Total war warhammer factions thread

>The Empire of Man
White man

>green skins
Niggers,Sjws, Feminist, muslims

>Chaos Undivided
The Jews, Israel.(when ever chaos get close to your land it corrupts it degenerac)
LGBT and Traps

>Vampire Counts
Dracula, transylvania(romania)

Russia and poland

medieval France

>wood elves
Hippies loving tree huggers

Refugees, Ted Cruz, Shitskins, furries

Europe(dwarfs) getting overrun by Refuges(greenskins)

>playing games by a jew with the worst setting of ridiculously bad settings and a long history of terrible games
You might as well watch other people play WoW.

>Sup Forums thread


Did I do it right?

Honestly find it hard to get into the game compared with atilla. With the charlemagne camp i can RP as kebab remover or jihadi. The races in warhammer are hard to RP as. Maybe im just growing up.

>CA tries to sate their lust for shekels by making endtimes dlcs

the sieges in total war warhammer are shit and no strategy need it and lack of diversity in the factions just orcs,human everywhere

what have you done in service of the Prince of Altdorf, Elector Count of Reikland and our Emperor this day, Sup Forums?

Daily reminder if you buy the Chaos Dlc your jew lover

>hating on the green
SOD off amerilard.

>SJWs and niggers