I'm sick of Germaboos thinking Germany and Germans are the peak of the White population. Germans are the cause of the west's problems and it's pissing me off that people don't see this.
>Germany made WW1 so much worse than it should have been by getting involved for no reason and fucks Europe over >Germans think they didn't do anything wrong, start WW2, Fuck Europe over >Karl Marx born in Germany, Fucks Europe over >Because of Germans white people aren't allowed to be proud of their race anymore, fucking Europe over >Germany once again fucking Europe over by allowing millions of immigrants in. >German Colonial rule in Africa treated the natives absolutely awfully, rivaled only with Belgium (Fuck them too but that's another story). Yet somehow no one seems to talk about this and focuses it all on how bad the British were. Every European country has to now accept African immigrants because of this.
>Karl Marx born in Germany, Fucks Europe over So? >>Because of Germans white people aren't allowed to be proud of their race anymore, fucking Europe over Wrong. How people look at certain things is their decision. If there's anyone to blame for that it are the people fought against Germany and made them lose. >>German Colonial rule in Africa treated the natives absolutely awfully, rivaled only with Belgium (Fuck them too but that's another story). Yet somehow no one seems to talk about this and focuses it all on how bad the British were. Every European country has to now accept African immigrants because of this. Yes, more white guilt please, I think the world doesn't have enough of that.
Noah Nguyen
>Spain does fascism well, no retard war with Soviets >Italy does fascism well, no retard war with Soviets >Germany spergs out and starts war with rest of Europe, the the Soviets because MUH LEBENSRAUM
Fucking krauts ruined it for everyone
Kayden Roberts
>I'm sick of Germaboos thinking Germany and Germans are the peak of the White population.
Not sure where you have been, but the calls for "nuke us" have been around for nearly a year now.
Mason Jones
didn't read
Jose Myers
Germans killed the most jews so therefore the best. Its the rest of the worlds fault dor stopping them to soon when we should have waited for them to kill all the jews so we aould never have to deal with israel and their kike ass bullshit.
Xavier Torres
Fuck off with your divide and conquer bait. Sage in all fields
Isaac Gomez
Owen Howard
Don't forget the HRE with its shit, doing literally nothing while the Ottoman Empire cucks the balkans
Nathan Parker
Well they got indoctrinated after WW2 with guilt and leftist propaganda.
Elijah Long
This. Any time you see a thread on Sup Forums telling you you should hate another white country, chances are that OP's a shill. Sage'd.
Juan Price
>doing literally nothing while the Ottoman Empire cucks the balkans
Looks like you know literally nothing about history, huh? The habsburg dynasty (which led the HRE)were the strongest foes of the Turk for centuries.
Adam Myers
>falling into the Jewish trap and blaming euros fucking again Dumb aussie
Jacob Miller
you nazi fucks, OP is right and you know it
Adrian Green
Your country was allied with Germany in ww1 and ww2. Guess that makes you a Nazi too:^)
Christopher Perry
Jayden Edwards
Fuck off red
Adrian Garcia
Aiden Scott
Camden Reed
Germans were the peak of the white race, but when you shine so much, you'll attract evil.
German women were used to be the most dedicated to the right cause, now we mock them for being whores. German men were the bravest soldiers and hardest workers, now we mock them for being cucks.
It's very easy to speak in hindsight and laugh at the wounded dog. But I don't want to leave this world without seeing the germans mad again.