If I were Trump I'd shit my pants by now.
If I were Trump I'd shit my pants by now
if I were a refugee i'd be fucking your wife right now
the timeline changed.
They only post what could happen in the future, not what changed in the past.
This was the future up until a few months ago.
fake and gay
>your not even trying
That image is 'shopped.
Due to my IQ, I am calling bullshit on OP.
you have to go back
>the world will go crazy over the death of a gorilla
Not cool to make a joke about a possible presidential assassination.
She will become the first female president-elect, dummy. She doesn't become president til 2017.
Even if it wasn't you can back-date Facebook posts.
Fuck off faggot.
>irrelevent opinion. jpg
>trump / drumpf BTFO
>explain Sup Forums?
>1 post by this ID
come on guys, don't take the bait, post in high quality well thought out posts. make pol great again for everyone.
Those show up saying when you added it, though. There's definitely something going on there, seeing as nobody commented on it until the other day.
Should be s m h instead of baka
Oh, that's where I got tricked. They've moved the 'check edits' into a drop-down list, apparently. Thanks, son.
I want the filters to leave
Fuck off, you already made this post today
Underrated post
>editing the post
If you go to the post you can actually see that it's edited. The fact that over 12,000 people actually fell for this really says something.
>messages were edited after those events happens
You are all a bunch of retards if you believe this fucking faggots, alredy debunked but you still eating. Fucking americans you don't deserve Trump because of how retards you are.
>If I were Trump I'd shit my pants by now.
That's why you're not Trump.
Lmao your link got cucked by admiral hirohitos word filters.
(((One post by this ID)))
>editing the post
Why is that even possible?
This is one of the many reasons I hate fakebook.
Beyond a 1 minute timeout to correct spelling or something, posts really never need to be edited.
is this so easy to fool retards on facebook these days? geez.
wait, who's the gorilla that's dead? is obama next?
Nice inspect element
Kek, someone needs to comment this on the FB post