>Massive vinyl resurgence
>Videogames going back to cartridges
Could something similar happen to film? Or are film studios too Jewish to let people keep things on physical media?
Massive vinyl resurgence
Yes, we're all going back to VHS just for the fuck of it
Hipster garbage, suck my blue nuts
Blu-rays should come with a VHS filter option cos.
i believe most people just buy records nowadys so they can take pictures of it and post it on social media and show just how much they love music.
dotn think you get the same out of a vhs tape
Difference is vinyl is objectively better quality. VHS is just garbage
>vinyl is objectively better quality
Beta is finally going to get its day in the sun.
Can someone post the "VHS was made by white people for white people" image
>vinyl is objectively better quality
>mfw people actually believe this
>so much so that they call themselves audiophiles and don't get berated
>vinyl sales made more than downloads last week
>downloads where music was paid for
Yes! The king is back, baby!
Nah man, FLAC is where it's at.
You see, hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is "lossy". What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.
I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange is well don't get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren't stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you'll be glad you did.
That is what it is all about. Also, the false notion out there that vinyl sounds better. It doesn't. It sounds like a vhs looks.
"i like vinyl. the sound is warmer." -Darth Vader
Hey Darth... "Force" off.
Well, Kodak is launching a NEW Super-8 camera next year.
And this one large film lab in London just upgraded to handle 65mm film.
>this meme
forgot pic
People like vinyl because of the album artwork and because "muh warm natural sound"
People like video game cartridges because they want to play their games on the original hardware rather than on an emulator
Neither of these things apply to movies. There isn't going to be some VHS resurgence.
Nah man. Vinyl has good quality, about at par with a CD if it's in mint condition. Theoretically it can even have a weeeeee bit better quality than a CD.
What about music cassettes, walkmans were the shit, making mixtapes for your grils was where it was at man
Recording to tape and listening on vinyl is a different league to your digital files regardless of how pure you think the files are. Its still just 1s and 0s decoded by some software. I wouldn't even call that music really
Dust of those HD VHS machines son!
we are having a slight resurgence in film though. Some big budget productions like the new star wars films (only the main episodes tho) are shot on film, ep. IX is even going to be shot on 65mm.
also see In fact, nowadays there are more types of film available for Super-8 than there were in its heyday. Ironically none of them are reversal.
modern vinyl discs are made from digital masters, friendo.
>at par with a CD if it's in mint condition
>par with a CD
there are labels and artist that release tapes only
>tfw theres literally like 10 films on HD VHS
Who the fuck bought one of these
>tfw you can't buy your favorite album on vinyl because baby dick
Not if they're by decent modern bands who actually record to tape
fair enough
That's different though. You're talking about the media the filmers use when shooting the film. I'm just talking about home media,
Sure, if its never played.
As vinyl is a medium that degrades with every play.
Oh, right.
Then let's bring back 16mm prints. They're only about 2-3k a pop once the reduction internegative has been made, and they offer about 2k worth of quality.
The film resurgence is simply a result of ever increasing home/theater resolutions. Remastering film has done some really amazing shit over the last 50 years. Whereas shot digitally stays at that resolution and image quality forever and nothing can change it.
So while it may be somewhat impressive to have a 2K digital camera, the fact even shitty film can dwarf that makes it kinda irrelevant.
What if you record yourself playing the vinyl, onto digtal, and then play that, then the vinyl will never wear out, and the recording will be as good as the vinyl forever
All analog media degrades with time and use.
However digital media either retains 100% of quality or becomes completely unplayable if damaged, and it can present compatibility issues in the long run.
Such is life...
Also you can scan even narrow gauge films at ever increasing resolutions, you'd just get way more detail on the grain which, unlike pixels, is aesthetically pleasing.
fuck yeah film!
Why not just skip the vinyl step and record digitally?
vinyl is crap quality but its flaws sometimes add to the music.
The chances of damaging a digital recording are just about nill though.
but vinyl is better
I bought my mum a couple of records for Christmas, but I don't usually buy vinyl.
As good as mp3 can get at least. You can't say the same about VHS in comparison to DVD let alone Blu Ray or 4k.
vinly is making a big resurgence in december because you cant put a download under a christmas tree you fucking mongs
>mfw VHS makes a comeback
>As good as mp3 can get at least
There is no upper limit on mp3 quality. Other formats are just more efficient after certain points.
>their's no way tp put digital media on any kind of physical storage device
>physical sells more than digital before christmas
>after christmas utterly massive digital sales
because people bought vinyl and gift cards and stuck them under trees and in stockings. Gift cards don't count as digital purchases until they're used.
If they started producing discs as large as LaserDisc with Blu-Ray technology then I would probably buy it.
I bet they could fit 3 hours of 4K on that bitch.
I've seena lot of "retro modern" vinyl players on the market, I think it's a marketing thing to push vinyl back because of so much piracy hitting downlaod sales probably
fucking vinyl shills
I could see a new magnetic tape system coming into being, but VHS was an inferior format even in the 80s. It's not coming back.9
Betamax is coming Back Bitches
magnetic tape will never make a comeback. As the earth is magnetic, thus, steadily wipes all magnetic media.
Modern audio mastering is a shitload of fuck. Sound is compressed up the ass and ruins all dynamics. Even if you rip a CD to 24-bit FLAC that distortion will be there.
However, vinyl can't be mastered with the same compression crunch of compression because it would literally make the needle skip. So while digital audio is in theory better than analog, it gets ruined anyway by producers.
Vinyl may not be better quality, but for the time being it has much better sound than digital. That's why a lot of people prefer it.
>Could something similar happen to film? Or are film studios too Jewish to let people keep things on physical media?
Its already happening
The directors striving to shoot their films on film rather than digital
but its two steps forwards and one step backwards as they still use digital colour correction which makes everything look shit and of course orange and teal
>more than downloads
No one pays for music downloads anymore.
It's all streaming based.
Maybe movies can go back to being on film instead of crummy digital
Or even filmed in technicolor
I doubt VHS would come back besides it being a gimmick
and you think people that buy taylor swift records listening to it on a crosley player actually care about the quality or mastering?
So you're saying I won't be able to grasp the subtle genius of "BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM I WANT YOU IN MY ROOM" unless its on vinyl?
tfw you look like samefag but aren't ._.
Film reels are already comming back.
A gift for a child you hate.
>muh flaws
Vinyl is outdated trash for hipsters and techafraid people.
Film has always appealed to me because of it's physical aspect of capturing the light. I guess it's silly to view a chemical reaction as different from a digital state, but there it is.
The saddest thing is that people are going to fall for this.
I get that we're all supposed to be sarcastic or whatever here, but I genuinely want people to be aware that that post really is a complete load. "Lossy" does not mean that the file somehow loses quality over time as it sits on your drive as if it were a physical object being eroded, it just means quality was lost when it was copied from a master lossless file. Its just a description of compression.
FLAC hipsters are the worst I swear.
>Its still just grooves pressed into vinyl. I wouldn't even call that music really.
>ytw digital is capturing light as information on a quantum level
Ok serious question: What IS the best way to listen to and store music?
Ipod with headphones and amp? Pc with great soundcard and headphones (+amp)? Expensive record player with headphones?
My dad. He also had a betamax and an 8 track player. If he hadn't lost everything he'd probably have bought an HD DVD player too.
all that useless knowledge, go get laid you dork
good speakers
hope so, I want to see some grain on screen.
>useless knowledge
>says the guy posting on a cambodian chat room dedicated to flicks and soaps
why the fuck would anyone want video games back on cartridges
they made the games way more expensive and were vastly inferior.
i remember PS vs N64 you could get 2 or 3 PS games for the price of 1 N64 game.
Ok, but what about source and storage? Ipod straight to speakers? Ipod with an amp?
>why the fuck would anyone want video games back on cartridges
Instant loading
Also cartridges last longer than discs
>rotational velocidensity
every time
we literally download our games onto a hard drive now and own these games forever
>own these games forever
Sure you do
Unfortunately these days games on carts are actually flash cards. Slower to load except for optical media.
Then there is the issue of losing the data on a flash card game from not plugging it into a console and charging it every once in a while.
The way the cops can lift data from a drive that's been dragged behind a truck, stomped on, submerged to the bottom of the ocean, and burned to ash is kind of a testament to the incredible power of digital media as an archival tool.
implying the police actually can and will do this instead of just forging evidence to get a conviction
My parents got me a Charlie Brown one last Christmas. Good grief.
>not buying your movies on vinyl
The difference between movies and vidya and music is one usually watches a movie maybe once a year, if that, and that's only 120+ minutes.
I would like to see them release more 70mm films in theaters. Digital can suck my asshole.