit is not even representative.
>1 post by this ID
>750 voters
Hey OP where did you get that Italian proxy?
Don't look at the publication site, look at the polling company (you can find that information by going to the site and looking at the full poll). This was done by Seltzer & Co, one of the most respected and accurate polling companies out there.
From ur mum's cunt
>mountain nigger
-750 voters are representative of the majority
Why is it shilling to want to discuss why recent polls have been showing hillary jumping ahead significantly? Whereas before they were effectively tied?
My OP was sarcastic, I thought that was obvious. I mean the sample size was only 750 people which would be the biggest flaw in my opinion. But still, apparently there are a bunch of other recent polls giving similar results.
You are trying a bit too hard
*0.00175 shekels have been deposited in your Correct the record account"
Hillary has flipflopped over many issues whenever the majority opinion has swung towards it. She only started supporting gay marriage when everyone did.
What issue has Trump flipflopped on?
750 voters gives a 3.5% margin of error with 95% confidence, bro. Raising that up to 1000 voters (the oft-considered standard) barely even reduces the margin of error by half a percent. Learn your statistics.
>Romney was leading at this point in 2012!
>But still, apparently there are a bunch of other recent polls giving similar results.
RCP is only giving a 6pt lead for the shill.
Abortion, gun rights, taxes, trans and gay rights
>Drumpf supporters have 0 arguments
wow so surprising :^)
Drumpf flip flops constantly on gun control, LGBTQ+ communties, universal healthcare, foreign policy, etc.
Do you really want me to go on?
Don't you think its a bit sad to waste your youth talking about stuff you don't believe in just for a small sum of money?
It's even sadder that there are actual people that unironically support Drumpf. Thank god I'm here to correct the record
Wow. I literally saw this exact post in another thread. Word for word.
So I'll say what I said then
Hillary didn't support gay marriage up until 2013. Suck a dick faggot
>doesn't even try to hide his shilling
el oh el
>Gary Johnson
Hillary is consistent Drumpf is not
I'm not shilling. What are you talking about?
Drumpf is a Hillary plant. Hillary would be much, much less viable if faced with a different GOP candidate. Her slogan this election season is "At least I'm not Trump!" That just wouldn't hold up with anyone else
This image has been posted almost ever hour every day since the poll.
A poll of only 750 people.
They're getting desperate.
You're pathetic.
not an argument white boy
>750 voters
Not true since it's far more powerful for her to just say "well at least I'm not a man!"
Let's be honest here: the real reason these people are voting for hillary is because she's a woman. It's the Obama effect but for gender instead of race now.
>Bloomberg Politics poll
Primary voter turnout says Trump wins by a landslide, democucks staying home, Whites coming out to vote.
It'll be fine
this is the worst meme of the year by far
You don't know how voting works do you?
It's about the journey, not the destination
No that's KHAN'D
both are terible candidates. Trump is a madman, but Hillary is the definition of evil in my book - corrupt beyond measure, pathological liar, the kind of person willing to do anything to obtain power. If this was Magic the Gathering, she would be black mana.
I always remind myself of the words of my granfather, may God have him, during the 2008 primary. "Such a big and great nation, and they're gonna put that shit in the hands of either a woman or a nigger. How can they not find anyone better?"
You can't bump your own threads you dumb shill.
Why am I not surprised it's murricunt Trumpfags who don't understand statistics?
>Trump is a madman
Could you say specifically what he said or did that makes you think he's a madman?
>Trump is a madman
What are you thinking of that's mad?
>would not vote - 1%
so accurate
Blessed be your grandfather. If only he knew how right he was.
I'm not anti Trump, I've been trying my best to keep viewing this election with the maximum neutrality that I am capable of. I used the word madman for saying things that no other person would say - I'm not saying that's "good" or "bad", I'm just saying that, in the long run, it allienates more hardcore normies than the ones it brings to your side. And let's face it, normies win elections, and the Wicked Witch of the West, through her lying and scheming, is getting most of the normies because no one stops to think more than a minute, and especially her demographic strata are more prone to vote for feelings than for thoughts
Until the day he died, whenever Carvalhas or Jerónimo or any other communist appeared on TV, he would change the channel while saying "paneleiros de merda, só sabem roubar". I miss him tbqh
you could have been getting free college 3 years from now with Bernie but no, you had to vote Trump. you cucks assured a Shilari presidency grats meme spouting retards.
> Jonhnson
> no Stein from the greens
>is getting most of the normies
This belief doesn't match with voting turnout, hillary/democrats aren't voting this round, trump/republican have, millions more voted for trump in the primaries. The only way hillary gets in from that is repubs switching sides, not going to happen, or democrats getting out to vote past what they've done in the primaries, not likely.
so where was this poll done, on (((Bloomberg))) ?
Just seize the colleges along with the means of production, dude.
There still are 5 months until the final election. Until then, the media shilling for Hillary will be HUGE. Did you follow the reactions to that "Delete your account" shit? Most "newspapers", or mainstream media if you will, called it a sick burn. I don't know whether that sick bias, that obvious support, is paid by her, or if they shill from their own interests, but the fact is that few media outlets will give Trump the same credit, if any at all. And that influences a lot of people.
Just like old Adolf said, anyway...
>is getting most of the normies
Actually most of the normies are turning out for Trump because they're sick of the bullshit and status quo. This is reflected in the actual voter turnout we've seen thusfar: a decline in democrat turnout, and a huge gigantic spike (like 3-4x the norm) for republicans, specifically for Trump. His supporters are highly motivated and energized, they actually give a shit and think this is their last chance to turn this country around.
I'll grant you this, though: if Trump loses, I will officially have lost all hope for this country. I'll be finishing my engineering degree ASAP and making plans to move to another country before the US completely devolves into a 3rd world shithole.
>His supporters are highly motivated
there is still one thing, which is that dumb delegates system. Which means, even if the normies come out in numbers, it doesn't automatically imply that Trump will win.
Part of me wants him to, thought, just to make me believe that media control doesn't imply election victory. Also to see the buttblast in Guardian, Independent, WaPo, etc.
> I'll be finishing my engineering degree ASAP and making plans to move to another country before the US completely devolves into a 3rd world shithole.
Central, Southern Europe has some fine places to live where you can earn good money. Just try to stay away from major cities.
Hillary has shit leadership experience. She first started out as the wife to the Arkansas Attorney General, Then the wife of The Arkansas Governor, then the wife of the President, then a senator of NY where she didn't accomplish anything, then Secretary of state for an administration that destabilized the middle east.
The fact that Hillary is willing to do anything to get into office is exactly why she needs to be elected
He is a madman. An absolute madman.
>free college
Please stop, you're just embarrassing yourself at this point...
>2 posts by this ID
>3 posts by this ID
user, Hitler did the same thing. She just hasn't openly assassinated her rivals
So give her "exactly" what she wants?
fact is that polls show Trump declining in support for the last few weeks, "despite" Orlando
doesn't mean that much, there are months left
but it does show how delusional y'all are - if Trump's up, polls are legit, if he's down, they're shilling
all that matters are OH, PA, FL
Sounds good. I mean I know the EU is kinda turning into a shithole too but I'm hoping there are still some places that are good. Like I said though, this is it for me caring about politics if Trump doesn't win. All of the planets are aligned perfectly, this is the best chance we have to win and really turn things around (if he wins republicans will also control all 3 major branches of government by putting in our own tiebreaker vote in the SC). He has the balls, he has the popularity, he has honestly and self-funding (i.e. not just a puppet), record voter turnout...
If we can't do it now we'll never do it. Trump is quite literally our last hope. If he can't do it no one will and the U.S. is doomed to be a 3rd world shithole in a decade or two.
Yeah, a better, more liberal America
>clinton loses 25% of her 14 point lead in just one three-day period
I don't understand statistics: the post
tired with those Trump shills and their Trump cancer
Dukakis was kicking Bush's ass in the polls this time in the 88 election
I feel you mate. Probably in some countries you will not make so much money as you would in the USA, but Europe has many things compensating for that that are worth way more than money.
Just wait for the debates, Trump will destroy here.