Today is my birthday. I have no friends. C-can Sup Forums say something good?

Today is my birthday. I have no friends. C-can Sup Forums say something good?

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HAppy bday Ivan

>I have no friends
I have never heard of a girl with no friends desu

Happy Birthday, user, from your favourite friend

Happy b'day man.

Do you live in Siberia or something?

I know that feel bro, less than five "friends" wrote on my facebook wall for my birthday, all of which probably just felt pity

Thank you so much anons!

I live in Yekaterinburg. This is Ural.

Are you a qt russian girl that would date me out of desperation?

At a certain point human validation becomes pointless

Find fulfillment in pleasurable activities and retain one good friend

Jesus. That's a bit grim

Why not move to somewhere nice?

Well, nobody wrote nothing on my wall or sent me a message.
Sorry, I am a men.
I dont have enough money for that.

Happy birthday! You've made it this far there's no reason you can't make it further.

Happy birthday, OP!
I hope the future brings happiness and friends.

Get a job? Or if you can't get educated and get a job

Happy birthday cyka get back to Dota 2 ))))

Bonne fête Russiabro

Thanks a lot! I'm very appreciate that.
Maybe I need to find better job. I'm working for 650-680$.

Happy birthday Pavel. You're going to make it lad.

Happy Birthday... now share your QT Russian Grills, please!

650 a week's pretty good man. Can save enough for a train trip and 2 month rent easy on that

Ah, no this is only 610$
I'm Dmitriy, but anyway thank you!
You can take all of them xD.

>not hiding your birthday in facebook
your fault for trying to be a normie

Maybe I realy can do that. Thank again australia-bro!

You should move to France and start a youtube prank channel like this russian guy.

What does he say to them?

Merry Christmas.

I bought yesterday some shady Russian candy bar from the Eastern European market, it was clearly to celebrate this user

Happy Birthday by Tumen'-kun

He asks if they want "pie" or "a piece of pie" which in french means "to get slapped". And then pulls out real pie...

Thanks you! Spasibo, brat!
Ahaha, real. funny

Happy birthday, hope everything going your way in the future

Thank you, my asian friend!

Have a good birthday

Thank you!

Tell us more about you user.

happi birthday!

Enjoy your birthday

Happy birthday.
I have no friends either and on my birthday just said fuck it, bought a big fucking cake and ate it all.

Enjoy your day

We going for pints lad?
Happy birthday brother.
one of us always

Happy birthday slav-user. Hope you enjoy your day

Well. I'm 21 years old. I like to study guitar. I'm had no GF. And I'm not drinking alcohol at all.
Thank you guys!
That was in plans to go and buy big cake, lol.
Thank you!
Thank you, british friend!
Thank you argentine-user, you are always white for me.

playing guitar
>one step closer to winning over a gf
happy birthday user

what is you favorite song? if local only, post youtube link for anglos to hear?

C днём poждeния !!

Okey guys, I need to go, will comeback after 1-1,5 hours. Thank you all, you are the best!

I have 3 favorite guitar songs.

Thank you!

Thank you, spasibo!

Happy birthday user!

Also, when I'm still here, that is my favorite song at all
Thank you!

nice. I like the first ones styling and sound. What is he singing about?


happy happy birthday buddy
hope you have a nice year, and everything goes well.

Happy birthday bro

happy b-day my squatting friend

Happy birthday friend


today is also my birthday
>tfw expected nothing at all because I'm an asocial fuck and then some guys gave me a new backpack of my favorite anime
never stop believing

OP is back!
Best b-day is b-day with Sup Forums! Thaks to all of you!
That one calls "Old Prague" xD

Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day.

Thank you! I'm wondered how many australians here.

this plus no one can write on my facebook

Oh shit i cant post the omedetoe webm from evangelion ending. I watch it every my birthday and cry and imagine i have friends and they congrating me.
C днeм poждeния, aнoнчик. Пycть кaждый paз кoгдa ты видишь мoй флaг тeбe cтaнoвилocь тeплo нa дyшe, вeдь дaжe в тaкoй дыpe ecть люди пoхoжиe нa тeбя.

happy birthday m8s

C дp, eптa

И тeбя пoздpaвляю. Кoгдa вы нac aннeкcиpyeтe нaкoнeц?

Happy birthday user

C днeм poждeния :-)))))

Cпacибo пapни, я дaжe cлeзy пycтил. Дaжe нe дyмaл чтo cтoлькo aнoнoв oткликнeтcя.
Thank you guys!

You will one day be the most important person in someone's life.

happy birthday brochacho

here is a trivia question

Please don't google as it's poor sportsmanship!

What were the areas of Britain called while under Norse rule?


Thanks, m8! I dont even know that, so I give up. Maybe that was some kind of Canada or what? :D

Hah, ok then.

Here is a (you)

Пycть в твoeй жизни нe бyдeт гopьких минyт, coлёных шyтoк и киcлых yлыбoк. Bыпьeм зa cлaдкиe cтopoны жизни!

>What were the areas of Britain called while under Norse rule?

Got it, thanks!

I was alone in my last 3 birthdays too. 18, 19 and 20 years old.
Happy birthday man, I wish you the best

I know that feel, thank you, bro.

T-that's really sad, user.

happy bday user

Thank you!

Happy birthday bro

Кaкaя гpycтнaя кapтинкa :(


why does google translate identify your language as tajik?

My birthday's in 2 weeks, I feel your pain comrade. Happy birthday anyway

cigana qt
Happy B-Day Dmitriy

>tfw no one knows my birthday

Happy birthday user, remember suicide is never the answer.
When is it user?

Lol, I've been thinking that this thread allready deleted. Thank you all, one more time! You are the best guys!

Best wishes, OP.

There is some song for you, that I liked in '00.

cpeћaн poђeндaн бpaтe!!!

Happy Birthday Dmitriy, best of luck from Austria!

Хaјдe кдe paкијa???