How do we stop all this Jewish shit from entering the alt right?
Our first problem, Milo, is a fucking homo kike that has sex with niggers. He is not "based" or anything like that.
He is nothing more than an attention whore using fake right wing views to attract alt righters.
Our second issue is anime. Anime has no place in the alt right. It takes young men and turns them into permavirgin weebs.
This bullfuckery has already began to infect the traditional right wing already! Take for example, Robert Morrow. This madman posts anime "waifus" on his Twitter all day with shit like "Good night cartoon titty woman!" What a lunatic.
And finally we have atheism. Atheism is almost entirely held by libtards. Atheism is what destroyed Europe. It creates nothing more than an empty void waiting to be filled by something, and if we don't fight for Christianity's return, Islam will fill that void.