This is deep

This is deep

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...yes. Go back to Africa, and get your throne back. In Africa. Where your throne is.


I feel bad for you Egypt. You probably get pretty frustrated seeing this shit.




They tried that. Didn't go that well.

Where did this idea start? There was one dynasty that was made up of sub-Saharan Africans if I remember correctyl, but it seems like this we wuz kangs shit encompasses the entire history of ancient Egypt.


He already is in Africa you retarted amerifat. American education everybody

>l bad for you Egypt
There are a lot of Youtubers from Egypt that rage at these things.

Here is one

If only blacks had all gone back to Africa back then.

Apparently 1 Egyptian pharaoh is black then he went to west africa and fucked like rabbits resulting every african to be a kangz n queanngz

The only kang you ever was was Negus, and you're still niggas and always will be.

>wewuz. jpg
>Sup Forums BTFO
>1 post by this ID

come on guys, don't take the bait, only post in high quality well thought out threads that contribute content.

make pol great again for everyone.

checks out

are you offended by them appropriating you or they are just too sad and miserable for you too be offended?


There was a dynasty that came from an Egyptian colony in Nubia.

Egypt had discovered this place 1000 years before. They mined gold there. Egyptians had moved there.

Egypt went to shit and it got invaded by Nubians.

Assyrians didn't want no Nubian leaders right next to its border and they invaded Egypt to "liberate" it from Nubian rule.

It's possible that Egypt had an illegitimate nigger/partly nigger Pharaoh for a while and some Assyrian invaded Egypt to liberate the "whites."



The slope of his forehead is so.. aboriginal


He was talking to blacks in America who make these claims. German education everybody.

Because egypt is in africa therefor it's black.

I don't quite get this.

First are they not aware that blacks originate from sub-saharan africa? That there was a massive desert between them and egypt that was not traversable for many years.

Second, they had mudhut kings they could be admiring?

/r/ the picture where egyptian actor is dressed as a pharaoh and BLM bitch cries becouse the actor is white

look up Esarhaddon or his son.

After 6-7 decades of niggerdom, he liberated Egypt and niggers stayed out until modern times.

S T A Y . W O K E


>Get your own back

Ok dumbass. Since every indigenous people on this planet had darker skin and various phenotypes all found in Africa, why don't you use common sense you fucking idiot? How about the fact the first northern Europeans were darkskin with blue eyes. There was a very very old skeleton found in Ireland of a black woman who was buried in wealth. Why can't you stupid pale butthurt weak son of bitches admit you just whitewashed history? Its not up for debate, its a blatant fact. Yet you won't admit it. White scientist and history proves this to all be facts yet you're in denial. However, know that we are Kings by nature and God himself and in 3 years time we will all set foot on our thrones again with a power and vengeance only a God can grant. In his name we will bring you and your people beneath the Earth. You will bow at the sounds of our footsteps. We will have the world. Our wealth would be even more vast than those who stole our identity. There will be no poor child of Israel among any of us. We might be cursed for now, but you're all doomed.

no flying pyramids?

Blacks can't survive in the desert, Their skin's too thick. they overheat easily.

This is why niggers will never be as great as whites or asians.

If a lighter race wants to be great, they go on to make greatness for themselves.
Niggers think this is too much work, so they have to look to the past. And when the past reveals nothing to be proud of, they have to invent a past that they think glorifies them.

If I knew I had royal ancestors, I wouldn't be proud of myself. I'd be ashamed, because so much of my family comes from poverty, and does nothing to live up to such a legacy.
A nigger is fine crawling into a place of learning, stroking themselves momentarily to the idea of having come greatness, then forgetting about it as they go back to being worthless niggers all over again.

True redpill: Egyptians, Carthagians, Phoenicians, Syrians were white (just like Greeks) and they literally got destroyed by Islam and Arab scum, a fact something mainstream historians don't like to say out loud because it might be non-PC.

i maek think really

The Islamic expansion was one of conquest, not colonisation. The Egyptians too the Moors where likely similar to Arabs

New rule, if the OP doesn't post in their own thread by the time there is 15 replies then it is a slide thread and should be reported, saged etc.


No, muslims literally killed half of the population which resisted and intermarried with the rest during the years.

This happened in Spain, South Italy, Greece, Turkey as well. Byzantine was white too, just like Persia.

really makes you kangz


That's the saddest fucking thing niggers have ever tried to claim. Wow.

Did you know and ancient China was also white until the Japanese invaded?!

Wow, really makes you think

>get your tyrone back

>my ancestors are from England
>England had kings
>mfw I realized that I used to be kingz and shit

They are growing stronger