Redpill me on Frank Zappa

Redpill me on Frank Zappa

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he's good

he's good

he's good

he's good


google Ian Penman's demolition, it will save you a lot of time and suffering

he's good

his good

he isn't bad

he's not good

What is his best album?

that one that was really good that he made

he's alright

google shows nothing

national treasure, bless him

beefheart was better

he's god

Uncle Meat


the xxl version of läther kinda sums up a lot of the stuff he was into. for me, it's the yellow shark but it sounds quite different from the rest since it's orchestral.


is that Aaron Rodgers?
1995 July
it's hard to read now, they fucked up the scans

frank zappa didn't give a piping hot fuck about what anyone thought was good and is actually the perfect artist to trust other people with making compilations and anthologies; leave it to someone to wade through the massive walls of total dogshit and find the worthwhile bits, which are pretty good!

the only exception is you are what you is, which can actually be enjoyed by normal humans from beginning to end in a continuous fashion

p.s. feel free to ignore absolutely every single thing released near and/or after his death

I listened to Joe's Garage in one sitting and I love that album

embrace the memerock

But making "people" like this upset is one of the reasons I like F.Z.

>ignoring Läther, Civilization Phaze III and The Yellow Shark
don't be this guy

most of his albums from the 60s and 70s are good all the way through

cannot unsee

You fucking what

Joe's Garage