Clint Eastwood

>6 white kids
>BLEACHED a non-white for his last kid

Why aren't you following in Clint's footsteps to make the world a whiter place?

i love me a fine ass black chick tho


Married an Aryan goddess.
3 white kids , all blond.

Doing my bit.

Senpai I've never even kissed a woman, my genetic line is over




not rly kek

>Lizard people

Are you egghead ugly or fat as fuck? If you're half way decent looking you can find a woman, no promises on how attractive she'll be but you can find one. Even if you're super fat my pork planet buddy ended marrying a ham planet. They're an obese match made in heaven.

what a beautiful child...shame if someone were to rape her...

Jesus man.

the fuck man

I wanna fuck Scott Eastwood

Pic related

>ooooga booooga I'm ix tryna shock yo honkey minds
Stay edgy nignig

Settle down now, Muhammad.

I'm trying, just not at Clints powerlevel in redpills yet.

Hi leddit

pls go


You realise you would die if you touched Clint's daughter? I mean literally die, even if he didn't manage to kill you himself, you'd be killed in jail on your first day.

Isn't he divorced? Not exactly my goal.
And also

His youngest is a shitskin. Thank you Clint for making the world even more brown

Just glanced at wikipedia, from what I can make out of the glorious clusterfuck of his love life he's got kids from several women. That youngest one is probably the only biological kid from the woman there.

Not a pop-star to attract anything decent :(

Is that you Dan "the hymen divider Schneider?


Aziz, you?

Superior + inferior will always result to middle. It isn't always a nice trade off.

Sometimes, we need a little bit of Sup Forums just to drive the normies from reddit off.

christ, his virility must be off the charts, having a kid at that age is amazing.

Not fat, don't think I'm that ugly, just a complete autist around women and have no idea how to flirt or do anything intimate.

clint eastwood is one based dude

i want to drink with him and john wayne in heaven


beer is your friend, faggot.

clint, this isn't weed.

Hi Sup Forums

praise Sup Forums

the one true king of the internet

Just try to have a normal conversation and lie when needed. Having a few drinks to loosen up doesn't hurt either.

I dont even know how to talk to a woman.

more like Sup Forums

When did we get a transvestite board?

The redhead (Frances Fisher) is a Jew.

Fucking hell Turkish?

You need Jesus.

I don't see anything
I don't see anything

Damn he's even better looking than me

Ignore this crazy man.

What if Trump picks Eastwood as his VP?

Eastwood was once a mayor in California