Are they really so bad?

Also, prove that this anecdote isn't the case with proper sources

Other urls found in this thread: in turkey

They don't integrate, they just form groups with their own people

Source: I live in Cardiff where this issue is widespread

Source: in turkey

I just drove through Southall.

they're "others" with higher birth rates than us. We live in a democracy. I don't want to be displaced and eventually disposed of.

got any news articles about the issue or is it blacked out of the media?
were they syrian refugees?
they just people though with as much right to democracy as us.

They infiltrate as "victims" and "refugees" breed an army of new Caliphate soldiers. Enter every industry and aspect of society and gradually take over. Just wait when European armies are filled with muslims and every parliament is filled with muslim influence. For 1400 years we held them off despite being outnumbered and in the space of 2 generations traitors let them in unimpeded.

White niggers don't mix either

I bring this up because I'm trying to redpill my mum into voting to leave the EU. I'm playing a bit of devils advocate, but she's just given me a bunch of speculative shit saying they're mostly women and children, with good educations.

The intelligent ones are fine, but that goes for all races really.

Run of the mill dune coons are uncivilised animals.

I'm from the Christian part of the Middle East.

What do you want to know? I've lived among them for my entire life.

Picture related.

"I live in Indonesia, the country with the biggest Muslims population in the world, about 200 millions from 250 millions are Muslims. About 500 years ago it was still a Buddhists and Hindus country.

They were so peaceful and naive, they have no idea what Islam is. They are converted by Arabs through marriages and wars. The first Sultan in Java killed his own father because his father was a Buddhist. His father did not want to convert to Islam and that's it.

After most of the population were converted there was no peace anymore. At 1800 there was a jihad war between Muslims and...Muslims because the first group thinks that the second group is not Muslim enough! Later the second jihad war followed...

We are still seeing the same thing with Shiite and Sunni right now. In Indonesia Sunni just burned and killed Ahmadiah followers. If they cannot make peace among themselves how can we ask them to respect Atheists and people having other religions?

I am afraid the same ignorance and naivety will bring a catastrophe to Europe, the same story on Indonesia will be repeated on Europe, especially Germany. That makes me so sad. Why we could not learn from History."

The Sand People are easily startled, but they will soon be back, and in greater numbers.

Here we have muslims in their natural habitat. We can assume these are those average non extremist ones we here about, just a normal day at market. This is all it takes to push them into a murderous mob in the name of Allah

Sorry, let me rephrase that.
I'm a Christian living in a Muslim part of the Middle East. What do you want to know about them?

they definitely read

Sandnigggers are sandniggers. They are human scum. Although not as 'scum' as niggers. They are 'semi-intelligent human garbage'.

yeah can confirm

No, they're worse.

Did based Farage make a mistake with his poster?
He got a lot of flak for it in the media

>not from canada
I didn't realise Canada had already joined the M/E


Iraqi refugees here aren't too bad tbqh

Didn't know canada is in the middle east now.

What's your experience of them, had any conversations?

It doesn't matter, most threads get derailed anyway, if they didn't bother it's pointless to try and push it

The Muslims are by far the most dishonest and primitive people you'll see within the Semitic sphere. If they know that you're not Muslim, they automatically grow a disdain for you. Christians are easily prosecuted and these prosecutions are supported by most. Don't be charmed by their innocent-like behavior, they're always like that with foreigners, it's second-nature, as it is with us Christians. The difference is that we are genuine, they aren't, they're simply trying to build a bond to take advantage of you whether it be financially or not. They "talk shit" about people all the time behind their backs, whoever it is.

It's too broad of a topic to address like that. Give me specific questions about them and I'll answer.

I'm originally from Egypt. I'm a Coptic Egyptian.

Is there a way to fix this problem without total genocide?

not that im against it

How to deal with a muslim correctly ? What are the weak points ?


we beat up arabs here everytime we spot them in the ghetto.
shit-tier people except the ones from oman and omani niggers from zanzibar.

They are not vampires, who hate garlic. It is justified by the quran to eat bacon in extrem situations (starvation)

Tbqh I'd be fine with women and children coming over who are extremely well-vetted, and won't bring over their retarded male cousins, if there was some system of integration, i.e. they don't move to London and live in an area with 95% muslim population.

I think one of the few good things this government has done is realise that if you reward the people roaming through Europe with asylum, more will do it, so they're taking vulnerable people (women and children) directly from the refugee camps in Lebanon/Jordan.

It is not the sandpeople's fault, it is the satanic ideology imposed on them.

Islam is the root problem


That one is very tricky.
There's two way to go about it.

1) Shaming them in a very subtle way about their dis-compassion. However, be careful, as that can go two ways. 1) It succeeds and becomes more tame. 2) It makes him feel more like an outcast and actually fuels his confidence and disdain for foreigners. That's why it needs to be Muslim vs Muslim. Foreigners' opinions have little effect on them.

2) Women. That is biggest, most deadly weapon. If women are actively showing him that his behavior is repulsive, especially within his inner circle, one of two things will happen. 1) He will change for the better. 2) Elliot Rodger. If it's foreigner women, he'll just treat them like whores, move on and become more confident thinking he's "2 alpha 4 u". If it's his own women, from his cultural and religious background, he'll quickly understand that he has no other choice but to change or kill.

Muslims are incredibly hard to deal with, precisely because their weak points are so limited. Europeans are easy because of their highly developed sense of morality and understanding. With Muslims, it is too limited given their little sense of morality and understanding, as well as their rigidity to Islamic culture.

That is not only with Muslims, but with Middle Easterns in general. Their mother. If their mothers are reformed, so are they.

I'm living in middle east as an ex-muslim. Let me tell you my objective insight, it's not the islam. All religions are the same shit. It's the community of islam. It's just that majority of muslims are ignorant and uneducated.
Is it their fault to be that fucking bad? Hell no, any man born in there has a high chance of being an uneducated animal. It's not their fault that their region is fucking helpless. Just a little bit historical determinism guys, it's just the unlucky part of the world just like africa.

But that doesnt change the fact that the world would be a far better place in terms of progress and science without them. If i had to choose their fate i would nuke the shit them. Yes, my family and loved ones included. It's fucking 2016 and i want to see instellar travels, cure of the the incurable diseases, super AIs, artificial stars and our purpose in this universe if there is one. And these people are not making this easy.

I will repeat, 'its not their fucking fault' and they are not the only ignorant and uneducated people in the world. If i could i would kill every single one them. But since muslim have the most stupidity/area ratio, couple of nukes would do better in middle east than europe.

Some are very nice, friendly and warm people, others are cunts. Many are both, nice to their family, friends and tribe but cunts to everyone else.

They're a honor based, low trust culture that doesn't mix well with law based, high trust ones.

Sand-people easily scare, but they'll soon be back, and in greater numbers.

>but she's just given me a bunch of speculative shit saying they're mostly women and children, with good educations.

Your mother is an imbecile, there's no saving her. Does she not watch the news, or did the UK news not actually show all those kind people in the Calais 'Jungle' that were trying to get into your country?

>they just people though with as much right to democracy as us.
And this is our continent and our land, we do not want to be displaced.

the little girl is wearing a shirt showing ANOTHER fucking immigrant....why can't these people stay in their countries?

If you need a reason for not taking in foreigners, simply bring up this statistical fact:
Europeans have low birth rates compared to the rest of the planet.
The places where we are taking people from are places with higher birth rates.
As population is not indicative of breeding populace (half of europe is too old to breed, i can say.) it means that taking in just a bit of people from the middle east will dilute us and eventually mix us away if we just keep accepting them under the guise of empathy and other cancer.

It also means that their cultural influence will grow and have more culture crashes with european culture which could eventually escalate into a balkan scenario if we are being extreme.
In any case, we europeans own this land, we should have every right to dislike the foreigners.

The majority I've dealt with, no. The problem is that their "Good Book", the Koran, has some brutal sadistic shit in it from 1400 years ago that some will take literally. Hence nutcases that rape, mutilate and murder en masse. Wherever you have Islam, you will always have a few of these. You can't blame westerners for wanting to shun Islam on this basis. This sort of problem is practically non-existent with Christians - the very name of the faith is a reflection of the fact that they have decided to leave all that ancient shit behind. I'm not Christian, by the way - not anything, really.

Also statistical fact says that most of the ones coming aren't from Syria or any place relevant enough that it warrants taking refugees in.
Most of them are men too who would then try to bring their entire family over which would multiply the amount of people taken in significantly.
Since they use our money to survive when they come here it means that it also drains on our economy.
Most of them don't have good education, that is a meme, only the rich ones do because they live in the god damn third world.


Muhammad, your prophet, is a cuck to Allah, a goatfucking piece of shit, a pedophile pig, and a murderous faggot

eat shit achmed

She's not stupid she's just too idealistic about humanity, she falls for the rhetoric that they are just like us, but persecuted by the media, and there is plenty of over the top rhetoric about them all being terrorist bombers that is thrown around in circle jerks that do nothing but compare it to Nazism

>are they really that bad?
Yes they are.

A fun fact about that scene.
That was roughly 75 frames just being looped over in the movie.

>Statistical fact
I need that source to use in an argument, and from an undeniable source ie not daily mail

i hope you know that they will kill you for saying this.

I just don't want them in my country.

animals on 2 legs


This paper goes in to some of the details of how sandpeople cannot into things like running an effective modern armed forces.

The same cultural reasons apply to democracy or many things taken for granted in western countries.


i was considering moving to the US to live a normal life and try to blend in because i have proper education and a good bit of money saved up but damn this thread is making me have second thoughts
i don't want to leave everybody i know behind to eventually get killed by a trump supporter with mental issues
i already have citizenship but i guess i'll stay here for now

>Are they really so bad?

Open your fucking eyes and imagine the future of your people, you twit.

He is not my prophet because im not a muslim. Maybe he was a cuck to Allah, dont know dont care. You sounded just like those retarded muslims that i mentioned in my post. Did you even read what i said ?

>they just people though with as much right to democracy as us.

Sure, but do it in their own countries, they are not welcome in Western lands, they contribute nothing.

If you actually believe most of the current immigrants coming into Britain are highly educated women and children you're extremely naïve at best, and likely just dumb. With all due respect.

You can search on your own you know.
Or on 4plebs Sup Forums archive, i'm sure you'll find something.
But i like to use common knowledge above factual debate, relying on logic to do most things because i don't have to waste time finding out stuff.

But for one, the birth rate argument against foreign immigration should be a thing.
If she supports that heavy immigration then she basically says she wants to dilute the europeans out of existence much like what happened to the native americans.

Muslims aren't bad if you enjoy gay people being beheaded, apostates being beheaded, those who insult Islam being beheaded, non-muslims having to pay a special tax, non-muslims beings killed, non-muslims being enslaved, and sex with 6 year old girls being allowed.

You're a turkroach

I don't give a flying fuck what you say

Hope we bomb your whole muslim shithole back to the stone ages and enslave the survivors.

It would be the humanitarian thing to do to free you shitskins from the pigfucking cancer that is Islam

That doesn't even make sense

kill mother steal vote

no, fuck the media

your mind is controleed by the Jewish narrative, "good" or "bad" the foreigners being are irrelevant, this is under the narrative that yuo must have foreigners.

your not from vancouver are you

Everyone has foreigners, always have, it just used to be all European countries foreigners were other Europeans so it wasn't a problem.


this is true to Pakis and Indians in particular, i lived in Manchester and they would all live right next to each other, even in schools they would usually band up together, never knew exactly why

Im not challenging you to a fight

Im telling you our country is going to team up with Russia and bomb your families into ash like you deserve turkroach

Cant wait


He is not a Muslim you autist Burger.
Jeez these hillbillies are a damn shiny bunch.

Plenty more where that came from. Check all the sources for yourself, if you want.

Just wait till Obama hussein barack Laden doesn't have your shitty hairy muslim backs anymore

Putin is going to have a a fun year in 2017 and your surviving women will be getting SLAV'D nice and proper to erase your shitskinned people from existence
Fucking turkroaches

Keep talking bitch

We know the rothschilds are holding out in your country with their mountains of gold and billion dollar mansions

You'll actually be a challenge to conquer but in 8 years we'll wipe that smug swiss smile off your NWO face

Surely you mean SandNIGGERS

but why would they marry their cousins? they are all over the place, you would think they would find a bride outside of the family

I dunno why do they think fucking little boys on Thursday is a-okay?

you do know that the Rothschild's are based in the US right? you gotta overthrow them first before you can actually do anything, too bad they are slowly taking away your guns and freedoms

Thanks, this is top notch

why Thursday?

Something like this?

The fact most refugees are actually young males.

It is very common in eastern nations to marry inside the family. They do not want the wealth (however small that might be) to be divided and distributed to other families.
They are not very observant or they do not care if the marriages result in birth defects.
And of course, God forbid if one of the girls in the family falls in love with an English heathen

This argument often works for bluepilled: it's that while many of them are "great people", you can't have too much of them in.

First of all, getthoing is a normal human reaction, you want to live close to someone you know things about. However, if there is too many, there is no incentive for them to adapt, to learn the language, to change according to the new land. However, the EU does frown heavily on restrictions, mandatory language classes and such, which would actually help them a lot more than to let just anyone in.

Secondly, some people who are fleeing are proper refugees, but some are just economic migrants claiming to be syrian. This is unfair to the actual syrians, whose country is at war. Because of the pressure from the EU, there is no way that proper background checks can be ran. And let us not forget that with none of these background checks, we are letting criminals in. On top of that, people fleeing economic zones are often not the cream of the crop. They are people that have failed to get a job and an education in semi-decent states. For example, morocco. Not everything is sunny and peachy, but even then it's possible to get jobs and have a decent living there. If you have that, as well as a family and friends, you don't leave your country. As far as economic migration goes, these are the people we get in. We need time to check all of those people. We also need to have a good system to send back those that try to abuse the fact there is a war in Syria for their own gain. This isn't possible the way things are now.

Here is an article in German, 2/3 of migrants comign to Germany are illiterate.

They had great achievements in architecture:

holy shit.
i know merchants and noble families used to do it to preserve wealth but they still fucking do it because it stuck?


that's hilarious as fuck, do you have a source on that? would love an actual report stating that as one of if not The reason they marry incestuously.

also more of their women fall for English guys than you think, even happened to a distant relative of mine who lives in france

Blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne.

Skulls for the Skull Throne?

This sums up the best angles to counter with

I'll tell you how this works

Imagine I'm a radical whatever. Let's say nationalist, for example.
Let's say I live with a moderate communist.
We talk and all but, since we're forced to live together and he isn't really a threat I can't be bothered to show my power level.
Now let's say a new person comes to live with us. He's another moderate, but somewhat say my views. So let's call him a moderate nationalist.
I'd have no problems talking this person into hating the other moderate because, after all, all I'd need is empowering his views. Ultimately, he'd view our other partner as such a disgusting being that he'd back me up when I'd decide to kick him.

That's how radicalization works and anyone that leans towards certain ideologies radical-friendly (nationalism, comunism, Islam, etc) are enablers of radical uprisings. Things like democracy or modern christianity are less dogmatic therefore, even if they can still be twisted and radicalized, are harder to radicalize.

Still, in any scenario, radicals will always conquer moderates one way or another. Either by subversion (radicals push their agenda and moderates sit and watch) or by conquest (radicals unite and moderates scatter).

No group integrates. Same goes for little Inglunders.

The problem comes when cultures are vastly disparate.

I dont know if such a report exist.
I have travelled extensively in Egypt, Iran and Turkey and talked to local families. From my observation the reason for incest is not to divide agricultural land, and they do it even if it is illegal to marry in the family.

excellent post

also you should mention that refugees need to be treated the same way as civilians when it comes to crime and neevr get special treatment.

also the mandatory speech class will help out a lot more than people think, one of the main factors of people never assimilating or getting a

Egyptians marry into their family's? i call bullshit on this, maybe some but definitely not widespread, its extremely taboo. not sure about Iran, Turkey also skeptical, they are pretty modernized

Chinese, Japanese and other Asian people deem to integrate pretty well into the US, anyone can integrate, it just depends on his personal views and motivation to actually integrate which is usually none.

kids are usually the easiest to integrate when they go to school, learn the language and partake in customs but newly arrived people who have lived in their county fro years will never integrate and some will even want to make the place they are staying at more like home