Disney gives you a blank check to remake the Star Wars prequels. How do you handle the story?
Had some great ideas yesterday lads.
Disney gives you a blank check to remake the Star Wars prequels. How do you handle the story?
Had some great ideas yesterday lads.
Other urls found in this thread:
not make darth vadar such a whiney faggot
i spend the money on coke and garlic bread
I take the blank cheque and work on the prequels forever, ala george martin
I get the money, the prequels don't get made and are, by default, still better
>>Had some great ideas yesterday lads.
and what were those, in a nutshell/
I'd probably take a lot from Shakespeare, since he was the master of having incredible characters operate within politics/war without losing their humanity. Henry IV-V for the first two films, then some of the bloody stuff for the third. Lots of MacBeth and Coriolanus. Anakin can basically be Hamlet, his morality being totally subjective and his passion (while sometimes misused) totally enthralling. Shakespeare also knew how to make deaths meaningful, with violence emanating from the characters.
I make them even worse, making the original prequels kino
Keep the check, change nothing and avoid having to reboot the canon all over again because no matter how insignificant your change in the prequels is, it'll fuck over one of the books or the show, and when one of those gets fucked over the rest of canon gets fucked over and then everything collapses on itself.
The consensus seemed to be that they should be character-driven with the relationships informed by seeing them in action rather than being told what their relationships are.
Anakin's fall to the dark side should be totally tragic.
The force needs to be way more subtle and used in creative ways. Force masters have no need for lightsabers.
Have at least one recurring villain. A lot of people wanted Maul to be more fleshed out and show up again and again.
But the biggest thing was to fix Anakin as a character. Make him more sympathetic and interesting. Show him being good at what he does and have him be actually likable.
One of the most interesting ideas was to not show Anakin getting in the Vader suit so if you watch them chronologically the Episode V reveal doesn't lose its impact.
>not make darth vadar such a whiney faggot
Basically this.
>make it an actual galactic war involving billions of men, not millions kek, even WWII was bigger
Couldn't the writers count? You see a droid factory producing probably tens of thousands of droids a day on Geonosis, on ONE planet, yet somehow the Clone Army was maybe a few million soldiers?
>Phantom menace
>Anaiken had a father but he died
>no midochlorian garbo
>no chosen one garbo
>podracing takes a backseat to fighting the Sith
>multiple encounters with said Sith leading up to the finale at the end
>they free Anaikens mother as well but she chooses to stay as this is a journey she could not join Anaiken on
The prequels are not nearly as bad as everyone makes them out to be
They are pretty bad, but they're better than TFA.
it totally ruin my perspective of darth vadar as this powerful, mythic villain. so much i generally cannot watch the original trilogy without thinking about how much of a fag he was in the prequels.
Start by watching through the OT and writing down everything that is said about Anakin, Obi-Wan and the Clone Wars and things like that to ensure continuity - something Lucas clearly never bothered with.
From what I remember of ANH, it was implied that Anakin lived on the moisture farm with Owen until he followed Obi-Wan on some 'idealistic crusade' against his brother's wishes. No mention of slaves, Qui-Gon or Owen being Anakins half brother that he barely met or whatever bullshit that was.
I guess have the first movie following Obi-Wan and showing off what the Jedi Order was like at it's peak ( Jedi should be closer to Knights instead of Monks, no Chosen One bullshit.). Maybe at the end of the first movie Obi-Wan becomes a fully realised Jedi.
Second movie is where Obi-Wan meets and befriends Anakin and The Clone Wars start. I like the idea used in Plinketts review about the Clones being the bad guys and people from around the galaxy being drafted into what eventually becomes the Imperial Stormtroopers. Although Obi-Wan does describe the clone wars as a 'Crusade' so maybe the Jedi were actually the aggressors.
Third movie would be Anakin's fall into the Dark Side,
Obviously Anakin still needs a love interest at some point and I think Sheev can stay mostly the same, using the crisis to advance himself politically while pulling strings on both sides - just change it to make more sense. Im no good with politics.
So basically I'd change everything, mostly just using the lines from the OT and building around them instead of making up something totally new.
I'd make a sequel instead, but except of a planet killer, or solar system-killer, I'd up the ante with a galaxy killer
I actually thought a lot about how to do this after I saw TFA. I think the prequels need a page one rewrite, only keeping the key events and characters explicitly mentioned in the OT:
>The clone wars.
>The rise of the empire.
>The birth of Luke and Leia.
>Anakin is an exceptional pilot was already so when Obi Wan meets him
>Anakin’s seduction to the dark side
>Anakin Skywalker - Darth Vader
>"Anakin was a good friend"
>Obi Wan is amazed at the strength of the force in Anakin and takes it upon himself to train him
>Tattered Tutelage of Anakin Skywalker
>Becomes more machine than man - twisted and evil
>The twins, hidden from the father and Emperor as they were a threat to the Emperor
>Jedis have premonitions
>The darkside is not actually stronger -- it's like how cheating
>"Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice for a thousand generations for the Old Republic, before the dark times, before the Empire" (40,000 years)
>Anakin turns to Darth Vader, “destroys” Anakin, and hunts down and destroys the Jedi Knights
And even then you don't NEED to show all of this but everything not listed can be done away with.
>One of the most interesting ideas was to not show Anakin getting in the Vader suit so if you watch them chronologically the Episode V reveal doesn't lose its impact.
Don't change it. The story of prequels isn't the problem. Dialogue, direction and acting is. The exact opposite of TFA.
Don't show Anakin becoming Vader so the "No, I am your father" scene in V is still meaningful
A primitive Star Wars where Jedi are using swords and throwing rocks at each other with the force, have it end with the creation of the first light saber, make it like a samurai movie.
Really shits easy to figure out!
It's a cool idea but surely you'd have to go the whole trilogy without revealing that Anakin's surname is Skywalker
>Anakin is found by the Jedi as a teen, not an 8 year old.
>Story starts during the clone wars, which are wars sparked by separatists replacing several republic senators with clones. The republic troops are just normal humans and aliens.
>Bail Antilles is a major character and a liaison between the Jedi and the Senate.
>Obi-Wan and Padme are good friends and Anakin perceives this as romantic, leading him to jealousy.
>Palpatine actually sells his ideology to Anakin in a convincing way, playing to his sense of justice and his weaknesses of character, rather than being flagrantly evil and just kind of tricking Anakin into joining him.
>Much more subtle final battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan. They just fight in a normal volcano.
>The final film ends with Vader's mask being put on for the first time and he starts doing the wheezy breathing,
Many films have been able to never name major characters at all without it feeling inorganic. I'm sure it could be done.
Make the prequels the live action clone wars
>Technology on par or a tad worse than OT
>Clones are bad guys
>Separatists (clones) lead by a fallen/former Jedi + follower(s)
>Clone Wars last over a decade
>Republic led by Chancellor Palpatine
>Republican army made of a central army (stormtroopers, enlisted/drafted) and smaller local militias
>As war goes on, the Grand army gets stronger at the expense of local militias
>Jedi are far fewer and more mystical, not some concentrated power
>Most jedi fight as part of smaller militias or act as guardians/protectors for important people
>Some jedi fight with the Grand army (including Anakin)
>As war goes on, Palpatine gets more and more powers granted to him
>Anakin starts off good, becomes increasingly ruthless during the war as he becomes obsessed with ending the destructive conflict
>>"ends justify the means"
>In the aftermath of the war, local militias are disbanded or severely weakened
>Previously independent worlds are occupied by republic/imperial forces to "bring order" to the "lawless parts" of the galaxy
>Jedi don't approve of this and are branded traitors
>Anakin agrees with the chancellors / emperors views of bringing order through force and falls out of the Jedi order
Basic premise, the PT got some elements right but was a massive fuckup otherwise.
I'd probably make Vader go slowly insane by using the recklessness that Anakin had in the prequels through various battles and encounters, he would ocassionally gets his shit kicked in and would start to lose limbs and organs at various points in time, gradually changing him into a machine which begins to affect his perspective, and not just have him get fucked up by one encounter on a volcanic planet
Because his body would get more and more crippled, he'll start to develop advanced Force powers, some of which that are un-Jedi-like and we'll start to see the origins of his force choke usage
He'll get really tested after his pretty face gets fucked up and would need a respirator to breath at all times, and for so and so reasons, his passing to the dark side would become soon after that
Makes sense that his fall to the dark side would be initiated by weakness and a sense of inferiority
>start anakin's story off as an apprentice under obi-wan
>before the clone wars
>is sent to guard padme under diplomatic reasons as the tension between the republic and trade federation show just how unstable the galaxy was before the empire
>anakin sees this and begins to question the jedi code
>begins to fall in love with padme after spending time with her but their love is forbidden by the jedi code
>anakin becomes frustrated at this
>palaptine senses this and begins his manipulation of anakin with the use of darth maul
>darth maul murders anakin's mother in order to fuel anakin's frustration with the jedi code
>darth maul is sent to assassinate padme
>anakin is easily outmatched as obi-wan comes in time to save him
>darth maul escapes
>anakin is very angry that he has failed to keep padme safe
>obi-wan takes it upon himself to protect padme until the growing tension between the republic and federation simmers down
>palaptine tells anakin about the disfunction of the galactic republic and how he only wants peace
>anakin agrees but that maybe the peaceful ways of the jedi are not the way to go
>palpatine smiles when anakin walks away
just how i would write the phantom menace
About 3/4ths of that happen outside of the movies and the other 1/4th happened in the pre-PT EU
Make Anaiken older, ditch the mom and give him a sexy girlfriend. It a near lawless world, make it darker and gritter, and not Tattooeen (I mean there are other planets right?). Has to leave them behind for reasons (make it a good one, maybe local drug lord wants him dead for stealing the parts to fix the ship or something to show he is not pure good, but really cares about people).
make Jar-jar the real sith lord, like the rumors had him. Tone him down a little but him more in the background, but keep him stupid and annoying so the big reveal is grand. Have Darth Maul grow as the flashy villain, but humanize his motives so Ankin can find a reason to help him help other do good. Follow the slow corruption, cut out the winy breakdowns. Darth Maul and ...
OK this idea is getting a little out of hand. I think if I were to do this I should think about it a little more then the time it takes me to type this post. after all I just writing in free flow right now. Major motion picture deserved at least some editing and reversion. Like how to deal with the emperor's motivation given he actually loses power though his convoluted plans.
>the bad guys use an alien clone army
>the republic doesn't use clones
>Obi-Wan is the main character
>Anakin is in his late teens/early 20s
>Yoda is Obi-Wan's master and never uses a lightsaber
>Uncle Owen is a young pilot who becomes close friends with Anakin and Obi-Wan
>no Jango Fett or Boba Fett
>Palpatine has a Sith apprentice who is the main antagonist of the trilogy
Episode I
>young Jedi knight Obi-Wan is sent on a mission and along the way he bumps into Anakin who is a pilot
>they're forced to work together and over the course of the movie they slowly become friends
>in the second act Obi-Wan realizes that Anakin has a connection to the force
>in the third act the Clone Wars begin and Obi-Wan begins to teach Anakin the ways of the force
Episode II
>most of the movie is Obi-Wan and Anakin fighting together in the clone wars
>in the second act of the movie Anakin begins to be tempted by the dark side
>by the end of the movie Anakin is very close to falling to the dark side
Episode III
>near the beginning of the movie Anakin gives into the dark side and kills Palpatine's apprentice
>over the course of the movie Anakin becomes increasingly consumed by the dark side
>near the end of the movie Anakin and Obi-Wan have a big final battle
Anakin starts off as a reckless but lovable Han Solo type character but war hardens him and eventually he starts to think that only absolute control will keep the galaxy at peace.
This is a really neat idea, the gradual change with th complete switch out coming at the end of the third movie.
I am not the biggest fan of Star Wars and the prequels for that matter, but I liked the clone army and the Jedi being generals to them in some capacity. Keep that shit and the order 66 shit but remove most of the corny shit and show the slow corruption and creation of the empire.
Like others pointed out, fix numbers of troops involved and make the Jedi more knightly and less floppy-monks but let them do some cool space magic stuff. Replacing episode one seems like a must.
>diverse multicultural cast with a female lead (no white people)
>small deathstar that has to be blown up
>diverse multicultural cast with muslim gay jedi main character
>a bit bigger death star that the rebels blow up
>transgender character that gets killed and raped by a white male sith
>a slightly bigger death star is built and the rebels yet again destroy it with ease
So far just about every idea in this thread is shit. Here's what they need to do for one is not kill Maul off and make him an important villian/rival to Obi-Wan until he dies in 3. Next make Anakins fall make more sense and show that the Jedi aren't perfect including Obi-Wan. Finally leave out all that romance nonsense and make Anakin's love interest some random battlefield medic that saves his life after getting wrekt by Maul in the second movie.
You have green light good sir
Make it happen!
A slow change is arguably the most important element. It really barrows from how old dark magic is said to corrupt the user in subtle ways, as we all know the force is really space magic.
Also for those that don't know like I did, there are many deleted scenes, mostly in episode 2 that flesh this out a bit more. They make the fireplace romance scene make a little more sense. Still not enough, thus the remake is still needed.
>every idea in this thread is shit
>muh darth maul
Seriously, why do people want more Darth Maul? Is an edgy design all it takes to win you people over?
yes, and all of it should have happened in the movies.
>darth tyrannus is the main antagonist. he is a newer militant/political sith lord. his focus on large scale militant control is the precursor to the empire. uses battle droids. apprentice is darth grevious. eventually starts using mandalorians to boost his strength.
>sideous and maul are sith beggars who believe themselves to be the true sith, and draw their power from holocrons. they are hiding from tyrannus. use the holocrons to eventually create a clone army on the outskirts of the galaxy, and manipulate the republic into using them to help defeat the mandalorians.
>obi wan is part of the jedi order which over the course the trilogy goes from a simple order of monks devoted to peaceful negotiations to a republic militant group underneath mace windu (who is just the anti-dooku)
>yoda is wise but really is just disregarded by many jedi and republic as crazy. funny and mostly non-combative.
>anakin is somewhat a throw away character. he is angry that the jedi are so peaceful when they could be so quick to qwell the violence between the clones and the feds. as the trilogy goes on he becomes more militant, manipulated by mace windu and the beggar sidious. secretly admires tyrannus.
>jango isn't related to boba fett. kills maul making room for anakin to get closer to sidious.
>padme is anakin's ex wife. as the series went on their marriage fell apart because of his power trip
whole point of the trilogy isn't "the chosen one" shit. its about watching the republic fall apart: the jedi become a military group to counter the sith militant group, and die out because that was never their role. sheev essentially goes from zero to hero because he just manipulates the system from the gutters up. the mandalorians are all killed off by the clone army. the over population in the galaxy gives way to mass conscription, which makes clones irrelevant. anakin gets "killed" by obi wan, and it really isn't made that big of a deal (we dont kno anythin about the importance of luke)
I don't make them at all
Remove the political angle (or at least drastically reduce it). Make Anakin closer to his Clone Wars version, let people sympathize with him and his struggles.
Turn the prequels into an epic war drama where Obi Wan meets Padme, falls in love, rescues a young Anakin, trains him, resists straying from the Jedi Path, and then watched Anakin fall in love with Padme. Obi Wan betrays Anakin by reporting him to the Jedi Council, a decision he comes to regret. Anakin escapes and comes after Obi Wan who he sees as his enemy until they have an epic showdown in which Obi Wan nearly kills Anakin. Obi Wan is filled with regret and becomes a hermit where he watches over a young Luke as penance for what he's done.
this is good. why is george such a hack?
>make the EU non-canon to piss off fat fucks and NEETs who whine about much vidyashit
That's pretty much it, I don't care for anything other than fatty tears
Film 1: Adapt Plagueis novel
Film 2: ROTS
Film 3: Rogue One
Yeah I would use the money to make a premium cable/netflix show about the old republic.
Season 1 Mandalorian invasion and revan fighting with the council to join the fight.
Season 2 Revan fights and wins against Madalore in the season finale
Season 3 Revan falls to the dark side and Malak betrays him in the finale
Season 4 Plot of KOTOR
Dont know about after that or what to do about the big plot twist
Do we have to make sure they still flow directly in canon?
Are we allowed to do whatever we want or do we have to abide to what happens in the Clone Wars?
If so, then that means no evil Jar Jar.
God the art design is so damn ugly on the clone wars
He didn't post the first series.
Bandit's remake, I guess.
>Seriously, why do people want more Darth Maul? Is an edgy design all it takes to win you people over?
Mostr people here were around 5-10 when they first saw Phantom Menace. Of course we like Darth Maul. He was the most rad bad guy ever.
Writing some stuff up but i'm well over the char limit ah.
I like the idea of Darth Maul it'll allow to have Dooku has a good guy at first but keep a Sith Duo in Sidious/Maul
Eh, I don't feel good enough to try and write out an entire play by play, the 'What if Episode - Were Good' videos cover the bases pretty well IMO. Just some notes I have:
>Jedi should be fewer, not congregated as a mystical force, be mystical and misunderstood by outsiders. Don't have babies be abducted, simply state that "If the force is strong enough within someone, it will guide them along the path of the Jedi", something fatalist like that.
>Have the Clone Wars start before the beginning of Episode I. It mirrors the pre-set Galactic Civil War in Episode IV. Also, the war has to be long, costly, and brutal in order for the citizens of the galaxy, by the point of the OT, to collectively think "The Empire is a preferable alternative to the Clone Wars."
I would make sure that the story of the prequels actually tells the story it was set up to tell: the failure of the friendship and mentorship between Obi-Wan and Anakin.
I would dispense with the vague but maddening 'Chosen One' shit: Anakin's growing power should be a gradual, terrifying surprise to Obi-Wan and other Jedi -- some of that power should be decidedly Sith-oriented, No one realizes just how serious it is until it's too late. (As opposed to knowing all about it and not really doing anything about it in th existing films).
I would at least preserve two surprises for the OT:
Yoda would never appear in the prequels: he would only be spoken about in each prequel with awe (maybe in the final prequel, there would be some visual aftermath of something incredible Yoda did, and maybe a mention that he'd disappeared and was presumed dead). Keep the audience expecting Yoda to be the great warrior that Luke expects to meet when he first arrives on Dagobah.
-- No force lightning, by anyone. Sidious would never use a lightsaber either, but wield other, never-before-seen Sith powers. The force lightning should come as a shock in ROTJ from this small, seemingly frail ancient man.
I agree with Yoda not being there. That's a surprise ruined by the prequels and the Yoda in those movies isn't nearly as silly as the one in the OT.
And force lightning should definitely be kept under wraps. Maybe have some Sith use fire force powers if you can make it not look like firebending
I would change Anakin so that he was more a kind and brave person that becomes an exceptional Jedi but gets corrupted by the world. Every good deed he does is thrown back at him with no respect and nothing changes, all the order he brings just turns to entropy. Palpatine realizes his wavering ideals and slowly corrupts his mind by shifting his point of view. That the world needs an excess of entropy in order to shift itself more towards order, otherwise nothing will change, it will just be a drop in an endless sea. Obi-wan realizes the futility of it all but is still a jedi paralleling the legend of Sisphyus. When Anakin falls in love with Padme that is his final hold on the good he sees in the world. When she gives birth and dies thats when Anakin snaps and realizes that the world is truly unforgiving and decides not to be like Obi and try and defy it, only to be ousted by his best friend and the order.
I need more time to think on the idea further but those are some of the changes I would make
I hand them back the check and tell them to stop
this is the worst thing I've ever seen, kill yourself
No u
Palpatine's behind it all
>so the reveal doesn't lose its impact
name one person who's introduction to star wars wasn't an unrelated tv show popculture reference to the "i am your father" scene
In fact, name one dad who hasn't tried to get their kid's attention from across the room by quoting the same line
Face it
anyone who hasn't seen star wars knows "the black suit man is the father of luke, whoever that is"
me, my dad took me to see the movies when they rereleased them and it was a total surprise
He also never made reference jokes at me, except for this one little rascals bit when I was really little.
I'd just copy and paste the names and costumes over the LotR trilogy
>"i'm gonna remake the prequels, only this time they won't be shit!"
>makes a carbon copy of the prequels
every fucking time
stop pretending you autists have any creativity at all
make it so that R2D2 invented the death star and thats why it has his face
This sounds solid. Also, keep the flashy lightsaber battles as a climax and move the plot as far away historically as possible from the OT timeline to force originality on the production designers.
Fuck me. Misread the OP and thought this was about new Star Wars movies and not the prequels.
Would have been easier if Luke wasn't called Skywalker at all. Even safer.
Have Anakin's last scene be him walking away with Obi-wans creepy apprentice whose planning to betray him.
I rerelease them in HD and spend copious amounts of money on cocaine
Sorry if this is poorly written, I'm on mobile
>Jedi are an elite military organization. wearing body armor in resemblance to knights, not monks who dress like moisture farmers
>the Jedi order has lost its way in its pursuit of power, but a few (including qui-gon, yoda, and dooku) seek to return it to what it once stood for. They feel darkness creeping into the vulnerable and blinded order
>dooku kills some corrupted Jedi who he witnesses committing war crimes and leaves the order, the republic brands him as a terrorist and sends a Jedi-led detachment after him, including qui-gon and kenobi
>tracking down dooku will be the main plot of episode one, they recruit a 20 something force sensitive fighter pilot named anakin along the way
>eventually they find dooku rallying together systems who are discontent with the republic and seek to secede >dooku tells qui-gon that the republic and and the Jedi are not to be trusted before being killed by maul
>a fight ensues where maul kills qui-gon and escapes
>the confederacy believe that the Jedi killed their leader and declares open war on the republic
>obi-wan wants revenge, Yoda says that maul was a user of the dark side and if obi helps him root out the dark side infiltrating the order, he'll have the chance to avenge his master
keep the idea of jango fett clone soldiers, but this time make it so the mandalorians own the clones and their ripping the shit out of the republic.
>Yoda knows revenge is wrong, but he sees it as the only way to save the Jedi
>palpatine, chancellor of the council, calls in obi-wan and anakin to his office, as they were the last to see dooku and the only ones to see his killer.
>Palpatine is the one who sent maul to kill dooku, as he knew doing so would drive the rebellious systems into open war, although he was never affiliated with dooku
>originally he only saw this as a means to destroy the planets which would have gone against his plans, which is to slowly drive the order to the darkside, something he and his Masters before him had been doing for centuries from the shadows
>but sensing a strong presence of the force, which he mistakenly attributes to obi-wan's hate (when in reality it's anakin) he devises a new plan: to destroy the order, reforming it anew under a powerful apprentice, and bring the galaxy willingly under his control
>but to do this he needs the war to drive on and make the galaxy desperate
>as the Jedi leave he contacts one of his associates, telling them to send cloning technology to the separatists
End episode 1
Get the people who made The Clone Wars cartoon remake them to be in line with the show.
Fuck up the third movie so Rogue One wouldn't make any sense.
>Republic manages to intercept plans of Death Planet, weapon of mass destruction created by Galactic Dominion
>droid carrying said plans is send on tatooine so it can be picked up by a jedi knight, obi-wan kenobi
>during his stay obi-wan meets Anakin Skywalker, a pormising tenager who seems to have a connection to the force
>they also meet Notsolo Han, a sassy black lady and a pilot who offers them help in leaving the planet
Would also add some Ahakespearesque drama, some Legend of Galactic Heroes stíle politics on the decline of democracy, corrupt politicians betraying and using war heroes as cannon fodder.
Do the exact same thing, but with Jar Jar as a main protagonists
As briefly as possible: The Jedi are a monastic order that has rejected its warrior past, but when a galactic crisis emerges many renegade Jedi reject this pacifist philosophy and intervene in the conflict. They function like wandering samurai, doing what good they can in small bands. In the process, they cooperate with the Republic military and become legendary figures, appearing when help is most needed and disappearing again. Obi-Wan is among these renegade Jedi. During the war he meets a talented star-pilot, Anakin. He takes him on as his apprentice. Eventually Anakin achieves the rank of Jedi Knight and is given an apprentice of his own. In time, Anakin develops a romantic relationship with his apprentice, in violation of the Jedi code. The main antagonist of the series, a warlord of mysterious origin, takes advantage of Anakin's affection by capturing and threatening to murder his apprentice. Anakin cuts down his disarmed opponent in a fit of rage. Both Anakin and his apprentice are disgraced when their relationship is revealed and are compelled to leave the Jedi Order. Anakin surrenders his lightsaber to Obi-Wan and develops a resentment of those Jedi who voted for his expulsion. Anakin rejoins the Republic military: his fame, skill and the manipulation of the Chancellor cause him to rise in rank very quickly. He is later recruited by a sect of military officers and government bureaucrats who seek to use the Force to end the war and restore order to the galaxy. Anakin is shocked to discover that the Chancellor himself is a member. Anakin becomes seduced by the dark secrets this sect slowly reveals to him. Meanwhile Obi-Wan investigates the origin of the separatist crisis and discovers that this sect orchestrated it from the beginning. The Chancellor then publicly accuses the Jedi of having manufactured the crisis in a bid to restore their ancient prestige and the Jedi Purge commences.
I would make anakin even younger. Imagine he shits his diaper and obiwan realizes he's shitting with the force, it practically writes itself. Amidala falls in love with him changing his diaper.