Cómo Hablar Español

Mi primera idioma es inglés, y quiero hablar español como los hispanohablantes nativos, pero no puedo decir lo que quiero decir. Cómo debo aprender la idioma? No puedo viajar a otros países.

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Is that Ron Jeremy?

Watch spic tv series, songs etc why don't you ask this question in English.

Ponte a leer libros en español, vocalizando lo que lees para practicar la pronunciación.
Ve series de tv y películas. En Netflix tal vez encuentres películas dobladas al español, no sabría decirte la verdad.
Escucha música también. Qué clase de música te gusta?

I heard some user has learned pretty good spanish through Duolingo so you could try that.
I will also need to see your pronunciation, could you please say "Me gusta ver a mi esposa comerse el chile de Juan" on vocaroo? Just for helping you user

I learnt english by consuming media in your language and then slowly communicating in caveman speak with others to trade via steam

Know cat


I can barely hear you user

Record yourself saying: "Me meto tantas bananas en el culo que me llaman King Kong"
I've heard it's a good way to practice your pronunciation

Como hablar si cada parte de mi mente es tuya
Y si no encuentro la palabra exacta


I love you

La salsa. Me gustan a Sonora Ponceña y Buena Vista Social Club.

dif user


Beatiful but you sound like a dork, talk with confidence user.

Mira los videos de SuperHolly


You did it great, mostly. The only thing that doesn't sound good is the "llaman", that's what most americans can't pronounce it right, i don't know why. Try pronouncing it like the j in "just".
If you pronounce the ll right, and talk more fluently, you could pretty much speak like a native. Rolling the Rs isn't so much of a problem since even some native speakers can't roll them properly

i thought the ll was supposed to be like an English y

no, ll sounds like sh

are you memeing me broder

Who told you that? That might explain it why anglos learning spanish commit that mistake so much. The english Y leans towards the "U" sound, while the J sound actually makes you use your tongue against your palate, like the ll in spanish.
Also, another tip. Keep in mind the genres of the pronouns. Mistaking the genres will make you sound awkward.
Shut up

so you sayin i should pronounce llamen like jammin? spanish class told me ll sounds like y.

injun latinamerica pronounces ll like the english y
patrician latinamerica pronounces it like sh but english speakers pronounce it like j

>spanish class told me ll sounds like y.
That's very wrong.
You should pronounce it la jammin, as i explained here:The way you say it sounds like, instead of the ll sound, you pronounce the spanish i (english "e" sound). You are pronouncing a vocal instead of a consonant.

The sh instead of j is limited to Argentina and Uruguay,. It's not standard spanish

So gringos are actually taught to pronounce like shit? I thought it was all natural
Don't listen to your teachers, they don't know shit, watch some videos in spanish and talk with native speakers instead

>spanish class told me ll sounds like y.
Spanish (simplified) class

You can do what many people do: get language partners (it's recommendable to get more than one because some of them seem to disappear without warning at any moment) on Internet and establish a set of clear rules between the parts involved in the language exchange (for example 30 minutes of Spanish + 30 minutes of English, and what day and time you'll meet, or even discussion topics)

Or do what people who are not good at socializing (like me) do: talk to yourself and try to mimic a native speaker pronunciation (from a podcast with transcriptions or something like that) - something called "shadowing" if I'm not mistaken, a language learning technique created by an American university professor Alexander Arguelles. Or if you really know the language's sounds, read texts in your target language aloud.

too bad im an ugly faggot and no one will be a language partner to me

Escucha español de españa no de latinoamerica

go to your nearest restaurant. go in the kitchen and get a job as dishwasher. im sure you'll find a mexican dude back there

no Y's sound like J and LL sounds like Y.

>why dont you ask this question in english
Most idiotic thing i read all day. If the guy wants to learn a language the first step is using it

You can try HelloTalk , there is an option for speak with voice :)

ehhh, no sweetie. el peor consejo que pudiste dar

Anime y Duolingo

you need to find a latin friend...

Childhood is thinking Japanese is better.
Puberty is thinking Spanish is better.
Adulthood is realizing Portuguese is better.

Nadie va a decirle que idioma es masculino?

Just like i did with english, videogames, music and tv, no classes and no books.
If you can spend some time in a hispanic country, that would be great, at least 3 months, and if you want neutral accent, come to Bogotá (Colombia), but Perú and bolivia could also help