Lucy Editon.
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Lucy Editon.
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She a qt.
Reminder Cloister thinks women are objects and like being treated like shit.
actual thread theme
Oh fuck off. You want more Rebel Flesh/Almost People shit? These were way too long and explored the monsters and characters but it was just shite. And most two parters in Series 9 were terrible in that aspect too.
He's right. They also like being punched in the face, it lets them know you really love them.
Wtf I love trump now
Anyone wondering why /who/ is dead, just read the above and you'll know why.
Just type Cloister in the archives. It's hilarious.
Which one is the goatest?
So was the Christmas special any good?
It was passable
I agree that The Rebel Flesh was shit but that's down to the writing. An interesting story with interesting characters would have worked fine as a two parter.
And s9 was the ultimate in contrarianism. Bloody minded refusal to make most of the 2 parters as one coherent 90min story.
Shit writing. The dalek opener was 45 mins of padding rather than 45 mins of interesting setup and new characters to meet.
is he a pedo now?
>every thread on Sup Forums now has mongo talking shit on Cloister and cats
What is this madness?
I don't get it either
most of the time people ignore him too
I tried to report all the shitposts in the last thread but the janitors don't do shit.
We're stuck with these idiots.
I think it might be Belle. I think they broke up and she's going apeshit now.
Wouldn't blame her if he truly treated her like an object.
Better than Husbands of River Song. Not as good as Last Christmas.
Did anyone else enjoy the Doctor basically calling Grant a cuck and saying even he had a better love life when they were sitting on the fire escape?
Bored, Cloister?
This is you
>tfw this wasn't Cloister but Belle using his trip
Has happened before desu.
Belle isn't real m8
Oh is this one of those awful generals where you've formed a sad little clique of trip users and you assume every post is from one of your e-friends?
Who the fuck else is going to continually shitpost about a truly awful show year round? It's fucking embarrassing that the who general wasn't run out of Sup Forums years ago.
82 on the appreciation index
Lucy edition? Can the superior model join too?
>read a random Sup Forums thread
>everything is fine until
>"Yeah you really have a sad pathetic life Cloister"
I can't take it no more. Every fucking thread.
Oh so you are bored and now you're reeeeeing like fuck, good.
>tfw going through the series for the first time and see The Doctor telling the Dalek to kys
dry your tears with a fresh copy of doctor whom's latest comic book, my friend!! we're all faggots here!!!!
You're not a faggot unless you've seen the Danny Pink gay porn.
The Cybermen did nothing wrong
Also good revival cyber story when
Is that Alan Moore?
Would anyone else prefer if the master and davros just stayed dead?
Daily reminder that our own meme magic is happening in every thread of Sup Forums
Davros rarely if at all appears these days, so that's just as good as when they bring him back, he's fresh to a new generation.
then how do you explain those timestamped tits he used to post?
Why is the companion so fucking ugly???
At the very least you could have a cute niggress or something fucking hell.
>"hey what if we just made the cybermen the borg"
I just finished Power of the Daleks on DVD. It was awesome...animation did have some flawed moments though (there's one scene Ben enters the door, you hear the door close, but the actual door in the animation does'nt follow through), I loved how laid back the Daleks are the whole time, letting all the stubbornness, denial and double-dealing from the flawed colonists make their job so much easier
god that thing is fucking revolting
I think I'd prefer Donna to her
One of the few things I think NuWho has got right is limiting the use of Davros. The Daleks are more alien without him.
I remember you fags saying that off-season /who/ was fun and comfy
This isn't fun or comfy
the day after an episode airs hardly counts as off season
It's his mom
Hey, I'm at least trying to talk about my Power of the Daleks experience the last couple of days, but everyone else is too busy bringing up the shitposting.
You see this? That's you that is.
Off-season /who/ shouldn't fucking exist. Gay ass fandom has no place on Sup Forums and only is allowed because some janny sucks the Doctor Who dick.
Shaved mannaries AKA bitch tits.
women are so fucking stupid
Because they won't touch your dinkle?
She's not ugly. Her face has character. A rather rocking body too.
It's hardly off season, and besides things change
Truth be told, Women are only inferior in two arenas. Physical strength and writing their names in snow.
>Women are only inferior in two arenas. Physical strength and writing their names in snow.
That and y'know the whole being objects thing.
9/10 > 12 > 11
Also remember this
inb4 more triggered women
Well everything is an object. Women objectify men as well. I didn't endorse it, just said it's what I've witnessed. The only thing I endorsed was treating them the same you'd treat anyone else.
Reminder Cloister let down 99% of /who/ and is making us reconsider monganon's claims about him.
>lucy will never flirt with you for some grey velvet
Why live?
>this thread
You specifically said you treated her like shit, like she wasn't there.
I thought Cloister was just prog with a breast enlargement
I'm not sure what to think of all this tbqh Cloister :(
Please say you were joking :(
that post number..
You might be a woman, but hell, you did something all right.
rock on
Backpedal all you like m8. We've finally seen you for the misogynistic piece of shit you are.
>You might be a woman
I'm a man so fuck off you misogynistic piece of shit.
Take your fiveys and fuck yourself with 'em.
don't you have some xanax to be taking and a gun control meeting to be getting to?
Carrie's gone.
Oh I've let down /who/ before. This is nothing new. Only hurt the ones you love and all that.
Nonsense. You've misread or projected.
No prog hates memes.
I think you're greatly misunderstanding what I'm saying or i've failed to be clear. I have 3 sisters, and more nieces that I can remember. None of them have ever gone for a man that treats them the best, or hardly what I'd consider well. There have been some great guys that they never gave a second look that obviously cared deeply for them. It's a complicated thing, attraction and love.
I'm a misogynist now, misogynists are cool.
Yet Tom is still kicking. Suck on that, Star Wars fans.
Lando is not.
>Tom is still kicking
For now.
>I have 3 sisters, and more nieces that I can remember. None of them have ever gone for a man that treats them the best, or hardly what I'd consider well. There have been some great guys that they never gave a second look that obviously cared deeply for them.
>pathological liar
RIP, not much of a starwars fan but she seemed fun.
It's not as though I haven't been doxxed before. You could verify some of that, but whatever.
>John Barrowman has been married to his husband for 10 years, and they've been seeing each other for 24
>is still a huge man whore who probably has HIV
I don't think Patrick Troughton has ever been young.
You love all this attention don't you. You tripfags are all the same.
Faith restored, Cloister. Do you treat Belle well?
You know that Belle is imaginary, cats.
neither has pertpert
McGann more like MuhDick
I have to spoiler now because I'm a minority just like Immigrant said
A fuck man I just saw Rogue One last night... Truly the year that keeps on giving.
Pity the movie is a bit shit, cats.
>no Doctor Who related personality has died this year
Thank God.
You know I'm not cats user but anyways I though it was rather good actually.
As long as you're a good guy that treat your girlfriend well, don't worry about what image of you mongo is trying to give people.
Oh was it babylon 5?
Not this kind desu. I'm rather sour about it.
Not as well as she deserves of course and I never probably could , but I really do try everyday and I promise you no one would ever love her as much as I do. I am nothing without her and I know she could do better even though she faultily believes I'm the best one out there.
The year isn't over yet. Don't jinx it. A sorta Doctor was even resurrected.