those two lads who spent the entire last thread calling eachother gay Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
need a irl Karen geeff
have an above-average sized willy
please go home
>not dry humor edition
taxation is theft
don't even have a willy
say pretty please and I will consider
anyone remember the cuckio meme
Out with the trash.
Out with the trash.
pretty please go home
What's going on with are Tim lads?
fuck off Yank
*walks in to your house*
*talks 50% of your stuff*
>Excuse me mate wtf r u doin
>just tax bro don't worry about it, btw if you resist I'll put you in jail
Keep an eye out sweaty xx
fantastic posts
*gives you a strong welfare state, healthcare, housing, and education system in return*
not so bad now is it?
uncertain of the future
How would you define a 'normalfag' ?
hint: it involves my willy
>his fb account was disabled
actually feeling sorry for him now that people's pisstaking of him is starting to have more tangible effects
Same. When my parents die I really will be fucked. Who else here fucked when that happens ?
Is in denial about his gayness lad still hanging around?
Anyone who's life has even a single aspect that is better than mine.
does eliza still post?
Nice trips lad.
Might do a magic trick *cracks knuckles*
suck my dick
any motorcycle man in?
who's that on the right
native canadian?
not since like february
his account was disabled? has he reacted to it yet?
im waiting on that sweet inheritance money
literally picking one up in an hour
very orderly posts
really need to go for a slash but don't want to get up
that's a big toad
Browsing through the ol' 'gram last night in the pub and girl i fancy who works behind the bar took my phone and sent a follow request to her 'gram
What does this mean lads?
Yeah I know right? It was funny when just Sup Forums was torturing this mentally ill old man, but now that facebook is doing it that's a step too far
means you shouldn't be posting here
what kind lad?
Is modafinil worth trying? Already use amphetamine sometimes but I feel like the side effects are too much.
can't wait for drumpf's impeachment
just had a cheek xanax x
same la
enjoyed viewing this
as did i
are you one of those people who try to equivocate everybody who followed tim with the people who harassed him on fb/youtube?
honda cg
Welfare state that I dont qualify for
Healthcare that I don't use
Private housing
Free education is a fundamental right
Heh, nice attempt kid
>honda cg
she's a scutie
think it's time to eat my weetabix
stupid boy
really wish i wasn't so hairy
should i get a motorcycle license?
my already brother has one and says it's worth it
>quoted the wrong post too
fuck me
yeah modafinil is worth trying in my experience but it differs from person to person
try getting a life first poppet
sorry i just woke up
not had time to start thinking yet
really made me think...
>are you one of those people who try to equivocate everybody who followed tim with the people who harassed him on fb/youtube?
I'm one of those people who never watched a tim video and think that /brit/ have been bullying a mentally ill guy for months, so you taking the high road now is laughable
Can't stop loaning money ever since I got my 23&me test back, desu.
>try log into facebook, try log into facebook, il try log into facebook, im trying to log into facebook
(He's trying to log into facebook)
Lads, who actually bought /brit/s attention to this Tim weirdo ?
honestly revolted by Macca's these days
KFC's the way to go
someone down the road just farted so loud i heard it through the window
Cuckio did
I'm fapping imagining the brit girl in the post getting raped by two "Asians"
how is the migrants there
*poisons you*
>life is getting more and more difficult
>Half the thread is yank flags
Good general
*sues you*