What's the difference between "libertarian" and "liberal"?

What's the difference between "libertarian" and "liberal"?

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Libertarians are incredibly autistic while liberals only care about muh feels


The yarmulke

both are retarded

One has a chance to win presidential elections.
The other are libertarians.


There are many varieties of american libertarianism.

Some advocate an anarcho-capitalist society(edge lords), some minarchism(edge lords), some localism(based motherfuckers), some social liberal/fiscally conservative(Gary Johnson) and at last constitutionalism(Rand Paul, Justin Amash).

>muh promotion of censorhip and silencing tactics
>muh media domination
>muh sugar daddy dictator, who controls my life

Libertarian is an extremist who wants you to be absolutely free. Liberal is a restrained libertarian.

Of couse it's worth to mention that socialists in the USA are called "liberals". I don't know why.

Liberals are left wing economically and socially

Libertarians are right wing economically and left wing socially


none aside from using diferent methods of destroying society

>Manbaby that erroneously believes he can maximize his utility better than government based on simplistic economic models that are wrong. He assumes this because he is a simple-minded monkey that needs simple models and heuristics to dogmatically apply in every situation. Uncertainty scares him.

>Acknowledges the reality of shades of grey and the fact that models are simply analogies for reality based on assumptions that often do not hold. Acknowledges the error that simple distribution algorithms lead to and has willingness to use progressive solutions to correct the error. Is not personally attached to any heuristic and is willing to discard them if they don't work.

Libertarians (at least the intelligent ones) recognize that egalitarianism is bullshit. They also don't want the state to force morality onto people, unlike liberals.

How do libertarians care about feels?

I believe that people should be able to do whatever they want, so long as they aren't fucking with anybody else's shit, but if you are fucking with somebody else's shit, you get your shit fucked with until you cut that shit out.

am I a libertarian?

memenatsoc detected

Check out this bitch niggas bait.

well fuck me, I guess I am.


Libertarianism is what liberalism should be, by the definition of the word liberty. But modern liberalism is for less liberty.

It's why I hate people use "leftist" and "liberal" interchangeably. Modern leftists and not liberals, being a classic liberal is now a right-wing position, if you subscribe to that spectrum at all.

>reading comprehension

of course it's the fucking British cuck, whose government is sponsoring the mass immigration of pakis and censoring their Internet.


gr8 b8 m8

Libertarianism is "classical liberalism" the belief that government should be decreased to protect personal freedom and offset this by having social contracts and "golden rule morality" instead of authoritarian government

Modern (((Liberalism))) is the belief that freedom is an obstacle to security from being offended and hurt, and that government should be increased to protect people from bad feelings and people who own scary objects

You've got it reversed. American liberals are called "socialist."

All black leather attire with the exception of those flame shirts

Hey man ! We have the same result...

But I find the quizz shitty honestly

Also : Right wing libertarianism is a thing u know ?

We don't have to be like liberal cucks !

Liberals are the ones fucking up America atm and Libertarians are divided in many groups, some including the ones who fight for freedom (in favor of all amendments and personal freedom), a less strict state control over the companies, and a more individualistic type of society without welfare and other bullshits.
If not noticable, Libertarian here

Right-libertarianism (or right-wing libertarianism) refers to libertarian political philosophies that advocate capitalist economics, negative rights, and a reactionary reversal of the modern welfare state.

>sounds good to me.

can someone post "dont step on snek" and "this is the exact opposite of what I requested"

Liberals are taken seriously

We libertarians neither need nor want input from others on what it is we are doing or what it is we want to do.

If you make money, you betray mother earth.

Libertarians are fascists in the making while Liberals are wannabe socialists that are too bourgeoisie to be actual socialists.

Libertarians know conservative values are superior but don't really give a fuck if degenerates do drugs, get AIDS, waste their money, and die in a gutter.
What libertarians don't realize is that when degenerates ruin their lives, they go whine to the government, and the government gets bigger.

Economics, mostly.

Liberal: Economic Left, Socially Authoritarian

Libertarian: Economic Right, Socially Libertarian

Couldn't have said it better

AnCaps =/= libertarians, retard.

Although there are some Anarchists in the Libertarian party (big L), they are different ideologies.

>gets bigger

until it doesn't

until something [i]else[/i] happens to it

Liberals are progressives manchild baby pieces of shit who think society owes them something

Libertarians are either leftwing, or rightwing, and have somewhat less extreme views of each side, usually.

>liberal: less govt. control of social issues (supposedly, except when it benefits them), more govt. control of economy
>libertarian: less govt. control of both social and economic issues

*tips fedora*

They are still free to degenerate their lives and according to the Libertarian view, the government should not give such groups special treatments because they are special sbowflakes, having laws that prevent such preference. If your government bends over and let the special snowflakes fuck you guys, its not our fault, its the lack of regulamentation of special giving aways such as welfare.

>when they whine to the govt. or us, we should just say you got what you deserved, stop fucking your life up. Now do you want me to give you a job? If not you can fuck off

Libertarian is an ideology dedicated to values of limited government and freedom and "liberal" is a term used to describe an archetype of people holding generally left-wing / socialist beliefs about society.

>Libertarians actually think that this is how the world works

>youtube.com/watch?v=Tb8cErokGFs [Remove]

Libertarianism is the idiotic belief that individuals are well informed enough to make decisions that affect everyone.

'Liberal' is used to indicate social liberalism
'Libertarian' is what used to be called economic liberalism or classic liberalism.

The term Liberalism has been butchered by the left and has no resemblance to its former meaning, hence the true liberals in the classical sense of the word had to rebrand and became libertarians.

Locke would turn in his grave if he saw what people now call 'Liberal'

>less govt

Nice coming from a Canadian.

>dat video
>answer the question
>"muh roads" he actually said it

What the fuck? There's no way this is normal, everyday libertarianism...

Locke wouldn't like libertarians much either, considering that they usually think that a piece of paper should trump the will of the elected government.

There isn't one except most people who identify as Liberals in this country are actually Fabian Socialists.

The liberal shows at least some degree of consistency.

Libertarians want everyone to leave everyone else alone except for voluntary interactions.

Liberals want to make everyone equal by robbing the rich to give to the poor.

Libertarianism (Latin: liber, "free") is a political philosophy that upholds liberty as its principal objective. Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice, emphasizing political freedom, voluntary association, and the primacy of individual judgment.

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.

Was that so hard to look up that you had to start a new thread?

This. I would not call strict constitutionalism "Liberal, or Libertarian". It is its own form of political revanchism in the Conservative ideology that seeks to undo change by appealing to prior tradition.

The US Constitution was always supposed to be a living document in the Classically Liberal sense. In that it would be changed by each generation to suit that generations needs and desires. A Liberal would argue that the Constitution is out of date and needs some heavy duty amending. A Libertarian would argue we don't need a Constitution at all.

>liberty and equality

top kek

False. No one is claiming that individuals are well informed. Libertarians believe that people should be allowed to make decisions on their own. Even if the decisions affect other people and despite the fact that people are not well informed.

In Europe, nothing. In the US, a lot.

There isn't one. Liberalism is libertarianism evolved.

>piece of paper

you better not be talking about the constitution, you statist whore.

>The liberal shows at least some degree of consistency

consistently delusional.

How many of them it takes to screw in a light bulb.

None. The state will do it.
None. The market will do it.

The word has been hijacked into oblivion. I refuse to call them liberals. I call them exclusively leftists, socialists, Marxists, or SJWs, but NEVER liberals. Join me in my quest to regain liberty, brothers.

>Even if the decisions affect other people
As long as the decision doesn't infringe or hurt people's property.

That is Socialism, not Liberalism. Liberalism believes in a society of equal chance, if not equal outcome. What you call "Robbing the rich", a Liberal calls taxation to fund public schools so that literacy is universal rather then something only rich people do to perpetuate static economic stratification.

Exactly, liberalism is one of the most contradictory philosophies ever. Egalitarian and libertarian societies are mutually exclusive.

Read some Locke and then get back to me. Libertarianism is joke compared to real classical liberalism.

Some nyance difference but practically synonyms.

Its because its a blanket term that applies to a whole spectrum of independent philosophies. Market Liberals are very different to Progressive Liberals. Both are called Liberals however.

I blame high school Left v. Right civics education for this problem. Its a common fallacy of the human brain to think it terms of opposites. Black, white. Good, Bad. Healthy, Unhealthy. Its a very useful evolutionary trait for a omnivorous animal like humans. These berries taste good, those berries will kill you. That animal is good prey, that animal you run away from.

When we try and apply this cognitive thought process to Politics however, it breaks down. Because politics is always a study in contradictions, variable outcomes, compromise and diversity.

In politics, the Berry is poisonous. Except when its not.


>schools will only be for the rich
There will be a demand for education, and a business will take advantage of that and sell it to the poor. That's simple economics.
Besides, the current system is flawed because you pay for (other people's) school for the rest of your life through taxation.

Addendum: there will be competition from schools, which will lead to cheaper prices to attract the most consumers.

Framing libertarianism as being "economically conservative and socially liberal" misses the entire point. Libertarianism is about people working together voluntarily for mutual benefit, and seeks to expand this to as many spheres of society as possible. This sort of cooperation is the driving force behind civilization itself. Government should facilitate this, not trample on it as is done in pretty much every government to varying extents.

This is because on both the right and the left governmental solutions are sought out first for every problem. This guts civil society and the ability of societies to develop voluntary nongovernmental solutions because the populace delegates to the political class who delegates to the bureaucratic class.

Necessity would change this. What would all those liberals do if they couldn't endlessly petition for governmental action? They'd seek to achieve their goals via private means, which are things like employee owned companies and co-ops and nonprofit charities. Well, some of them at least. But then they wouldn't be liberals - they'd be libertarians.

What would people do if we had a minimal government and they couldn't vote for free food, bread, or social engineering? They'd get to work. Politicians are fundamentally useless attention whores, and politics at large is a brain drain that distracts from real problem solving.

Except that's not what happened in the past.

>What's the difference between "libertarian" and "liberal"?
"Libertarian" is newspeak for liberal.

This is not true. Look at the variation of outcome at the collegiate level, or in communities with shitty tax bases. The term "you get what you pay for" is very much force majeur. Sure, there will be "Schools for the poor". And they will invariably suck.

I would argue that if the schools will be shitty, people will enroll their kids in a school that is better. The shitty school will either fail, or will be forced to have similar quality to its competitors.

That is why libertarians are constitutionalist. Doesn't matter how many people whine when the power of government is constitutionally limited.

>implying that a democratically elected government won't try to appease its citizens regardless of the constitutional restrictions on its power

There's a reason why libertarians usually evolve into authoritarian proto-fascists like Hoppe.

Doesn't mean it shouldn't be tried

Except we have just established that people have different economic outcomes. So they won't be able to afford better schools.

>real free market education has never been tried


Im pretty sure Nat Socs and the alt right are the autistic ones. Libertarians are just rednecks that like to smoke pot and dont have a problem with gay marriage.

limited democracy would be the best option for a libertarian state.

Such as only land owning white males can vote.

When i someone mentions Liberalism i think of California. When someone mentions Libertarianism i think of Alaska.

....one post by user.
>I hate you all

meme (meme) (((meme)))
>>>>>>>one post by this meme


You said that it didn't happen in the past, and I replied that we should try it. I'm probably misunderstanding you.

As I said, businesses will compete , and people will choose the one with the best programs to price ratio.

The basic premise of which is that there are no competitive forces at play and the education market just exists in a vacuum.

Except this is not the case. The vast majority of children in public education have parents who are unable to pay any taxation towards that education as all their income is eaten up solely by rent.

In a perfectly free economy, they would prioritize their expenditure and just pay rent. The kids would get no schooling at all, because no for profit industry (as education would be in a perfectly free market) does things for free.

liberals want freedom through help from the government
libertarians want freedom through less government

>Sure, there will be "Schools for the poor". And they will invariably suck.

They'll suck less when they don't have to double as a mini-penitentiary. One place will specialize in poor kids with a willingness to learn, another will specialize in future convicts.

A dysfunctional mix of both can only be created through a government monopoly.

Libertarian thinks you know what's best for you.

Liberal thinks they know what's best for you.

where my Georgist libertarians at?

>The kids would get no schooling at all, because no for profit industry (as education would be in a perfectly free market) does things for free.

Profit industry doesn't encompass everything - there's still charitable organizations, which actually have to compete between each other for donors.

why is charity always the go too excuse for getting rid of taxes.

These parents will have to find a job and work hard to pay for their kids education. It's entirely possible.

If they absolutely can't find a job, there are charity organizations that can help them. They can ask for friends or family for help. That's what was done in the past.

You're right, it's their choice to not send their children to school, but I'm pretty sure most parents would want to send their kids anyways because they want them to be educated.