Will you, for once in your bitter ugly lives, sign a petition that will actually cause some GOOD in life?

Thanks darlings

>islam kills 50 lgbt people
>soros & change worries about blood donation equality

But I don't want AIDS senpai :^(

>wasting money on testing homo blood for GRIDS
>not dumping it out instantly

Gay here.

It is a statistical fact that we get HIV at much higher rates. 300 fold or so greater than straights.

That is why the UK and US ban gay blood donations. It's a reasonable step.

Why should gay feelings trump real concerns about infection?

I propose a different petition:


That would also be statistically justified, and show the government is being fair.

Can't we just gas all the gays? Then we dont have to worry about equality for gays.

How about you go suck a muslim's cock? Film it, post it on facebook and youtube and then I will consider it.

And while you're at it, go and have an orgy with every liberal in your city.

Trannies first, then at least I can die happy.

>le Soros maymay
is this the current boogeyman you blame for everything

Yeah, you're from Africa, I'm afraid I've got bad news for you

Yeah, it is.

no thanks you disgusting faggot. queers are diseased and no one should risk disease so you feel equal. fucking queer you have the mind of woman, kill yourself.

Assuming you already have living there.

No thanks, they dont test the blood for aids and children are given that, youre a disgusting human, and I unironically would push the button to gas you, and feel good about it.

I thought it wasn't cost effective to get blood from gays because they have a higher prevalence of STDs and hospitals throw out too much of the blood.

not even the gays want blood from gays.

Queers in ancient times were peter puffers like modern Afghanis. They'd only fuck slave boys in the asshole because getting fucked in the asshole if bad for your health.

This is how queer Greeks stayed healthy enough to fight amongst themselves. They kept to strictly sucking dicks and fucking slave boys in the ass. When the slave boys got too sick or older, they'd stop fucking them or killing them.

This is how Islam and Christianity became popular. The queer elite fucked too many slave men in the asshole. They wanted payback.

Taliban recruits boys fucked in the ass to become suicide bombers.

If you want an image about how it was to be gay in ancient times, just look at modern Afghanistan. They don't have good medicine and shiet. So they stick to peter puffing and screwing child to teen boys/men... but don't receive.

Modern gays like giving and receiving. They also use a lot of drugs.

Nah fuck off cunt good kill.

Oh you totally convinced me by calling me names. Signing up right now.

sodomites are walking cess pools of diease

Tens of thousands of people in the US got HIV from transfusions before screening began and before the bans were instated. You just want more of the normal population to get HIV you piece of shit.

Only if they donate to other minorities

Fuck off with your poz babies, no normal human being wants to share your med resistant aids.

Has a Wyatt Mann made any new comics or are they all from the nineties?

>sign a petition
>that will actually cause some GOOD in life?

Leftism in a nutshell:

>If you just sign this ineffectual change dot org petition, and virtue signal the right way on social media, we'll view you as a GOOD person!

>You do want to be a GOOD person, don't you?

It just so happens that I have a different definition of what a "good" person is; one that includes a strong work ethic, a level temperament, and faith in Jesus Christ.

Kill yourself you cocksucking neckbeard faggot

If I ever need to receive blood and get HIV from it, I swear to god i will dedicate the rest of my AIDS riddled life to tracking down gays who have donated and making sure they die as slowly and painfully as possible.
Fuck you. If you are gay and want to donate, then you want to give someone AIDS, and you deserve to be killed.

What if I want to give you AIDS anyway?

The (((screen))) is not perfect.
Like we want to go out of our way to discriminate against you and make 100000 more calls to the heterosexual monogamous people for the lulz.