>"What is it?"
>"A New Hope."
>"What is it?"
>"A New Hope."
Other urls found in this thread:
walked right out of the theater after this scene desu
What video game is that from?
>Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, Director...
Fucking hell...
Battlefront 6
Wonderful CGI by the way
I thought that was him throwing shade at Episode 8
>"What is it?"
>"Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope"
Really Disney?
This complaint always confuses me because Vader always quipped i.e. Apology accepted captain Needa
"Only a sith deals in absolutes. This phrase proves ever so subtly that you were right Anakin. The Jedi are the bad guys. Hypocrites all. But it matters not, for I have the more higher ground."
She didn't say that. Tell me she didn't say this
She literally did
The scene of the film
James Earl Jones literally sleeping through his role was sad to hear. Also the costume was fucking awful.
Also that last Rebel Council scene where they say "hope" like 13 times was fucking horrendous.
It was the last scene you mong.
>IMPERIAL RESEARCH MAN: Am I still in charge?
>MASKED MAN: Do you feel in charge?
No. She just says "Hope."
>A New Hope
no one but newfags even calls the original Star Wars that
>b-but the subtitle was added in 1981!!!
Yeah, so what? Literally no one called it by that name until people started shitposting on online SW forums in the mid 2000s. Just like nobody ever called ESB "episode 5"
With all heat, clothes, hair and skin are perfect not even sweat
Only Lucascuck defend this
Aw, the neck really does look awful.
Wordplay is crossing the line though
Is this a fucking meme or something? If you say "My favorite movie is Star Wars" you're gonna sound like an autist. Any normal person would ask "Which one?"
Webm related, don't troll on my board ever again.
>Star Wars
>The Empire Strikes Back
>Return of the Jedi
get rekt, faggot
meant for
>i paid for a ticket and left when the move ended
cool story bra
I see that but that's not my point. Sure, it was originally called Star Wars, but today people see all the movies as a collective called "Star Wars". Try telling someone your favorite movie is "Star Wars" and you're gonna look like an autist.
What fucking world are you living in where people simply say "Star Wars" to refer to the first movie? No one does that.
Is correct.
Watch the fucking video. 20 years later, people were still just referring to the original as "star wars". That's an official commercial too.
Literally no one calls it ANH except for fucking children who grew up watching the prequels
Can't wait for CGI Alec Guinness' ghost in Episode 8 kek
>Literally no one calls it ANH except for fucking children who grew up watching the prequels
Wow thanks for proving my point
If you say "My favorite movie is Star Wars" you have Mich bigger problems.
There will be no ghosts due to China's anti-ghost policy
who's Mich?
kek sad but true
that looks really bad
c'mon be objective it is the best cgi face to date
literally best meme of 2016
Vader was unironically the best part of the movie.
Overall the supporting cast(for example monkboy) was pretty good but I'm still not sold on the main duo.
i did like that they didn't force any kind of romance in the last moments between the two. planet blows up, they hug. thats it.
roll credits
In every movie they just hug now. I mean c'mon what's wrong with a little romance
"Oh look it's that's annoying robot I spent years adventuring with"
"Better pretend I just don't know him so it isn't awkward"
Is Obi Wan, dare I say this, our guy?
yeh I was scared they were going to kiss, hook up and escape or something but was surprised when they killed them
it makes sense if you think about it
Halo 2 anniversary had better looking shot than this. A literal video game
forgot pic :(
Felicity was fine. Donnie Yen was awesome. The rest were ok-ish.
Diego Luna was by far the weakest link.
>"only a sith deals in absolutes"
>pulls out lightsaber
>"I must do what I must"
of course obi-wan was autistic
so is there porn of Jyn Erso yet
how would this made sense tho? just because they got the plans and escaped from the archive tower together they have to make out? they werent even really friends before, since cassian actually wanted to kill her dad
>Jedi are the bad guys
>Ignoring all the deeds of the sith over one phrase
>We need to prepare for more Star Wars. The Force Awakens tomorrow morning.
360'd out of the theater right there and demanded a refund.
Yes Felicity is fine as fuck. But doesn't excuse the fact that she was barely acting.
I could imagine there'll be some tentacle monster jyn erso sfm edit in the near future
Whats with her head bobbing and twitching after she finishes the sentence? Should have hired better animators.
>Jyn Erso
Good goooood
>tfw they killed off the only likeable character since the OT
RIP in piece Donnie Yen.
Desu I had no issues with her acting. Some minor stuff here and there, but overall it was ok.
Diego Luna was far worse.
Dunno, it looks good as a still, but when it's moving there's just something not right. We need a couple more years for it to be perfect.
Absolute madman!!
anyone have a webm of the vader fight?
So was she Leia's sister?
Why was princess Leia in a ship, inside a ship that went into a suicide mission?
Say no more
I loved how happy he was every time someone mentioned the force. Webm related. There's also another scene, but can;t find it.
why didnt vader just force grab the plans
whad'ya mean, Leia was on the big ass battleship
because that wouldn't have worked for the plot, this movie is a prequel to Ep4, you dumb nigger.
Gotta say, I do like the red tint on his eyes.
>Desu I had no issues with her acting
Because she barely did any acting. Her character was the most bland I've seen in a long time.
please stop forcing this, it will never be a meme
I was hoping Vader was going to force stop the shuttle and the plans would have escaped in a different way. Kind of dumb Leia was just standing there waiting for the plans and there is an immediate transition into ANH.
Where the fuck were the Bothans?
>too autistic to get an obvious joke
yeah you guys are real clever
"Oh, Bert..."
Leia was in the big ass comman ship nigga, she evacuated to the frigate
the volunteer rebels = bothans
Bothans are a race tho.
>space wind waving his cape
Star Wars fans are even worse than normies and this is the worst thread in the history of Sup Forums
There are many races who lived on that planet, including the indigenous Bothans
The rebels who assaulted the planet were Bothan citizens
What? No. Mon was referring to a spy who acquired the plans, Manny Both-Hanz
It's cannon you autist
what are you doing here then?
manny bothans died at death star 2
toeing it maybe but if you say crossing you're just finding a reason to bitch/hate the new movies
Why does Vader do the fighting personally against this group of rebels, but a little while later at the beginning of Star Wars, he sends in a squad of Stormtroopers to do the fighting instead?
Why didn't he force choke or force pull that rebel with the plans instead of letting him pass it through the door?
The CGI ones do look SLIGHTLY different, but it's only noticeable if you put the images next to each other. It is NOT noticeable while you're watching in a cinema. You only "noticed" it because you KNOW Cushing is dead and you KNOW Carrie Fisher is 30 years older, so you KNOW the ones in Rogue are not real.
I think he did the Kylo Ren thing where he freezes the laser burst mid-air and just fires it back to the rebel
Bothans were for the second death star not the first you stupid fuck
Posting Sup Forums memes
why did they keep the fucking camera on her ffs
it's like they're tying to show off how shit cgi still is
>Where the fuck were the Bothans?
I honestly cant tell when people are baiting when they ask this dumb shit. Bothans dying were mentioned in ROTJ for the 2nd Death Star, never in ANH.
>Why does Vader do the fighting personally against this group of rebels, but a little while later at the beginning of Star Wars, he sends in a squad of Stormtroopers to do the fighting instead?
Because this was a rapidly evolving situation and Vader had seconds to act. Later on he had the time to organize his stormtroopers for however long it took to catch the rebel ship.
Also, he knew where the info was and was going toward it, later he didn't know the exact location, so he had to interrogate the rebel fucking shits.
>Why didn't he force choke or force pull that rebel with the plans instead of letting him pass it through the door?
Why didn't the eagles taker the ring to Mordor?
Nah, that's bullshit and you know it.
Tarkin is very clearly CGI and even people who don't know who he is can tell.
I thought it was tolerable, but to say that it's not noticeable to someone who doesn't already know they're dead is complete shit.
He looks like he is fapping when doing the praying thing.
there was no laler shot at his hand
Is that "only a sith deals in absolutes" line really that bad?
I think he means that only Sith consider subjective things objective, like calling the Jedi evil with no real evidence.
Meanwhile Obi-Wan calling Sheev evil and saying that only Sith deal in absolutes are both proven facts, so it's okay.