Could the Death Star blow up a gas giant?

Could the Death Star blow up a gas giant?

Why would it
Nobody, and I mean not a single person in the galaxy could even hide out on a planet like that.

Assuming the core is solid, and assuming the blast could penetrate to the core then yeah, probably I guess?


How can it be all gas if several meteors crashed and left craters a couple of years ago?

I could if I wanted to.

Yeah because no one in Star Wars ever hid BEHIND anything

Wasn't bespin a gas giant? Seems like a good hideout.

>"you may fire when ready"
>sci fi effects
>gas planet makes wet fart sound and evaporates
>"that will show them rebel scum who be the boss 'round here"

>Nobody, and I mean not a single person in the galaxy could even hide out on a planet like that.
>Cloud City

He's talking about real science. Gas giants have such high gravity that you'd be flattened immediately.

Im ep4 the death star has to manouver around the planet to destroy the rebel moon base. Why not just blow up the planet?

>He's talking about real science
>Star Wars

That's what prompted my thinking. I saw RO again and thought couldn't they just blow up Yavin and take out the moon that way, but maybe you can't blow up gas giants with a huge fucking laser.

I didnt realise Yavin was a gas planet. Is this stated in the movie?

It takes like a day for the death star's laser to recharge after use

Why not come out of hyperspace with the moon in range?

there is literally life on the gas giant in the picture you tard
oh thats right its just 2016 & you niggers dont know that yet kek

Don't think so, I always just assumed. Wikipedia says it's a gas giant.

That makes sense... except the DSII uses it quite a few times at Endor to blow up ships, and is still ready to blow up the forest moon afterwards

Moron, death star =/= DSII

Rude. They revolutionised the laser within 6 years when it took them 20+ to originally get it working? That isn't stated anywhere, so I'm gonna assume it's essentially the same thing.

You don't think Death Star 2.0 had upgrades?

Also if they blew up jedha city and they need Kyber crystals to build the Death Star where did they get the crystals to build the second one? Maybe the sith home planet? Idk

It's bigger but everything else seems about the same. Didn't they even rush construction, hence Vader's visit, to lure out the rebels? Unless it's said otherwise, I'm assuming the laser is the same.

Maybe they had some excess. There's also that icy planet the Jedi get crystals from in the Clone Wars, there's lots of crystals there still.

>They revolutionised the laser within 6 years when it took them 20+ to originally get it working?
Yes, they did, it is canon. It is also exactly how technology accelerates. People were trying to design flying machines for hundreds of years before the Wright Brothers were successful in 1903. We got to the moon only 66 years after that. Building the Death Star would have given them a lot of knowledge of how to improve the design, that's basically what drives innovation in engineering

it could calibrate it's laser strength better and thus have way faster recharge rate for low energy shots that targeted smaller targets like ships.

Aren't gas giants mostly hydrogen?

Makes sense

Pay attention

its already all on fire though

According to Lucas, its not strong enough to blow up a gas planet but it can knock chunks off one.

That's why they had to wait until Yavin IV came out from behind it's planet to fire. The first Death Star took 24 hours to recharge.

what a shitty opening crawl

Daily reminder that Star Killer base exists.
Daily reminder that The First Order built a bigger, better Death Star with a fraction of the resources.

Can I not flush TFA down the memory hole yet?

>Star Killer base
man i bearly remember it exist
DS was no where super interesting but shit Star Killer base is sooo forgettable

It would be extremely painful.

they built the laser into the !not!Hoth planet

those were not craters, they were disturbance in the cloud that took years to heal

Don't they still have solid cores? I guess it would be able to blow that up at least if you were a good shot with it.

What happens to Cloud City if they run out of power to keep it floating??

What if there's a malfunction somewhere??

They have mechanical back-up that requires hundreds of those pig men all pedaling little stationary bikes.

But if the pig men are the ones keeping the station afloat, does that mean they're in charge here?

If I pull them off their bikes, will they all die?

Who run Cloud City?

Illum. The sith planet Moraband is just dust and temples.
>Inb4 it's Korriban

you know who...