ITT: Albums you have listened to over 100 times in full

ITT: Albums you have listened to over 100 times in full

I hope you're not proud of that, OP

None lol


listening to albums is gay

and MBV's You Made Me Realise EP

Definitely Mayhem's Deathcrush, De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas and Live in Leipzig, and pic related by Mütiilation.

It literally loops, sometimes I listen to it multiple times in one go.



This along with their Anchors & Arrows album.

everything is wrong with this cover



i still turn this album on every now and then, i used to bump this shit during my depressed high school days

EVERY Death Grips release... and that's just this week


I used to be obsessed with this album for some reason. Must have listened at least 300 times.


Probably listened to this 500 times over the past 18 years. Before napster, it wasn't uncommon for me to listen to albums I had purchased 40-50 times before getting a new one (unless it really sucked). Over the 15 years, it's rare for me to listen to an album more than 10-15 times unless it is something very special (Neon Bible comes to mind)

nice meme
