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If it's either one, you're dangerously retarded and should be euthanized.

>implying I'd idolize some fag from a hollow earth cult who lost a war

Hi there "normal person"

not a hitler fan, but basically agree

Hitler didnt suck BBC on the regular so i will have to go with Milo.

One helps bring attention to how shitty sjw's are and tuns people into Trump supporters. The other blew your bankrupt country the fuck out.

>This is the guy nu/pol/ redditor cucks worship

You can't make this shit up

I'd tell you to kill yourself, but that would be a step up from living in Greece.


Milo is an attention whoring degenerate faggot that fucks niggers and uses neckbeard redditors to advance his career. The other guy is a symbol and inspiration for all European people